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Home > Modulation in Antimcrobial Resistance by Using Apple Cider Vinegar and Black Seed Alone and in Combinations in Diabetic Foot Infections

Modulation in Antimcrobial Resistance by Using Apple Cider Vinegar and Black Seed Alone and in Combinations in Diabetic Foot Infections

Thesis Info


Syeda Mahanoor


Muhammad Adil Rasheed




University of Veterinary and Animal Sciences

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Degree Starting Year


Degree End Year


Viva Year


Thesis Completing Year


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Year of Viva Voce Exam was heald at UVAS and was Supervised by Muhammad Adil Rasheed in Sept 2019


2021-04-09 16:03:47


2024-03-24 20:25:49




The increased emergence of antibiotic resistance is an alarming situation. The present study was designed to check the anti-MRSA and Pseudomonas aeruginosa activity of apple cider vinegar and black seed oil when used alone and in combination with antibiotics ( amoxicillin, imipenem, cefotaxime, and vancomycin) against antibiotic resistant-MRSA and pseudomonas aeruginosa. The samples that were found resistant to each antibiotic were then selected and antibacterial activity of apple cider vinegar and black seed oil alone and in combination with resistant antibiotics were tested, by using well diffusion and broth microdilution method. The MIC of apple cider vinegar found by good diffusion was 2.5% acidity and for black seed, oil MIC was 512ug for pseudomonas aeruginosa and staphylococcus aureus. Broth dilution was performed by checkerboard method and FIC was calculated to check the synergism between test products and antibiotics which results in the reduction MIC of antibiotic making the results positive for our testing products in which all the samples showed partial to complete synergism. For Pseudomonas aeruginosa samples, MIC of cefotaxime, amoxicillin, vancomycin, and imipenem lowered in the ranges of 128ug to 64ug, 512ug to 128ug, 512ug to 128ug, and 128ug to 32ug respectively in combination with apple cider vinegar and with black seed oil 256 to 128ug, 512ug to 128ug, 512ug to 256ug and 128 to 32ug respectively. For Staphylococcus aureus MIC of cefotaxime, amoxicillin, vancomycin, and imipenem lowered in the ranges of 512 to 128ug, 512ug to 64ug, 256ug to 32ug, and 512ug to 128ug respectively in combination with apple cider vinegar and with black seed oil 512 to 128ug, 512ug to 128ug, 256ug to 64ug and 512 to 64ug respectively, hence modulated the bacterial resistance.

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Similarity was noted between SBM and HS as SBM receives hydrological influence from HS whereas, OC receives influence from HBM. A total of 69 species of copepods was recorded during this study. 47 species were identified under the order Calanoida, 17 species in order Cyclopoida and 3 species of harpacticoid copepods were identified. Out of 69 species, 23 species has been observed for the first time from Pakistani waters. The family Temoridae, Paracalanidae and Pseudodiaptomidae were the dominant among Calanoid. Within the cyclopoid copepods Corycaeidae, Oithonidae families were dominant throughout this study and 6 species of genus Oithona were recorded xii first time from Pakistan during this study. Euterpinidae family was the most dominant harpacticoid family with the single genus Euterpina acutifrons. Variations in diversity and density was noted between stations. Eucalanus bungii, Eucheata marina and Pontella securifer was totally absent from station HS. Candacia discaudata, Acartia ohatsukai and Copilia vitrea was totally absent at OC. Rhincalanus Sp., Clausocalanus minor, C. karachiensis, C. chierchiae, C. alocki, Candacia sp., Pontella securifer and Calanopia sp. were not recorded at HBM. Effects of mangrove energy flux on zooplankton community was accessed by the phytoplankton production and its trophic partaking to primary consumers which are zooplanktons. Major nutrients concentrations were determined to study the effects of nutrients on primary production. HS, a polluted station, was rich in NH4 and NO3 concentrations as compared to OC. At HBM substantial relation of NH4 was recorded with the phytoplankton biomass. Although nutrients provide energy for the growth of phytoplankton, other physical variables are also responsible for their growth such as temperature, DO and turbidity. Annual findings illustrate that the omnivore zooplankton were the major consumers in mangrove forest among the functional feeding groups of zooplankton. 56% and 59 % space was occupied by the Omnivore group at HBM and SBM respectively. Only 2-4% of the total zooplankton were detritivores. The tidal cycle was covered at HBM to study the mangrove influence. Overall nutrient concentration was high at MT and low at HT indicating outward flux of nutrients from mangroves. The same pattern was noted for phytoplankton biomass. Zooplankton density was high at HT and LTn as during night the zooplankton moves towards the surface. The phenomena of Dial-Vertical Migration was noted during tidal cycle as indicated through the high density of zooplankton during night sampling. The omnivore zooplankton were high during HT and MT. Inverted energy pyramids was formed at LTs where the detritivore zooplankton dominated the other groups. The out-welling of detritus from mangroves might be the possible cause of high abundance of detritivores at LTs. The results reveals that the study area supports high diversity and density of zooplankton. The variations in species composition between stations indicates the effect of environmental influences. The energy flux from mangroves appears to support the high diversity of zooplanktons not only within mangroves but to the surrounding waters outside the Manora Channel.