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Home > الصورة الشعرية في ديوان موكب النور للدكتور عدنان علي رضا النحوي

الصورة الشعرية في ديوان موكب النور للدكتور عدنان علي رضا النحوي

Thesis Info


نجيب الله جلال الدين


إسماعيل عمارة


Arabic Language




International Islamic University

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Arabic Language




2021-08-10 08:31:10


2023-01-06 19:20:37





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غزل گو شہزاد احمد از اسد عباس عابد

غزل گو شہزاد احمد  از اسد عباس عابد

وجیہہ ضمیر ایم فل اردو ، سرگودھا یونیورسٹی

2018 میں ادارہ "مثال" فیصل آباد سے ڈاکٹر اسد عباس عابد کی کتاب "  غزل گو شہزاد احمد" منصہ شہود پر آئی ہے

دو سو تراسی صفحات پر مشتمل یہ کتاب پانچ ابواب پر مبنی ہے ۔ اس کتاب میں ڈاکٹر اسد عباس عابد نے غزل گو شاعر شہزاد احمد کی زندگی کے گمشدہ گوشوں کو منظر عام پا لانے کی عمدہ کاوش ہے وہ اس کتاب کے شروع میں رقمطراز ہیں کہ

" شہزاد شناسی میں پائی جانے والی کمی کو دور کرنے کا ارادہ میں نے پہلی مرتبہ کتاب "شہزاد احمد کے شعری افکار " میں ظاہر کیا تھا ۔ اس سلسلے کی دوسری کڑی " غزل گو شہزاد احمد" کی صورت میں قارئین کے سامنے ہے"

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" پہلا باب " شہزاد احمد :سوانح اور شخصیت پر مبنی ہے

کسی کی شخصیت پر لکھنے سے پہلے ایک محقق کو متوازی رویہ اختیار کرنا پڑتا ہے تاکہ وہ تحغیر جانبدارانہ تحقیق کر سکے بسا اوقات محقق شخصیت پرستی میں اتنا بڑھ جاتے ہیں کہ زمین و آسمان کے قلابے ملا دیتے ہیں جبکہ کبھی اس قدر کج روی کا مظاہرہ کرتے ہیں کہ بڑی سے بڑی شخصیت کا قد بونا محسوس ہونے لگتا ہے ایک محقق کو تعصب اور حمایت سے بالا تر ہو کر تحقیق کرنی چائیے ۔ ڈاکٹر اسد عباس عابد نے  پہلے باب میں شہزاد احمد کی حیات زندگی سے...

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Acquisition of peace, eradication of crimes and cleaning a society of all immoral activities is the basic and equal need of all human beings without any differentiation of any worldly and divine religions, on the basis of this need, Imam Ghazali declared “peace” is the purpose of Islamic jurisprudence.  Islamic jurisprudence expects protection of faith, life, reason, race and property from humans for the humans. Protection and prevalence of theses five purposes is called peace in Islamic jurisprudence. In the religion of our world, there are two ways of acquisition of peace, eradication of crimes and protection of property, First awareness and fright of divine punishments on committing a sin or sins, Secondly, to punish the wrong doer on the basis of the nature of his/her crime in the circle of pure justice.            These worldly punishments have remained different in different ages and religions while in our modern world and revolted era, punishments of Islamic Jurisprudence are considered stick and against the humans rights, especially punishments relating to adultery and fornication. It is therefore, considered imperative to compare these punishment relating to adultery and fornication, we have in our Islamic jurisprudence to those of other religion in order to unearth the relating of considering Islamic punishments strict and against the human rights.

What influences the decision to opt for entrepreneurship?

This thesis develops a preliminary profile for entrepreneurs in order to determine which factors influence the decision to opt for entrepreneurship, and whether they vary across selected countries. The model takes perceptual factors into account, in addition to the traditional demographic variables which dominate the literature. A pooled dataset of 69 countries - surveyed in 2010 and 2011 by the Global Entrepreneurship Monitor (GEM) — is utilized, with similar sets of economies classified as being either factor-driven, efficiency—driven or innovation—driven. The data is analyzed in several stages: first, a probit model is run on the entire dataset, referred to as the “global sample". Then, similar results are estimated on a sample consisting of observations from Pakistani respondents only, referred to as the "Pakistan sub-sample", and Bangladeshi respondents only , referred to as the “Bangladesh sub-sample". The results are also extended to the grouping of factor- driven economies - which are at similar stages of economic development — referred to as the "factor-driven sub-sample“. A comparative table juxtaposes choices concerning entrepreneurship in Pakistan, neighboring Bangladesh, factor-driven economies and the world in general. The results indicate that, globally, there is a quadratic (non-linear) relationship between age and entrepreneurial inclination, women are on average less likely to pursue entrepreneurship than men, and individuals who are already doing paid work are likelier candidates to turn entrepreneur. Among the perceptual variables, three variables — opportunity awareness. personally knowing an entrepreneur, and self-confidence in one‘s own knowledge, skills and abilities — increase the likelihood of a person turning entrepreneur, whereas the fear of failure reduces this probability. By comparison, for Pakistan, factors like age and gender have less importance, whereas perceptual variables like personally knowing an entrepreneur and self-confidence are correlated with the decision to pursue entrepreneurship