تائب نظامی کی شعری کائنات
بے سہاروں کا یہاں بوجھ اُٹھانے کے لیے
کوئی تیار نہیں اپنا بنانے کے لیے
پیار ہر ایک سے کرنا ہی مری دعوت ہے
میرا پیغام محبت ہے زمانے کے لیے
شعری مجموعہ’’ صبحِ قفس‘‘ کے خالق غلام علی متخلص بہ تائب نظامی ۴مئی ۱۹۶۸ء کو چک تیمورشاہ تحصیل تاندلیا نوالا میں پیدا ہوئے لیکن پچھلے کئی برسوں سے محلہ عیدگاہ پاک پتن میں مقیم ہیں۔ ان کی پہچان کے متعدد حوالوں میں سے ایک معتبر حوالہ یہ ہے کہ وہ ایک اچھے شاعر ہیں۔ وہ اُردو اور پنجابی دونوں زبانوں میں طبع آزمائی کرکے ادبی حلقوں میں اپنی الگ اور منفرد پہچان بنانے میں کافی حدتک کامیاب نظر آتے ہیں۔ ان کے نصف درجن کے قریب پنجابی ، اردو شعری مجموعے تکمیلی مراحل میں ہیں جن میں تین اردو شعری مجموعے شامِ قفس، شبِ قفس، کنجِ قفس کے علاوہ ایک نعتیہ مجموعہ ’’مولائے کل‘ ‘ او ر ایک پنجابی شعری مجموعہ’’ ریت دے کوٹھے‘‘قابلِ ذکر ہیں۔ انھو ں نے متعدد اصناف میں طبع آزمائی کرکے اپنی قادرالکلامی کا بین ثبوت پیش کیا ہے جن میں حمد، نعت ، مناقب اور اردو پنجابی غزلیات شامل ہیں۔
چوں کہ شاعر معاشرے کا ایک حساس فرد ہوتا ہے اس لیے اپنے گردو پیش میں رونما ہونے والے واقعات وحادثات کو اور طرح سے دیکھتا اور محسوس کرتا ہے پھر وہی زمانے کی ناہمواریوں کو تخیل کے پر لگا کر موزوں الفاظ میں سماج کے سامنے پیش کر دیتا ہے گویا ایک طرح وہ معاشرے کا ترجمان ہوتا ہے۔ اگر وہ سماج میں افلاس کا غلبہ دیکھتا ہے تو غریبوں کی آواز بن جاتا ہے، اگر حکمرانوں کا ظلم دیکھتا ہے تو صدائے احتجاج بلند کرتا نظر آتا ہے، اگر معاشرے میں اسے ظلم و ستم بڑھتا نظرآتا ہے تو وہ...
Foreign Exchange trading is when you buy and sell foreign currencies to generate profit. In our age of advance technology even the virtual or digital currencies have now emerged. This entire business however is mostly based upon speculation and prediction. Even the most skilled and experienced traders face difficulty in predicting movements in currencies. Further, the value of not well established currencies can fluctuate or its exchange rate value can change any time. In view of occupying central place in the economic systems down the ages, Muslim scholars have also vehemently discussed currency, its significanc and matters relating to it in transactions. The present article reviews trading of foreign currencies from Islamic perspective in a situation when no cash is involved in the transaction. The article concludes that as the currencies in such transactions are different commodities, therefore their trade is legal.
There is great need in science education to promote students' scientific thinking to understand the natural and human-made phenomena in scientific manner. Argumentation is considered as one of the ways to promote scientific-thinking. But studies in the area of argumentation in the context of the developing world could not be located. Therefore, this study aimed to understand and explore the processes to apply the strategies to promote students' argumentation in a science grade seven of a public school in Karachi, Pakistan. The practical action research methodology based on cyclic model by Kemmis, McTaggart and Retallick (2004) was used to attain the aim of the study. This model is based on identifying the general idea, reconnaissance stage to identify the prevalent teaching and learning situation, planning, implementation, and monitoring of implementation process. In this study five students of class VII and one science teacher voluntarily participated. The data was collected through classroom observations, interviews, field notes, reflective journal, audio-recording of the students' conversation, and document analysis. The data was analyzed in two steps; on-going data analysis continued throughout the data collection process, and overall data was analyzed at the completion of the implementation process. In this regard, Toulmin Argument Pattern (TAP) was used to assess students' arguments. The results revealed that the students could construct better level of arguments by using claim, data and warrant components of TAP, through applying two different strategies. Such as: the whole-class discussion based-on students' personal experiences along with teachers' and students' questioning, and Predict-Observe-Explain (POE) along with working model about the sun, earth and moon. Besides, these strategies also facilitated the development of other aspects of argument like construction of content knowledge, scientific thinking, and culture for argument including questioning, acceptance of ideas, the social dimensions of argument and decision-making during argumentation. Moreover, during debate the students proposed arguments and counter arguments but could not demonstrate scientific attitude and social-dimension of argumentation. Modeling was implemented for development of the language for argument, through this students could visualize a suggested practice and they frequently demonstrated similar use of language to question or challenge the ideas and claims of each other. Subsequently, these questions seemed to create culture of argument and reasoning discussion in the classroom. However, during modeling students could demonstrate the use of appropriate language to challenge ideas but rarely presented and supported own ideas. The study implies that argumentation should be an important component