المبحث الرابع: تعليمها
یقول الشاعر ’’نزار‘‘ عن شقیقتہ إنھا نشأت وسط عائلۃ أدبیۃ وراثیاً أباً عن جد، فقد کان والد الشاعرۃ صادق الملائکۃ شاعراً مشھوراً وکاتباً، وألف وحدہ ’’دائرۃ معارف الناس‘‘ وذلک سیر وشخصیات الأعلام المشھورین الراحلین من العرب۔ تتکون من 36 مجلداً، وھي ربما محفوظۃ إلی الآن لدی ھيئة حکومیۃ في بغداد، وإلی الآن لم تطبع، وکانت والدتہا شاعرۃ أیضاً ولھا دیوان ’’أنشودۃ المجد‘‘ وکانت مشھورۃ بإسم ’’ أم نزار الملائکۃ‘‘ ولکن اسمھا الحقیقي ھو سلمی عبدالرازق الملائکۃ۔
یتضح من ذلک ثقافۃ والدیھا، وعندما بلغت نازک الملائکۃ الخامسۃ من عمرھا فکر أبویھا علی أن یدخلاھا المدرسۃ، فاختارو لھا الروضۃ التابعۃ للإبتدائیۃ المرکزیۃ في العاقولیۃ۔ وبعد أن انتھت من الدراسۃ الثانویۃ التحقت بمعھد المعلمین العالي وتخرجت سنۃ 1942م۔
درست نازک العزف علی العود، والتمثیل، واللغۃ اللاتینیۃ، واللغۃ الفرنسیۃ، والأدب الانکلیزي، واتجھت الی کتابۃ النثر عام 1951م، ومرضت والدتھا مرضاً مفاجئاً عام 1953 فکتبت قصیدۃ سمتھا ’’ثلاث مرات لأمي‘‘ ودرست في وسکنسن عام 1954، وسافرت الی بیروت۔ وفي عام 1958م قامت في العراق ثورہ 14 تموزہ وقبل ذلک قد عُینت مدرسۃ معیدۃ في کلیۃ التربیۃ في بغداد، فلما عادت 1960م في بیروت الی بغداد تعرفت الی زمیل جدید في قسم اللغۃ العربیۃ في الکلیۃ ھو الدکتور عبدالھادي محبوبۃ وتزوجتہ ومعھا لیسانس بالتربیۃ منذ 1944م من جامعۃ بغداد وأیضاً دخلت معھد الفنون وتخرجت سنۃ 1949م من قسم الموسیقي، وأنھا حصلت علی شھادۃ الماجستیر في الأدب المقارن من جامعۃ مادسن وسکونس عام 1950م من الولایات المتحدۃ الأمریکیۃ، ثم عُینت أستاذۃ في جامعۃ بغداد وجامعۃ البصرۃ وأخیراً جامعۃ الکویت۔
Strategic issues are the core of the work of business organizations and occupy the main pillar of the work of commercial banks, whose fields of work and their competitive environment have developed. Strategic flexibility has become an urgent and binding issue for the commercial banking sector to keep pace with environmental changes and developments and raise the performance of banks to keep pace with environmental developments. The research aims to delve into two very important variables by doing The commercial banking sector, which is flexibility The strategy and performance of the banks. Six commercial banks were chosen to be happy with the research (Baghdad, Iraqi investment, Gulf, investment development, Al-Mansour, Babylon). A member of bank managers, people's officials, and accountants in commercial banks. The data were subjected to statistical analysis by applying the statistical program (spss). The results demonstrated an impact on the overall level of the two variables. The study (strategic flexibility, bank performance) The findings revealed the existence of relationships between (banking service flexibility, competitive flexibility, investment flexibility, and human resource flexibility). And bank performance at the sub-dimension level (financial dimension, customer dimension, internal operations dimension, education and growth dimension). The study came to a set of conclusions and suggestions.
Dyslipidemia is an abnormal amount of lipids (e.g. triglycerides, cholesterol and/or fat
phospholipids) in the blood. It is classified as presentation in the body (together with the specific
type of lipid that is increased and underlying cause for the ailment (genetic, or secondary to
another condition). Low density lipoprotein receptor gene is known as most important in the
development of dyslipidemia. In this study, blood from patients (n=25) and normal individuals
(n=25) were used to estimate lipid profile and DNA extraction. Lipid profiling was done through
spectrophotometer technique. DNA extracted using standard organic method. DNA
quantification will be done on agarose gel electrophoresis and nano-drop. Tetra-primers were
designed for rs6511720 polymorphism in the LDLR gene to genotype through ARMS PCR
technique. Designed ARMS PCR primers will be useful run on agarose gel to identify the
genotype. Genotyping data was analyzed using statistical technique.
389bp was achieved in all of the samples which was control band and will be used to
produce allele specific bands i.e. of 257bp and 192bp. Though the intensity of control fragments
was weak, the samples are correctly genotyped as evident from the sequencing and BLAST
results. Statistical analysis has shown the conformance with HW-principle showing that the
samples were collected randomly. But association was not found because of low sample size.
T-ARMS may be proven as rapid test to diagnose the mutation in LDLR gene causing the early
prognosis of the dyslipidemia