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Home > قرآن کریم میں قلب کی مختلف کیفیات اور قلبی امراض کا علاج منتخب تفاسیر کی روشنی: تحقیق مطالعہ برائے ایم فل علوم اسلامیہ

قرآن کریم میں قلب کی مختلف کیفیات اور قلبی امراض کا علاج منتخب تفاسیر کی روشنی: تحقیق مطالعہ برائے ایم فل علوم اسلامیہ

Thesis Info


شبیر احمد


عبد الحمید خان عباسی


Department of Islamic Studies




Allama Iqbal Open University

Institute Type








Thesis Completing Year


Thesis Completion Status





Islamic Studies




Classification: 297.1227 ش ب ق


2022-07-09 15:11:20


2023-02-19 12:33:56





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مولوی مجید حسن

مولوی مجید حسن
افسوس ہے پچھلے دنوں مولوی مجید حسن صاحب مالک اخبا ر مدینہ بجنور کا انتقال ہوگیا۔مرحوم نے اپنے اخبار کے ذریعہ ملک وملّت کی جوعظیم اورطویل خدمات انجام دی ہیں اُن کوہندوستانی صحافت کی تاریخ کاکوئی طالبِ علم نظر انداز نہیں کرسکتا۔ اُن کی پوری زندگی جدوجہد اورمحنت ومشقت کی تفسیر تھی اوراس اعتبارسے وہ آج کل کے نوجوانوں کے لیے ایک لائقِ تقلید نمونہ تھے۔علمائے دیوبند کے بڑے گرویدہ اورنہایت مخیر وسیر چشم انسان تھے، اﷲ تعالیٰ اُن کی قبر ٹھنڈی رکھے۔ [جنوری ۱۹۶۷ء]


Perilaku Petani dalam Menghadapi Fluktuasi Harga Sawit Menurut Perspektif Ekonomi Syariah

The frequently fluctuating price of palm oil causes palm oil farmers in Tanjung Kudu, Kualu Village, to take action to overcome their family's economic problems as a result of prices fluctuating drastically. The aim of this research is to determine the behavior of oil palm farmers in facing price fluctuations and to determine the Islamic economics review of the behavior of oil palm farmers in facing price fluctuations in Tanjung Kudu, Kualu Village. This research is field research located in Tanjung Kudu, Kualu Village. The informants in this research were 10 oil palm farmers with the criteria being farmers who had a plantation area of more than 2 hectares and had worked for a minimum of 5 years. Data collection techniques through observation, interviews and documentation. Data analysis is descriptive qualitative. It was found that oil palm farmers carry out various kinds of behavior to increase family income, such as working side jobs, becoming farm laborers, construction workers, traders, and others. Some of the oil palm farmers' wives also help in increasing the family's income by opening small businesses such as opening a breakfast business, a daily shop business, and a laundry business. The behavior of oil palm farmers in facing price fluctuations applies the principle of honesty, always trying to earn a living, not being discouraged, never giving up, being responsible for family needs, and not being lazy in working.  

Partitioning of Some Selected Contaminants in the Environment of Azad Jammu and Kashmir Ajk , Pakistan

It has been a rising stress from the last few decades that living organisms (animals and plants) are unprotected toward release of toxic substances into the environment. Toxic properties and ecological conducts of these harmful substances are of universal apprehension because of their tenacious, bio-accumulative and lethal belongings towards environmental reliabilities, humans and biota. Among these chemicals, various toxic chemicals i.e. heavy metals, polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) and organochlorine pesticides (OCPs) have been investigated for their effect on biota via different routes of application. Present research was conducted, to evaluate the spatial distribution patterns, pollution load, fingerprinting, source apportionment, ecological risks of persistent organic pollutants (POPs) and heavy metals among environmental matrixes of riverine environment from Azad Jammu and Kashmir (AJK). Samples of air, water, sediment, soil, dust, human hair and human nails were collected during May-June 2014 from eleven selected locations along river Neelam, river Kunhar, river Poonch and river Jhelum. Atomic absorption photometer and Gas Chromatography Mass Spectrometry (GCMS) were used to analyze the desired pollutants from collected matrices from the study area. It was revealed from results that the mean ƩOCPs concentration ranged from 4.95 to 13.07 pg/L (mean: 8.85 ± 2.96 pg/L) in water - Poly Ethylene (PE), 14.06 to 191.02 pg/m3 (mean: 101.90 ± 65.14 pg/m3) in air, and 65.97 to 592.86 pg/g (231.27 ± 209.50 pg/g) in soil samples; with ƩDDTs, ƩChlordane and ƩHCHs are the most abundant OCPs contaminants in the environment. The ∑33PCBs congeners were detected in each studied environmental compartment and concentrations ranged from 31.17 to 175.25 pg/L (mean: 81.01 ± 46.47 pg/L), ND to 1908.72 pg/g (mean: 1054.08 ± 5 88.53 pg/g), and 29.82 to 94.41 pg/m3 (mean: 52.92 ± 22.70 pg / m3) in the water - PE, soil and air samples, respectively. The homologs profile of PCB from the study area indicated the dominance of hepta - CBs in water passive samplers of poly ethylene (PE), penta - CBs in soil, and hexa - CBs in air, respectively. While, the dioxin-like PCBs (DL - PCBs) has also contributed significantly among the total PCBs. The nationwide comparison of OCPs levels revealed that the current levels were relatively lower than adjacent plain regions. Highest mean ∑PCBs concentrations were found in soil 74%, followed by, water PE 8% and air samples 4% among the investigated tributaries of river Jhelum. Overall the most polluted sites along river Jhelum identified as Kohala, Damashi and Chakothi. In particular, the site Damishi which receives the water flow starting from through Jalkhad area in the valleys of Kaghan, Naran Garhi Habibullah, Balakot and finally emerges in river Jhelum outside Muzaffarabad city, near at village Damishi Pattan in Azad Kashmir. Results of heavy metals analysis showed that the Chromium (Cr) in the ground water ranged 3.50-7.43 mg/L and its mean value calculated Cr 5.49 mg/L. The Cr concentration in all the ground water samples exceeded the WHO guidelines for ground water 0.05 mg/L. Manganese (Mn) ranged17.80-36.86 mg/Lwhile its mean value recorded 28.57 mg/L. The concentration of Mn in ground water samples exceeded WHO guidelines 0.5 mg/L. Nickle (Ni) concentration measured 0.00-8.29 mg/L while its mean value was calculated 1.49 mg/L. Higher concentration of heavy metals were found in water samples collected from urban areas as compared to semi urban or rural areas while among three different studied zones, the concentrations of heavy metlas in all soil samples recorded within permissible limits suggested by Eurpeon Union (EU) and World Health Organizatio (WHO). Altogether pragmatic steps are required to attain the ecologically unsafe litters comprising persistent organic pollutants, distressing ecological partitions and finally, health of the human being. The ecological relations of POPs make efforts predictable for migration, cross-cutting approaches, prevention and control of these pollutants.