23. Al-Mu’minun/The Believers
I/We begin by the Blessed Name of Allah
The Immensely Merciful to all, The Infinitely Compassionate to everyone.
a. Indeed, The Believers will succeed.
a. The Believers are those who humble themselves in their Salat/Prayers,
a. and those who avoid frivolous talk and behavior,
a. and those who regularly pay out the Zakat/annual charity,
a. and those who guard their chastity -
except from their spouses or from those whom their right hands possess -
for then, indeed, they are free from blame.
a. But whoever seeks beyond that limit, those - they are the transgressors,
a. and those who faithfully keep their trusts, pledges, contracts, and promises,
a. and those who guard their Salat/Prayers from worldly distractions.
a. It is they - they are the inheritors -
who will inherit the Paradise of Firdaws,
they will live therein forever!
And, indeed, WE created the human being out of the essence of clay.
Thereafter, WE made him as a mingled drop in a secure repository of the female’s womb.
And, then, WE made an embryo/clot from the drop,
and then WE made a lump from the embryo/clot,
and, then, WE made bones from the chewed-up lump,
and, then, WE clothed the bones with flesh and muscles.
And, then, out of that tiny drop, WE structured him into yet another creation.
So Exalted is Allah - the Best Creator of all creators!
This article is an attempt to elaborate the phenomenon of equilibrium prevailing everywhere in the microcosmic and macrocosmic systems associated with universal stability and rhythm. It has been accentuated what is beautifully illuminated in the beginning verses of Sūrah Al-Rahmān successively regarding balance that invites one’s thought towards the well controlled cosmic system as well as with the concept of balance by means of different manners as identified by exegetes and scholars concerning daily life i.e. From simple and common to that of complex issues and intricacies. Qualitative method has been employed for this research while some aspects have also been handled in accordance with quantitative approach. Article also emphasized the series of cause and effect nexus may be declared as self explanatory episode an indication towards a Supreme Force whose widespread control and interference can’t be denied rationally. Sūrah beautifully pictured the physical and metaphysical sketch of balance having many dimensions from man to universe and vice versa as well as from both towards Ultimate Reality whose dominion is limitless where one has to follow peaceful living and to put oneself aside indulging any disruption from ordinary clash to that of nuclear war to be waged.
Structuralism and The Contemporary Paradigm of Teaching Literature in Pakistan Four tensions define the researcher's approach to the problem of teaching English literature in Pakistan. These are generated by the differences between the society that has produced this literature on one side and the society that is trying to make some use out of it on the other, together with the general displacement of literature as the touchstone of social wisdom by science. The researcher has tested some of the old assumptions about literature, the reasons traditionally adduced for teaching it and the supposed benefits of doing so. Possibilities for rationalizing the objectives, processes and methods of teaching it in Pakistan are also explored, and the researcher has offered some recommendations at the end of the thesis.