وصال مبارک
آنحضرتؐ کی تاریخ وفات میں اختلاف پایا جاتا ہے البتہ جن امور پر علماء کا اتفاق ہے ۔ وہ یہ ہیں۔ اول سال وفات ۱۱ ھ ہے۔ دوم مہینہ ربیع الاول کا تھا۔ سوم یکم سے ۱۲ ربیع الاول تک کوئی تاریخ تھی۔ چہارم دو شنبہ کا دن تھا۔ اس سلسلہ میں مولانا شبلی ( سیرت النبی۔ج۲۔ ص۔۱۱۲ ) حاشیہ لکھتے ہیں کہ ارباب سیّر کے ہاں تین روایتیں ہیں یکم ربیع الاول‘ دوم اور ۱۲ ربیع الاول۔ ان تینوں روایتوں میں باہم ترجیح دینے کے اصول روایت و درایت دونوں سے کام لینا ہے اور روایت دوم ربیع الاول کی‘ ہشام بن محمد سائب کلبی اور ابو مخنف کے واسطے سے مروی ہے۔ اس روایت کو اکثر قدیم مورخوں ( مثلاََ یعقوبی و مسعودی وغیرہ) نے قبول کیا ہے لیکن محدثین کے نزدیک یہ دونوں مشہور دروغ گو اور غیر معتبر ہیں۔ یہ روایت واقدی سے بھی ابن سعد و طبری نے نقل کی ہے( جزء وفات) لیکن واقدی کی مشہور ترین روایت جس کو اس نے متعدد اشخاص سے نقل کیا ہے وہ ۱۲ ربیع الاول کی ہے۔ البتہ بیہقی نے دلائل میں مسند صحیح سلیمان التیمی سے دوم ربیع الاول کی روایت نقل کی ہے( نور النبراس ابن سید الناس‘ وفات) لیکن یکم ربیع الاول کی روایت ثقہ ترین ارباب سیر موسیٰ بن عقبہ سے اور مشہور محدث امام لیث مصری سے مروی ہے۔ امام سہیلی نے روض الانف میں اسی روایت کو اقرب الی الحق لکھا ہے اور سب سے پہلے امام مذکور ہی نے روایتاََ اس نکتہ کو دریافت کیا کہ ۱۲ ربیع الاول کی روایت قطعاََ ناقابل تسلیم ہے کیوں کہ وہ باتیں یقینی طور پر ثابت ہیں‘ روز وفات دو شنبہ کا دن تھا۔ اس سے تقریباََ تین مہینے پہلے ذوالحجہ ۱۰ ھ روز جمعہ سے ۱۲...
Fashionable dressing is a very sensitive issue for females, it creates sometimes confusion that what are the limits and orders of “Shariah” for it. So I try to inform all females a proper dress code in the light of Islamic “Shariah”. Islam is not against the fashion but it says that it should be only for “Mahrams” and it should not be out of limits. So the article deals to clarify needs and importance of dress, dress codes in Islam as well as the usage of different type of dressings like thin, fitted, expensive and costly, male dresses, uneven (not according to Islam) etc. It will clarify the confusion which makes us confused in fashionable dressing and how much it is allowed to keep them in use. Islam has provided guidance in dressing like in any other fields of life as well as fashion is allowed by Allah as blessing but according to the rules and regulation of Islamic “Shariah” and do not try to go against it. That is why we have to be aware and careful while fashioning.
This study aimed to explore the underlying relation between Information and Communication Technology (ICT) and the factors that promote global citizenship among university undergraduates of Karachi, Pakistan through a mixed method approach. Globalization has had numerous and multifaceted effects on education policies and practices at various levels. Therefore, this study aimed to highlight the significance of ICT use as a tool for fostering global citizenship among university undergraduates of Karachi, Pakistan. The study also examined the impact of ICT on factors that promote global citizenship among university students. The Global Citizenship Survey questionnaire was used for quantitative data and open ended interviews were conducted to collect qualitative data. A total of 400 students from private and public sector universities participated in this study. The researcher adopted explanatory, sequential mix- method design. A non-parametric correlation analysis and chi square test revealed the positive relationship between global citizenship and ICT among undergraduate students of private and public sector universities in Karachi. Five factors emerged from the data representing a relationship of ICT with global citizenship. Regression analysis was also performed and revealed the same fact as stated earlier. The study revealed that being a developing country, Pakistani student has ICT access at their universities and they were fully well versed with ICT and its tools. They also agreed that ICT not only developing global knowledge and enhancing communication skill but also promoting respect and acceptance of cultural diversity, national and societal responsibility among them. The qualitative findings highlighted five major themes; Global Awareness, Belongings, Global Communities, Caring, and Commitment to Action. The themes of qualitative study revealed that they have a more global awareness now, ongoing injustices in the world and that’s especially about online websites helped them in getting all the knowledge and information and in gaining this their communication skills helped them a lot. Internet technologies have bridged the geographic distance that separate global communities. Global students understand, respect and appreciate different ways of life and raise their voice against the injustices happening around the world like discrimination, poverty and the unsatisfactory right to use for education. The students understood that when calling themselves global citizens they have a feeling of unity and harmony with others, they explained it as a mental attachment to other people in other places. They also showed with global learning students can integrate multiple disciplinary perspectives and their critical thinking skills welcome diversity. They bear responsibility for global issues and take action to protect and improve local and global communities. The study concluded with a focus on Praxis, offering recommendations and suggestions for practice and further research into student mobility as a site of global citizen-making.