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تحقیق كتاب الغریبین فی الحدیث والقرآن لابی عبیدالهروی

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غلام مرتضیٰ آزاد




The Islamia University of Bahawalpur






علومِ قرآنیہ , کتب بینی و تعارفِ کتب


2023-02-16 17:15:59


2023-02-17 21:08:06





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Interference Aware Energy Efficient Topology Control and Routing in Selfish Wireless Ad Hoc Networks

In wireless ad hoc networks, the devices are equipped with constrained energy resources, therefore, efficient utilization of these resources is essential to prolong the operation of the network. In this thesis, we address energy efficiency problem in selfish wireless ad hoc networks and develop multiple algorithms to improve the performance of these networks. The proposed solutions establish energy efficient network topology, minimize route discovery overhead, and reduce interference in the network, which are the primary factors that degrade the performance of the wireless ad hoc network. The proposed topology control solution establishes connections among nodes using game theory such that the energy consumption of the nodes is minimized. In order to reduce the energy consumption of the nodes during route search operation, we develop two route discovery algorithms that reduce redundant transmission of route request packets in the network. In addition, we propose an interference aware cooperative routing (IACR) protocol that minimizes the interference in the network by establishing low interference routes between source and the destination using node cooperation. As a result, improvement in network throughput and reduction in energy consumption is achieved. In order to prove the efficiency and improvement of proposed solutions, we perform extensive simulations for various network parameters and compare the results with previously proposed algorithms. The simulation results demonstrate that the proposed algorithms improve the energy consumption of individual nodes during topology establishment and route discovery phase while the IACR algorithm improves the end-to-end quality of the route. The results show that the proposed solutions are better in terms of reduced energy consumption, low end-to-end delay, higher throughput, and reduced control packet overhead as compared to conventional approaches.