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Home > شاہ ولی اللہ کی مابعد الطبیعیات

شاہ ولی اللہ کی مابعد الطبیعیات

Thesis Info


غلام مرتضیٰ




University of the Punjab



Degree Starting Year





فلسفہ و علمِ کلام


2023-02-16 17:15:59


2023-02-16 17:33:40





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پھانسی والے جیالے

سرفروشی کے انداز بدلے گئے تو دعوت قتل پر مقتل شہر میں

ڈال کر کوئی گردن میں طوق آ گیا لاد کر کوئی کاندھے پہ دار آ گیا

مارشل لاء کے دور میں پھانسی پانے والے پاکستان پیپلز پارٹی کے جیالے ۔مرزا ادریس بیگ شہید،ادریس طوطی شہید،عثمان غنی شہید،عبدلرزاق جھرنا شہید ،ایاز سموں شہید ،ناصر بلوچ شہید


عہد صحابہ میں شمائلِ نبویﷺکا اسلوب بیان

All the companions (Shaba R.A.) would get the pleasure of feasting their eyes with the sight of prophet’s (S.A.W) appearance while being in his companionship for years. They would memorize the attained knowledge from prophet (S.A.W) and convey it to the audience with the paradigm of excellence in the personality of prophet (S.A.W). These aspects are discussed in books of Hadith and Seerat-e-Nabawi (S.A.W) as incidence, but are out of study of scholastic group. Hence, the one researching Seerat-e-Nabawi (S.A.W) cannot infer these contents. Many initial books on the physical description of Prophet (S.A.W) have partially focused on the limited aspects of physical description of Prophet (S.A.W) while a large number of these aspects could not be discussed and included. It was essential to primarily identify and include such worth- knowing but overlooked aspects of Prophet‘s physical description in the books of Hadith and Seerat.

Fog Framework for Mobile Devices With Minimal Latency

Latency is rapidly becoming critical in cloud computing. Latest services and applications in various vertical markets requir low latency. Today every type of business networking channels is running with blazing fast speed which requires ultra-low latency within minimum time scale. The industries which are achieving the lowest latency are surviving while other slow competitors fall behind. Users are demanding real-life applications with low latency which helps them to obtain their desire services within a very limited time in their range. Networking communication relies on critical tasks such as Storage, communication, control management, and configuration, etc. to accommodate the effective communication. Cloud system with its prerequisites is developing rapidly. Cloud is a leading enabler for various communications tasks. In a congested network, the cloud is creating unbearable and unstable high latency for computerized gadgets which demand high bandwidth. This is an alarming situation for the performance of smart applications and mobile devices in a network. The flexibility of providing applications anywhere in dense network is the beauty of cloud, but this flexibility comes at the price of unstable, unpredictable high latencies which are horrific in this ultra-fast time-period. Fog brings distributed resources near to different users to support fast streaming with reducing latency. Currently, mobile devices are gaining popularity due to their mobility.Technology enhancement from cloud to fog is a computation of distributing resources at the edge where fog bring it near to different mobile users to support fast streaming with reducinglatency. Fog networks are not very dense with distantly located servers, to provide services at the edge very speedily with low latency. Fog with emerging technology is best to keep a table latency for mobile communication. Currently, heavy data is delivering and retrieving from various geographically scattered users. So, theconceptual framework of fog to minimize the latency of mobile devices is proposed. This framework of fog is willing to sponsor mobile devices with their smart applications at the edge with low latency. So, it can provide data in minimal time to analyze and respond . to validate the performance of fog conceptual framework, algorithms are also presented. To check the performance of fog framework iFogSim (simulator) is also used. Fog is willing to keep the minimum stable by cut down the traffic burden for mobile users by providing services and resources near the user.