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شاہ ولی اللہ کی مابعد الطبیعیات

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غلام مرتضیٰ




University of the Punjab



Degree Starting Year







2023-02-16 17:15:59


2023-02-17 21:08:06





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اللغة الأردية

اللغة الأردية

(حسب ترتيب حروف الهجاء)


نیازمانه پبلیکیشنز لاھور

جوش، شخصیت، افکار، زبان و بیان

احمد ، ڈاکٹر یحیٰی



مكتبه عالیه لاہور

اردو شاعری کا مزاج

آغا ، ڈاکٹر وزیر

  1. فقہ اسلامی میں قسامت کا تصور

    Islam lays great emphasis on security and the sanctity of human life. The holy Quran terms killing of an innocent person as killing of the whole humanity. It prohibits unjust killing of human being in unequivocal terms. The holy Qur’an and Sunnah terms killing of an innocent person as one of the greatest sins. An eternal torment is the destiny of a killer who takes life of a person unjustly. However, it is also a bitter fact that hardly   a crime free society could be found   anywhere in the world. Peace prevails only in those societies where culprits are brought to justice. This is why Islamic penal code has prescribed punishments for all kinds of crimes. It has prescribed punishment of Qisâs in case of intentional murder and Diyat (blood money in case of killing of a person by mistake, it is also due in case if remission is made by the heirs in intentional murder case). To prove the crime of murder, testimony of two reliable witnesses or confession of the killer is required before the court. However, if a corpse is found in a place where killer is unknown and witnesses are unavailable,    then Islam enjoins the process of Qasâmah to safeguard rights of the heirs of the deceased. Qasâmah is a process of taking oath by fifty persons selected by the heirs of the slain. In this article the concept of Qasâmah has been elaborated. It  has three parts , in the  first part conditions for the validity of  Qasâmah has been elaborated, while in the second part its process has been discussed with elaborate opinions  of jurists  regarding taking of  oath, as some of them opine that  the  heirs of the slain  have to take oath, mentioning name of the killer,   while others say  oath will be taken by the defendants that they  didn’t kill him, Both these opinions  have been discussed by producing arguments of  the both sides. While in the third part the issue of Qisâs and Diyat has been discussed as according to some jurists the Qasâmah entails Qisâs while other say that it entails Diyat only; arguments of both sides have been discussed in detail.

Use of Portfolio As a Tool for Assessing On-Going Development of Students Writing Skills

Action research is a qualitative study through which, one can improve the existing practice. Classroom teachers are actually action researchers, who can improve their teaching and the students' learning through critically reflecting on their practices. My interest evolved as a result of my dissatisfaction of the existing practice of the assessment system in my school, which, motivated me to work on this issue. Teachers consider teaching and assessment as two different aspects. Assessment is done at the end of the term or yearly basis which teachers judge the students learning. The problem is that teachers can't do justice to the students through summative assessments. In contrast, formative assessments help the teachers to assess students' progress on an on-going basis. It also helps teachers to improve their practices. We can try our best to use new and modern techniques and strategies in our classroom, but we cannot be effective teachers until and unless we assess the students' learning on an on-going basis. . This research study was done in my own school keeping in mind the possibilities and challenges of using portfolio as a tool for on-going development of the students' writing skills. The process approach was used to teach the students writing where both the mechanics and structure of the story were focused. Assessment of writing is integral to effective teaching and learning. Portfolio is a manageable, effective, and a fair way of assessing individual student's on-going development of writing skills. It helps the teachers to diagnose the students' needs and interests. In this way the teachers become more aware of them as individuals. That's why we say that it helps teachers to improve their teaching. Certainly when you know the students problems you will probably think about some ways to help them to re-solve those problems. Students need encouragement and qualitative feedback. This is the basic purpose of portfolio assessment so that students bring improvement in their work. Teachers feel it as a burden only because they are not aware of the advantages and the effective uses of portfolio assessment. Once they realize its effectiveness and its contribution in their teaching as well as the students' learning they would not feel it as a burden or extra work.