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Home > مولانا سیّد عبدالقدوس ہاشمی ندوی کی دینی و علمی خدمات کا تحقیقی مطالعہ

مولانا سیّد عبدالقدوس ہاشمی ندوی کی دینی و علمی خدمات کا تحقیقی مطالعہ

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ممتاز احمد




University of Karachi








2023-02-16 17:15:59


2023-02-17 21:08:06





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۳۸۔ عیدی


جب لوگ آسمان کی وسعتوں میں

ایک خم دار دھندلی سی لکیر تلاش کر رہے تھے

جو سب کے لیے باعث ِ مسرت تھی

مگر کسے خبر تھی

وہ شام میرے لیے غموں کے طوفان لانے والی ہے

اس لکیر کو دیکھتے ہوئے

میرے تصور میں بھی ایک نقطہ سا پھیلنے لگا

جو ایک مانوس صورت کا روپ دھار رہا تھا

چند قیمتی اذیت دہ لمحات میں ڈھلتی صورت

عائلی مسائل میں اقوال تابعین سے استشہادکے نظائر

There is major influence of quotes of Sahabaa’h and taa’baeen on Islamic Jurisprudence. A plain study of Fiqh presents the role of tab’aeen and their quotes in method of extraction. There quotes not mere only help us in various matters of virtues, but also in family issues and others. As a matter of fact, a major number of fatawas are based on their quotes or practice as well. Moreover, every school of thought in fiqh narrates their sayings in favour of their vision, I.e. Hanfiya, Shafiya and Malkiya used to narrates their quotes and sayings. Family life is base of any nation or civilization. Books of fiqh also discussed numerous issues of family life and their solutions in the light of Shariaah. In this article a view of tab’aeen’s quotes related to family issues will be discussed. It will support in understanding the importance of their quotes in Islamic Jurisprudence and its compilation. Relevant examples of different school of thought will be discussed from their own books respectively

Genetic Transformation and Withanolides Analysis of Withania Coagulans Dunal .

Withania coagulans is a valuable medicinal plant that holds a key place in folk medicine due to its extensive use in the treatment of many ailments. Biological activities like antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, antitumor, hepatoprotective, antihyperglycemic, immunosuppressive, and antitumor, free radical scavenging and anti-depressant have been attributed to the plant due to the presence of secondary metabolites. Withanolides are the major class of secondary metabolites found in W. coagulans. In the present study, bioactive withanolides of Withania coagulans collected from 11 different sites in Pakistan were analyzed. Total withanolide concentration differed by ~17-fold between sites, ranging from 1.01 ± 0.01 mg/g dry weight (mean ± SE) at Jand to 16.83 ± 0.02 mg/g at Mohmand Agency. Different tissues varied in their total withanolide content and there were strong inverse correlations between site annual precipitation versus withanolide amounts in fruits (r = -0.84, P = 0.001), leaves (r = -0.88, P< 0.001), roots (r = -0.91, P< 0.001), and total (r = -0.89, P< 0.001), but not stems (r = -0.20, P = 0.556). Leaf extracts of plants collected from Mianwali and Mohmand Agency possessed high anti-cancer activity in terms of increased induction of apoptosis and decreased cell viability, cell proliferation, cell invasion, and cell migration of different prostate cancer cell lines. These results are useful for the selection of withanolide rich germplasm with potent anti-cancer properties. Owing to the therapeutic importance of these secondary metabolites in W. coagulans, it would be useful to enhance its withanolide content. Therefore, W. coagulans was transformed with the rol A gene which is known to enhance secondary metabolites. Prior to producing transgenic plants, an effective protocol for in vitro regeneration was developed. Maximum embryogenic callus induction response was observed at MS(Murashige and Skooj) enriched with 4.0 μM naphthalene acetic acid and 6.0 μM benzyl adenine, whereas maximum shoot formation response (100%) was observed at 8 μM benzyl adenine. Elongated shoots demonstrated good in vitro rooting (80%) with 2.5 μM indole butyric acid. To produce transgenic plants, pre-culturing of explants was done for 3 days. The GV3101 strain of A. tumefaciens, containing pCV002-A vector harboring the rolA gene of Agrobacterium rhizogenes, was used for infection for 48 hours. Three independent transgenic lines were generated that showed stable integration of the transgene confirmed by PCR analysis. These transgenic lines were selected and screened for eight biologically active withanolides using ultra-highpressure liquid chromatography (UHPLC) with mass spectrometry (MS). Results revealed that transformed lines possessed higher withanolide content as compared to untransformed ones. Extracts of these transgenic lines, which possessed higher levels of total withanolide content, were tested for bioactivity against different prostate cancer cell lines. The results showed that transformed plants extracts had higher anticancer activity in terms of decreased cell viability of prostate cancer cell lines. The data presented could be useful for the selection of potent and withanolide-rich germplasm from natural populations or transformed cell culture.