وہ عشتار دیوی کی معصوم داسی
(سید ماجد شاہ)
وہ عشتار دیوی کی معصوم داسی
جو چنچل بھی تھی، خوبصورت بھی تھی
اور مقدّس بھی تھی
مرے ساتھ شوخی میں مصروف تھی
اچانک سمندر میں لہریں اُٹھیں
ایسی طغیانی آئی ، تلاطم ہوا
کہ سنہری روئیں اس کے کندن بدن پر چمکنے لگے
رات روشن ہوئی
تھوڑے ڈھلکے ہوئے زاویے اس طرح سے مُدوّر ہوئے
جیسے مینا چھلکنے کو تیار ہو
اُس کی آنکھیں شفق بن کے جلنے لگیں
میں ہی کیا
وہ مِرا عکس جو اُس کی آنکھوں میں تھا
سُرخ ہونے لگا
میرے ہاتھوں کی بے تابیاں بڑھ گئیں
ہاتھ جاگے تو جس طرح مضراب سے تار چھڑنے لگے
سُر ملے تو قیامت کی سنگت ہوئی
پھول کھلتے رہے، خوشبوئیں چار اطراف میں رقص کرتی رہیں
اِک مقدّس اَلاؤ میں کچھ دیر تک ہم دہکتے رہے
پھر ہوا اِس طرح
جس طرح کہکشاں
پھلجھڑی کی طرح منتشر ہو گئی
The science of Daʿwah has become an independent discipline in the field of Islamic Studies as many researches have discussed its usefulness, historical development, and ground consequences into the society. A preacher draws the sketch of his message by consulting the Quran, Sunnah the is biography prophetic The. (صلى الله عليه وسلم) Prophet Holy of biography and practical example and model in order to preach effectively and call people (صلى الله عليه وسلم) Prophet Holy The. Religion towards particular youth and general in gave a particular emphasize upon the young men of society by giving them peaceful message of Islam and calling towards the light of Islam from darkness of ignorance. In this connection we find many approaches in the life of Holy Prophet (ﷺ) to call youth towards Allah. Among these approaches, one of most common and useful approach is to agitate the emotions and feelings which is also called as emotional approach. In this academic work, the author will discuss the usefulness of this approach by descriptive and qualitative The. (صلى الله عليه وسلم) Prophet Holy of life the into looking research approach has been employed for the collection and analysis of data. The author intended to address the answer of the questions that why is there a gap between the dāʿī and the youth today? Has this led to the failure to keep up with the doctrinal methods of contemporary religious developments and needs? What is the appropriate approach of preaching religion for young people today? Along with the answer of these questions, the author will draw a conclusion and present some recommendations at the end of article.
Tendon grafting procedure is done either by direct first stage tendons graft implantation or as two stage procedure by implanting silicon rubber rod in first stage and then replacing it with a tendon graft in second stage. In this study a research has been carried out to compare strength and morphology of grafted tendons with and with out first stage silicon rubber rod implantation. This is the first research done in medical history to explore whether by doing two stage tendon grafting there is any advantageous effects on strength and morphology of grafted tendon as compared to one stage direct tendon grafting. Although according to J.P Holman (Experimental Methods by J.P Holman) three readings are enough for establishing the tensile strength of any material, however in the study thirty Palmaris Longus tendons of badly mutilated hands (all of them ended in above wrist amputations) were used to get the results. As far as strength and morphology are concerned the results of research are in the favour of two stage tendon grafting, with use of silicon rod in the first stage