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Home > فضائل و رذائل اخلاق کے انسانی صحت و کردار پر اثرات: جدید سائنسی تحقیقات کی روشنی میں تجزیاتی مطالعہ۔

فضائل و رذائل اخلاق کے انسانی صحت و کردار پر اثرات: جدید سائنسی تحقیقات کی روشنی میں تجزیاتی مطالعہ۔

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ذیشان روٴف


الطاف حسین لنگڑیال




Bahauddin Zakariya University



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طب , احکام ومسائل , معاشرتی برائیاں


2023-02-16 17:15:59


2023-02-19 12:20:59





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محمد اسحق جلیس

محمد اسحق جلیس مرحوم
ابھی یہ سطور زیر تحریر ہی تھیں کہ مولوی محمد اسحق جلیس ندوی کے انتقال کی اطلاع ملی وہ ندوہ کے کتب خانہ کے نائب مہتمم، رسالہ تعمیر حیات کے ایڈیٹر اور تحریک پیام انسانیت کے سرگرم سکریٹری تھے، مولانا ابوالحسن علی ندوی ان کے بڑے قدرشناس تھے، اور ان سے بڑی توقعات رکھتے تھے، افسوس کہ عمر نے وفا نہ کی اور عین شباب کے عالم میں اس جہاں فانی سے رخصت ہوگئے، اﷲ تعالیٰ ان کو اپنی رحمت سے نوازے، پس ماندگان کو صبر عطا فرمائے اور ندوہ کو ان کا نعم البدل عطا فرمائے۔ (’’ع ، ق‘‘، جولائی ۱۹۷۹ء)

عیسائیت پر لکھی گئی منتخب اردو کتب کا تجزیاتی مطالعہ

Christianity is the religion from the Hazrat Essa (A.S) the Holy Prophet of Allah. Christians believe that Christianity is a perfect religion and this religion save them from hell, and this religion is revealed from Allah. Christian knows that their ideology based upon Hazrat Essa (A.S) and they relate themselves towards Hazrat Essa (A.S). Different books in different languages have written on the Christianity like English, Arabic, Persian and other languages there are many books written on Christianity in Pakistani national language Urdu and the books written in many languages have translated in Urdu. The analysis put forward on Christianity in Urdu written books, one thing is clear that which author writes a good, topic on Christianity and on the other hand by studying Christianity students and readers feel easy and will understand about these books easily and search the relevant material easily. This article shows the analytical study of books written on Christianity in Urdu and translation from other languages nominated Urdu books.

Problems of Relapse into Illiteracy of Adult Female Neo-Literates in Punjab and Development of a Strategy for its Prevention

This study attempted to assess the retention in basic skills of literacy of neo- literates. It also explored the problems of relapse into illiteracy of adult female neo- literates; the possible causes behind the problem of relapse; and, development of a strategy for prevention of relapse into illiteracy. The study looked at neo-literates about three years after they had completed their literacy courses. Two main organisations launching programmes of adult literacy for females in Punjab were considered. The sample of the study involved 1099 respondents that were chosen through multi steps sampling techniques from 9 districts of the Punjab. The research questions were formulated to give a focus for the study. A mixed method research design (concurrent nested design) was applied in order to achieve the objectives of the study. A test was conducted to determine the retention level of neo-literates in reading, writing and numeracy skills. The researcher developed a questionnaire for teachers and supervisors of adult literacy programmes, an interview schedule for neo-literates, an interview schedule for high officials and a list of themes for Focus Group Discussions (FGDs). The views of teachers and supervisors were compared using a chi-square test of independence. The data of interview schedule of neo-literates were analyzed by categorizing, coding and were presented in tabular form with frequencies and percentages. The qualitative data of interview schedule of high official and FGDs were analyzed on the basis of individual statements. It was found that only 17% of neo-literate of National Commission for Human Development (NCHD) could perform better in reading skills, 13% in writing skills and 5% in numeracy skills of adult literacy program after two year of their study. In viiiDepartment of Literacy and Non-Formal Education Punjab (DLNEP) only 6.5% of neo-literate could perform better in reading, 7.5% in writing, and 5.8% in numeracy skills. The adult female neo-literates faced major problems in basic reading and even greater problems in writing and numeracy. Thus, problems included: reading and writing alphabets, combined words having three or more alphabets, sentences, signboards to locate places, applications and letters. Problems related to relapse in numeracy skills were: counting up to 100, solving sums of addition, subtraction, multiplication and division, making home budget and teaching to students of classes 1 and 2. Thus, the teachers were inadequately trained and failed to observe the basic standards of courtesy and respect for the learners. The courses ran at inappropriate times, were too short and used inadequate accommodation. While not excessively difficult, the materials used were not related to the real needs of the learners who wished, in the main, for literacy skills in relation to income generating activities. There was a need for increased opportunities to practise the skills taught and follow up courses were required. It was suggested that literacy programmes may be designed as per demand and need of the learners, income generating component may be included and taught in an integrated way; post literacy programmes may be offered to consolidate and even strengthen the basic skills of literacy.