سیرِِ افلاک کو جائیں گے خلا ڈھونڈیں گے
اپنی پرواز سے کچھ لوگ خدا ڈھونڈیں گے
کچھ نہیں پائیں گے یہ شہرِ صبا کے باسی
رب کو سورج کی شعائوں میں بڑا ڈھونڈیں گے
پتھروں کو کبھی پوجیں گے تو آتش کو کبھی
بے وفائوں سے وفائوں کا صلہ ڈھونڈیں گے
روشنی پھیل چکی نورِ حرا کی ؛ پھر بھی
آتشِ وادیِ سینا میں ضیاء ڈھونڈیں گے
گردشِ وقت سے اوراق ہیں بکھرے بکھرے
ایسے تحریف شدہ نسخوں میں کیا ڈھونڈیں گے
شہرِ خاموش میں جا کر یہ صدائیں دیں گے
ماہیِ آب کو صحرائوں میں جا ڈھونڈیں گے
نکہتِ بادِ بہاری سے چھڑا کر دامن
بادِ صر صر میں یہ خوشبو کی فضا ڈھونڈیں گے
قافلہ راہ میں اخلاص کا لُٹ جائے گا
راہزن لوٹ ہی لیں گے جو بھلا ڈھونڈیں گے
راہبر راہ میں رہ جائیں گے ہر راہی کے
راہ جب آپؐ کی راہوں سے جدا ڈھونڈیں گے
نورِ عرفانؔ خدا اُن کا مقدّر ہے جو لوگ
’’آپؐ کی سیرتِ اطہر سے ضیاء ڈھونڈیں گے‘‘
Islam is a divine religion. It is based on divine revelation and Sunnah of the Holy prophet (SAW). Tolerance, patience, forbearing and broadmindedness are the hallmarks of the last divine religion, Islam. In the article the ideology of co-existence has been discussed. Verses of the Holy book indicate importance of the tolerance. Similarly some events out of the Seerah of the Holy prophet (SAW) have been mentioned as references. In these pages it is impossible to explain scope of the subject; however efforts have been made to elaborate the Islamic perspective of tolerance. May Allah Almighty enable all of us to follow teachings of Islam in true spirit.
The purpose of the study was to understand the classroom practices and development of Zeba, an ESL teacher. To explore her ideas, I used narrative inquiry. Narrative inquiry enables teachers not only to make sense of their professional worlds, but also to make significant and worthwhile changes within themselves and their teaching practices (Johnson & Golombek, 2002). One teacher was involved in the study. The data was collected through interviews, classroom observations and available documents. The research findings revealed that the teacher's past experiences influence her classroom practices. The teacher spent a sufficient amount of time in apprenticeship of observation, which influenced her beliefs. She follows those techniques, which her teachers used when she was a student. Secondly, the supportive context of the school in which she works enabled her to develop her classroom practices. Zeba actually learned to teach on-the-job. This experiential learning helped her in her development in her classroom practices. However, mentoring, self-directed learning through reflection writing and other formal and informal courses, like workshops, reshaped her beliefs about teaching and learning.