جالب میں اور کوٹ لکھپت جیل
ڈاکٹر اسرار شاہ
لاہور میں دوست جالب میلے کا انعقاد کر رہے ہیں اور میں کاغذ اور قلم پکڑے اپنے ماضی میں کھو گیا دوستوں نے اصرار کیا کہ اسرار شاہ لکھو۔
میری دعا ہے کہ کوئی نیا ضیاء الحق پیدا نہ ہو اور مجھے عمرِ رفتہ میں لے جائے میںکالج سے نکلوں تو ایسی یونیورسٹی میں داخل ہو جائوں جہاں ڈاکٹر مبشر حسین ،میاں محمود علی قصوری رائو رشید،رضا کاظم ایڈووکیٹ چوہدری اعتزاز حسین ،جسٹس سعید حسن ،آئی اے رحمن ،پروفیسر امین مغل،چوہدری اصغر خادم ،رشید قریشی ،شعیب ہاشمی ،حمید اختر ،محمد علی ایکٹر اور حبیب جالبؔجیسے پروفیسر اور اساتذہ نظر بند ہوں نئی نسل نا واقف ہے کہ یہ تمام لوگ اپنی ذات میں ایک ادارہ تھے اور ان میں کچھ آج بھی حیات ہیں ۔
کوٹ لکھپت جیل بھی کیا جیل تھی ،جیل کے سپرنٹنڈنٹ نے جیل کی دیوار کے ساتھ شام کو واک کر نے کی اجازت دی ڈاکٹر مبشر صاحب جیل میں ’’ماں ‘‘کا کردارادا کر رہے تھے وہ جیل سے راشن لیتے اس کو پکواتے تمام لوگ چٹانوں پر بیٹھتے اور سب میں برابر تقسیم کرتے ۔صبح دس بجے سے لے کر دوپہرکے کھانے تک عبدا ﷲملک صاحب کے کمرے میں سٹڈی سرکل ہو تا اور آئی اے رحمن صاحب لیکچر دیتے اور تمام سر نگوں ہوتے ۔
حاجی رشید انور جن کا تعلق مزدور کسان پارٹی سے تھا کیا خوبصورت انسان تھے عمر کے اعتبار سے وہ میرے والد کی طرح تھے جسم میں سی آئی اے چونا منڈی کے تششدد کی دردیں موجود تھیں وہ صبح میرے جسم کو دباتے اور بچوں کی طرح پکارتے ہوئے اٹھاتے کہ ’’اسرار شاہ ‘‘اٹھ جائو سورج نکل آ یا...
Honey is one of the oldest and best sweetening agents for foods over the centuries. It is made up of a vast amount of different compounds that can be of nutritional and health benefits.. Thus, the use of honey either as a food or an alternative medicine in the treatment of different disorders is safe, beneficial and free from side effects, honey as food or medicine is advantageous without any hazardous effect. This study has been carried out this subject in order to highlight the importance of honey and its benefits to humanity.
The purpose of the current study is to examine the role of external influences (i.e. E-environment and Technology-Internet-Quality) associated with individual’s psychological influences (i.e. Learning Orientation, Learning Motives, Perceived-Ease-of-Use and Perceived-Usefulness) and customer satisfaction. Basically, study identifies the environmental, technological and psychological perspectives in the development/creation of particular of consumer’s response behaviors through the cognitive process in the context of e-learning. Current study was based on descriptive and causal research design. Data was collected from a sample of 1,338 customer / students of e-learning (from three universities providing E-learning education) through convenient sampling. Hence, responses were analyzed using structural equation modeling through AMOS 22. The results suggest that customers’ e-environmental, technological and psychological influences play a significant role in the development of customer satisfaction as well as subjective well-being.In comprehensive manner, the finding indicates that ‘E-environment (i.e. Self-Paced Learning Environment and Instructor-Led Learning Environment)’ and ‘Technology factors (i.e. Technology Quality and Internet Quality)’ have positive impact on individual’s psychological influences (i.e. Learning Orientation, Learning Motives, Perceived-Ease-of-Use and Perceived-Usefulness) and which ultimately determine customer’s satisfaction and his/her subjective wellbeing. Finally, the overall results of the current study contribute in building a rigor of social cognitive theory and consumer planned behavior theory in the context of e-learning. The study, adds significant value to the literature in three ways: first, it provides comprehensive discussion on e-learning construct and also the role of motivational forces in the formation of customer satisfaction as well as his/her subjective well-being from two perspectives i.e. external influence (e-environment and technology elements) and internal influence (psychological elements). Second, Stimulus-Organism-Response framework is used to conceptualize and propose that an individual’s external influences affect the psychological influences, thus leading to the development of response behavior. Third, conceptual framework is based on the integration of two disciplines in the formation of individual ‘behavior i.e. ‘consumer behavior’ (Stimulus-Organism-Response Model) and Information Technology (Technology Acceptance Model). Basically, this framework is used to test and verification of the individual’s planned behavior theory derived from individual psychology, social psychology and IT. According to consumer’s cognitive process, it is established that customer’s e-environmental, and technological factors have significant impact on psychological characteristics which ultimately effects his/her response behaviors. This study would be helpful in making good relationships with customers/students to improve their learning skills and enhance learning motives. To the knowledge of the researcher, the study of customer satisfaction and subjective well-being simultaneously in individual’s psychology, consumer behavior studies and technology contexts is almost ignored. Neither has it been studied quantitatively. Thus, the current study also intends to fill these gaps and contributes to the existing literature on these issues besides improving the understanding of the academicians, policy makers, universities’ management, psychologists, behaviorists, IT experts and marketers regarding these major issues working behind e-learning implementation.