سید مظفر حسین برنی کا تعلق”برن“ (بلند شہر) کے ایک ذی وقار خانو ادے سے تھا۔آپ نے جس گھرانے میں آنکھ کھولی اس میں خدمتِ علم وادب کی ایک طویل اور مسلسل روایت رہی ہے۔آپ14، اگست 1923ء کو بلند شہر میں پیدا ہوئے۔آپ کا تعلیمی سلسلہ بہت عمدہ رہا۔ آپ نے بی۔اے میں انگریزی ادب میں ٹمپل گولڈ میڈل حاصل کیا۔پھر انگریزی ہی میں ایم۔اے بھی کیا۔1947ء میں انڈین ایڈمنسٹریٹو سروس”آئی اے ایس“ کے مقابلہ کے پہلے امتحان میں کامیاب ہوئے اور ریاست اڑیسہ میں تعینات ہوئے۔مرکزی حکومت نے آپ کی صلاحیتوں سے بھر پور استفادہ کیا۔آپ جوائنٹ سیکرٹری کمیونٹی ڈویلپمنٹ رہے۔محکمہ زراعت میں جوائنٹ سیکرٹری رہے۔ایڈیشنل سیکریٹری وزارتِ پٹرولیم وکیمیکلزکاانتظامی عہدہ سنبھالے رکھا۔وزارتِ اطلاعات و نشریات کے اہم ترین ادارے میں سیکریٹری رہے۔بورڈ آف ریونیو میں رلیف کمشنر رہے۔چیف سیکرٹری اور ڈویلپمنٹ کمشنر کے اعلیٰ ترین عہدوں پر ذمہ داریاں سر انجام دیں۔وزارتِ داخلہ میں سیکرٹری جیسے عہدے پر کام کر کے نیک نامی حاصل کی۔ناگا لینڈ،منی پور،تری پورہ اور ہریانہ کے گورنر رہے۔مرکزی حکومت کے اقلیتی کمیشن کے چیرمین رہے۔پبلک سیکٹر کے تقریباً آٹھ اداروں میں ڈائریکٹر کی حیثیت سے ذمہ داریاں سرانجام دیں۔بہت سی بین الاقوامی کانفرنسوں میں شرکت کی اور تقریباً 24ممالک کی سیر و سیاحت بھی کی۔اتنی مصروفیت کے باوجود آپ کے دل میں فکرِ اقبال کو پروان چڑھانے کا جذبہ کبھی ماند نہ پڑااور کلیاتِ مکاتیبِ اقبال کی چار جلدیں ترتیب دے کر پاک و ہند میں اقبال شناسی کا نیا باب رقم کیا۔ آپ نے 7 فروری 2014ء کو دہلی میں وفات پائی۔
ایسے ہنگامے میں جب کہ مذہبی، لسانی اور علاقائی تعصب بڑھتا جا رہا تھا اس وقت برنی صاحب نے بھوپال میں ایک خطبہ دے کر وقت کی ضرورت اور تقاضوں کے عین مطابق فکرِ اقبال کا شعور بیدار کیا۔ہندوستان کی قومی تہذیب کو اگر کسی زبان کے...
Hazrat Muhammad (SAW) is the last Apostle to human beings. He was gifted with a divine Deen having complete code of life. Every field of life has been discussed in the Holy Quran and Sunnah of the Prophet r. As an Apostle, head of the state and army commander, He guided the mankind and provided an excellent example in all the perspectives of life. As a commander of the Islamic forces, the Holy Prophet r fought twenty seven Ghazwat after migration to Madina. In Zeqaida 6 AH, during the pact of Hudaibia a complete turn was taken by Muslims. After this event, the Muslim army role changed to offensive rather than defensive. Immediately, after the pact, the Holy Prophet r attacked on Khyber in Muharram 7th AH, while the whole Hijaz region was captured during the Ghazwa Fath-i-Makkah. In this article, the strategy and tactics employed by the Holy Prophet r during Hudaibia truce have been discussed. These tactics are useful and beneficial in modern era warfare also. As an ideal for all the Ummah, lessons should be extracted by the commanders to defend their motherland and ideological boundries.
The purpose of the study was to improve teaching of creative writing for young children in English as a second language. For this purpose, action research was done in an English medium private primary school in Karachi, Pakistan. Five students were involved as research participants and their teacher acted as my critical friend during the study. The main question asked was: How can I, as a teacher researcher, help children of class five to develop creative writing ability in English as a second language in an English medium primary school in Karachi, Pakistan? I conducted six cycles of action research. During each cycle I planned-acted-observed-reflected (See figure 1, action research cycle, chapter two) and used this experience and my reflection to plan the next cycle of research. Data collection was done through interview, document analysis, observation and reflection. I learnt during pre-intervention phase that there was an issue of children's motivation; there was too much control over children's writing; insufficient use was made of stimulating materials and activities to motivate and support creativity. I also learnt that no sense of audience was developed when writing, and there was no focus for writing of second drafts; as giving peer feedback was not practiced. I used a range of strategies to address these issues, for example. When pictures and other people's writings were used as a trigger children wrote with a lot of intent and enthusiasm. When music was played, children learnt the rhythm quickly and wrote poems easily. Children's imagination was supported through songs and pictures. When children's work was shared and published, they became motivated and confident. When a focus was provided for writing, the second draft the children's enthusiasm was sustained. The quality of writing also improved, because they were able to expand their ideas through answering questions asked by their peers. When children gave peer feedback they learnt to appreciate their peers' work and also their own. It was also found that if teachers care for children and treat them well, it motivates them to write creatively and also builds confidence in them. The research experience indicated that it was possible to teach creative writing to nonnative speaker children if the focus was on pedagogy as well as and on emotions of the children as both readers and writers.