بلگرامی، سید حسین، نواب عماد الملک مولانا
آہ! عمادالملک مرحوم
نواب محسن الملک، نواب وقارالملک اور مولانا شبلی کی وفات کے بعد ہماری بزم علم میں ادب صرف ایک چراغ سے روشن تھی، لیکن افسوس کہ ۳؍ جون ۱۹۲۶ء کو باد حوادث کے جھونکوں نے اس کو بھی گل کردیا، نواب عمادالملک بہادر مولوی سید حسین بلگرامی کی وفات ایک ایسا جاں گداز حادثہ ہے، جس پر قدیم و جدید دونوں گروہ یکساں رنج و الم کے ساتھ ماتم کریں گے، ایک طرف تو وہ انگریزی زبان کے بہت بڑے عالم اور انشاء پرداز تھے، دوسری طرف قدیم مشرقی علوم و فنون میں بھی مہارت تامہ رکھتے تھے اور ان کے بقا و قیام اور اشاعت میں نہایت دلچسپی اور ہمدردی کے ساتھ ہر ممکن اعانت کے لئے آمادہ رہتے تھے، دائرۃ المعارف، دارالمصنفین، ندوہ، مسلم یونیورسٹی، غرض اس وقت قدیم و جدید علوم و فنون کے جس مرکز قدر ہندوستان میں قائم ہیں سب کے سب ان کی علمی دلچسپی، علمی اعانت اور علمی سرپرستی کے ممنون تھے، اب انکے در و دیوار سے ایک مدت تک ان کے ماتم کی صدائے بازگشت آتی رہے گی کہ:
ہرگز نمیرد آنکہ دلش زندہ شد بعشق
ثبت است بر جریدہ عَالم دوام ما
نواب صاحب مرحوم کا خاندان اودھ کے مشہور مردم خیز قصبہ بلگرام سے تعلق رکھتا ہے، لیکن ان کے دادا ماجد چونکہ اعلیٰ انگریزی سرکاری ملازمت کے سلسلہ سے بہار، بنگال میں رہتے تھے، اس لئے ان کی پیدائش اور ابتدائی نشوونما کا دور بہار اور بنگال میں گزرا، وہ ضلع گیامیں ۱۸۴۴ء میں پیدا ہوئے اور چودہ پندرہ سال کی عمر تک خانگی طور سے مقامی علماء سے عربی و فارسی کی تحصیل کی، اس طرح عربی کی متوسطات تک تعلیم کے بعد انگریزی کی طرف توجہ کی، پہلے بھاگلپور میں، پھر پٹنہ میں...
This paper aims at highlighting the perspective of Islam regarding prisoners’ dealing. In the light of Quranic verses and examples from the life of Muhammad (PBUH), the last messenger of Allah and his companions, it has been shown that some 14 centuries back, although there were no formal settings to captivate the inmates, yet the prisoners in individual custody or incarcerated somewhere else such as Mosques, had full rights in terms of inborn dignity, humane treatments, fair justice, practicing religion etc. They were fully protected from the torture at the hands of occupying powers or individuals. Therefore, majority of them embraced Islam within custody and become firm believers before they were released. It is therefore, recommended that any prisoners’ reform strategy in the modern Era to be successful must take into consideration the glorious principles of Islam derived from Quran, authentic Hadith and the live examples of Muhammad (PBUH) and his companion.
Pakistan is an agricultural country. Agriculture is the mainstay of the country’s economy. Wheat as a staple food crop of Pakistan is grown on about 8 million hectares every year. It is a Rabi (winter) crop and follows by rice and cotton in rice-wheat and cotton-wheat systems, respectively. Pakistan’s population is increasing at an alarming pace and it has reached to about 170 million already. It is, therefore, imperative to enhance wheat yield by encouraging farmers, predominantly small farmers, to grow more wheat with efficient and judicious use of land and water resources. Land and water resources especially for agricultural purposes are getting scarce day by day due to mismanagement. This water deficient scenario is also posing serious threats to food security for coming generations. A shift in the irrigation techniques intervening flooded irrigation methods for efficient utilization of resources are being recommended and same has been actively adopted in many areas of the Pakistan. The irrigation water saving technologies mainly include Watercourse Improvement, Improved farm layout, Laser land leveling and bed planting of wheat. The techniques adopted in the Punjab have shown encouraging results. To see the adoption of latest technologies at small farms, district Faisalabad was selected as study area, which consists of five Tehsils; Faisalabad, Jaranwala, Sammandri, Chak Jhumra and Tandlianwala. To see implications of the water saving irrigation interventions a tehsile wise list of improved watercourses was collected from the office of the District Officer, Water Management Faisalabad. A list of 25 watercourses was separately prepared duly authenticated by water management officer, where maximum water saving interventions were applied. Ten improved watercourses where maximum (5 or 6 out of 10 water saving irrigation interventions)were found applied, were selected by using Randomizer.com pathway from each Tehsil, thus total 30 improved watercourses were taken where maximum water saving irrigation interventions were applied. From these 30 watercourses 9 small farmers (having landholding<12.5 acres) were selected randomly from each watercouse, 3 from Head, Middle and Tail, respectively. Quantitative data were analysed using the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences. Descriptive statistics, including frequencies, percentages, means, standard deviations and rank orders were used to summarize different variables. Chi-square, Contingency Coefficient test was also used to find out the association and degree of association between dependent and independent variables. The adoption level of farmers regarding water saving irrigation was 90%and increase in wheat yield was significantly affected. Overall the results of the data show that adoption of the water saving interventions affected the income of the respondents. Furthermore the adoption of water saving interventions as well as wheat sowing recommendations also affected upon the socio economic conditions of the respondents. There also existed significant association among different independent and dependent attributes.