مولانا ابوالبرکات عبدالرؤف داناپوری
مہینوں سے اخبار نہیں پڑھتا کہ ان کو پڑھ کر ایک ایسے شخص کو جو ملک میں ہر طرح امن و امان اور مہر و محبت کا طالب ہو دلی صدمہ پہنچتا ہے، اسی لئے مولانا کی وفات کی خبر ان کے صاحبزادوں کے خطوط سے ہوئی، میں نے ان کے صاحبزادوں کو لکھا کہ مرحوم کے کچھ ابتدائی تعلیمی حالات مجھے لکھ کر بھیجیں۔
لیکن ان کا پھر کوئی جواب نہیں آیا، البتہ اخبارات کے چند تراشے ملے، جن میں وفات کی خبر کے سوا کچھ اور نہ تھا۔
مرحوم کا وطن صوبہ بہار میں شہر داناپور متصل پٹنہ تھا، مگر وہ ایک عرصہ سے کلکتہ میں طبیب کی حیثیت سے مقیم تھے اور گویا اب وہی ان کا گھر ہوگیا تھا، مجھے یہ بھی معلوم نہیں کہ انہوں نے تعلیم و تربیت کن اساتذہ سے حاصل کی، مگر گفتگو اور تحریر سے پتہ چلتا تھا کہ ان کو علوم دینیہ میں پوری دسترس حاصل تھی، پھر کلکتہ میں رہ کر اور سیاسی مجلسوں میں شرکت کے سبب سے وہ زمانہ کی ضروریات اور عصری خیالات و افکار سے پوری طرح آگاہ تھے اور ان علماء میں تھے جو قدیم علوم و اعتقادات فقہ کو جدید خیالات و افکار سے تطبیق دینے کی قدرت رکھتے ہیں۔
میری ان کی پہلی جان پہچان اس وقت ہوئی جب میں ۱۹۱۲ء میں الہلال کلکتہ کی ادارت میں شرکت کے لئے کلکتہ پہنچا اور اس تقریب سے کئی مہینہ کلکتہ رہنے کا اتفاق ہوا تو مختلف جلسوں میں ان سے گفتگو، بات چیت اور میل جول کی نوبت آئی، پھر ۱۹۱۷ء یا ۱۹۱۸ء میں مجلس علمائے بنگالہ کی صدر کی حیثیت سے جب میرا کلکتہ جانا ہوا اور یہ وہ وقت تھا جب اسی کے ساتھ لیگ اور کانگریس کے سالانہ اجلاس بھی وہاں ہورہے تھے...
The Gulf Wars, fought in 1991 and 2003 respectively, are inter-related with each other. These wars reshaped and totally changed the Geo-Political structure of the Middle East. Apparently, the Geo-Political importance of the Middle East has remained universal truth from the very first day of human being. In that regard, it has always remained like it in the eyes of world powers such as Romans, Greeks, Sassanid, Ottomans, UK, Russia and America. Chronically, US increased interference in the Middle East soon after the World War II (1945). Eventually, Saddam Hussain was Pro-Socialist and disliked American interference in the Middle East; that was why, US started to overthrow Saddam Hussain’s regime and control the Middle East oil resources. Due to that, the United States trapped Saddam Hussain into Iran-Iraq War for more than eight years, which became futile and fatal for both countries. Mercilessly, the United States trapped Saddam Hussain once again into devastative War between Iraq and Kuwait in 1990. After that, accusing Saddam of violating International Law, the US found reason to invade Iraq directly, which is known as the Gulf War I (1991). Awfully, Iraq was kept in war for than a decade. When the US failed to overthrow Saddam regime after devastative and savage attacks, she got passed resolutions from the United Nations to impose economic sanctions on Iraq due to allegation of Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMDs). Valiantly, innocent Iraqis endeavored economic sanctions for more than a decade. After the inspection of world experts’ teams, they could find neither any sign of WMDs nor any stockpile of WMDs. Apart from that, the US led Coalition invaded Iraq in March 2003, massacre millions of people, collapsed its economy and ruined its infrastructure.
Emotional Intelligence is emerging as an important area of inquiry for researchers in psychology. The construct is characterized as understanding and managing emotions in oneself and in others. This newly introduced concept of Emotional Intelligence is considered to have an influence on an individual’s success and health. The purpose of the present research was to create a valid instrument in order to measure the levels of emotional intelligence in heart patients and in healthy population. The study was conducted in three parts, the development of the scale, the validation study, the administration of the newly developed instrument on cardiac patients and healthy population and exploring difference between the two groups. The purpose of the first part of the research was the development of measure named as Self Report Measure of Emotional Intelligence (SRMEI). The non availability of an indigenous instrument to measure emotional intelligence specific to Pakistani cultural context provided a rational for the development of Self-Report Measure of Emotional Intelligence. The Part II of the research comprised a validation study which served to determine the convergent and discriminant validation of the scale. BarOn’s EQ-i and personality Mini Markers were used to determine convergent validity and Beck Depression Inventory was used to determine discriminant validity of SRMEI. The study also focused to explore the difference on emotional intelligence in respect of some of the demographic variables. In Part III of the research main study was conducted with (N = 400) individuals. The sample comprised of two independent groups. The group one included patients suffering from ischemic heart diseases (IHD), (N = 200), and the second group included healthy individuals (N = 200). In this part of the research emotional intelligence was studied with the help of newly developed research instrument of SRMEI to see the difference between the two groups on emotional intelligence. Consistent with our predictions the research showed that IHD patients may have emotional intelligence deficit as compared to healthy individuals. The difference was computed with the help of t- test and ANOVA. We expected to find that IHD patients will show lower levels of emotional intelligence than healthy individuals. The findings confirm our hypothesis, as the patients displayed significant deficit in the abilities of emotional self-regulation and emotional self-awareness. This research may contribute to a better understanding of emotional intelligence competencies which may have positive or negative impact on cardiac health. People suffering from ischemic heart diseases may lack some emotional competencies as compared to healthy individuals. Furthermore, this study would be helpful in highlighting the areas of emotional relearning in heart patients to improve their cardiac health conditions and for healthy individuals to identify their emotional intelligence deficiencies and strengths.