تیری چاہت کر دیاں کر دیاں
آگیا پچھلا پہر وے چناں
ناں توں نظر کرم دی کیتی
ناں توں کیتی مہر وے چناں
تینوں چھڈ جے ہور بناواں
کھاواں لے کے زہر وے چناں
ہن جے ایتھے آ ای گیا ایں
دوگھڑیاں تے ٹھہر وے چناں
اکھاں تیریاں وانگ غزالاں
زلفاں رب دا قہر وے چناں
یاداں تیریاں او بے دردا
آون صبح دوپہر وے چناں
عاشق روندے رت دے ہنجوں
تک ہنجواں دے بحر وے چناں
Modes of financing in Islamic banking system are generally categorized as Sharaiah based financing like Musharakah, Mudarabah and Shariah compliant financing like Murabaha, Ijarah etc. Islamic banks should have adopted and promoted Sharaiah based financial instruments but instead they have been predominantly using Sharaiah compliant modes especially Murabaha due to some valid reasons. The aim of this paper is to highlight and know the level of satisfaction of the clients, businessmen, entrepreneurs, professionals, academicians and Islamic banking experts of the prevalent structure and use of Murabaha by the Islamic banks in Pakistan.
The purpose of this study was to explore the perceptions and experiences of the school management team for using strategic planning for school improvement in a private secondary school in Karachi, Pakistan. It was a qualitative case study and different tools were used for data collection, such as semi-structured interviews and document analysis. The findings show that the strategic planning was introduced in school in 1995 in the form of models which were long-term plans. The principal, section heads, pool heads and Head of School Improvement Centre are directly involved in strategic planning and implementation process, but class teachers, students and parents are indirectly involved in the planning process. The school has its own mechanism of monitoring and evaluation of plans to achieve the set goals and targets within the specific timeline. The findings also reveal that the practices and use of strategic planning in school was helpful in improving teacher's professional practices and enhancing students' learning outcomes.