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خوف اور حزن کا قرآنی تصور

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فقہی مسائل , وسوسہ، خوف، ڈیپریشن


2023-02-16 17:15:59


2023-02-16 22:08:49





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اسلامی عقاید اور دیگر مذاہب

اسلامی عقاید اور دیگر مذاہب
اعتراض نمبر۷۴
ڈریپر صاحب (معرکہ علم و مذہب) میں لکھتے ہیں ، بحیرہ راہب نے بصریٰ کی خانقاہ میں محمد ﷺ کو نسطوری عقاید کی تعلیم دی۔آپ کے نا تربیت یافتہ لیکن اخاذ دماغ نے نہ صرف اپنے اتالیق کے مذہبی بلکہ فلسفیانہ خیالات کا گہرا اثر قبول کیا۔بعد میں آپ کے طرز عمل سے اس امر کی شہادت ملتی ہے کہ نسطوریوں (عیسائیوں کے ایک مذہبی فرقہ کا نام ہے) کے مذہبی عقاید نے آپ پر کہاں تک قابو پا لیا تھا۔( سیرت النبی۔ج ۱ ص۱۱۸)
جواب:بحیرہ راہب والی روایت پیچھے درج ہوئی ہے جس سے کوئی ادنیٰ سا اشارہ بھی نہیں ملتا جس سے ظاہر ہو کہ آپؐ نے راہب سے تعلیم حاصل کی۔ حجر و شجر کا سجدہ کرنا، بادل کا سایہ کُناں ہونا ، مہر ِ نبوت کا ذکر کرنا اور بوسہ دینا، درخت کی شاخوں کا جھک کر آپ پر سایہ کرناوغیرہ یہ وہ باتیں ہیں جو راہب نے کہیں اور سب سے بڑھ کر ببانگ دہل یہ کہا کہ ’’ تمام جہانوں کے پروردگار کی طرف سے رسول ہیں، اللہ تعالیٰ ان کو تمام عالم کے لیے رحمت بنا کر مبعوث کرے گا اور یہ تمام عالم کے سردار ہیں‘‘ لیکن یہ نہیں کہتا کہ اس کی تعلیم کی ذمہ داری میری ہے ۔میں اسے تعلیم دوں گا ، مجھے ان کی تعلیم کے لیے حکم دیا گیا ہے۔ اس قسم کی کوئی بات راہب نہیں کہتا ‘مگر ادھر مستشرقین ہیں کہ ان کی جان پر بنی ہوئی ہے وہ یہی رٹ لگائے جاتے ہیں کہ اس راہب سے آپﷺ نے مذہب کے اسرار و رموز سیکھے۔اسے کہتے ہیں مدعی سست گواہ چست۔
دوم:آپ ؐ کی اس وقت عمر مبارک قریباََ ۱۲ سال تھی۔ اس عمر کے لڑکے کو راہب نے مذہب کے تمام حقائق اور...


Objective: Diabetes is more prevalent mainly in Asian population, but the incidence proportion and likelihood are still unknown due to lack of evidence and proper research, therefore in this research paper the main aim is to assess the relative risk of diabetes mellitus in obese people in Pakistan. Methodology: A case control study was conducted on 233 participants including diabetic and non-diabetic. The participants were approached from different clinics and hospitals from Nov 2021 to April 2022 using convenient sampling technique. Participants’ age, body mass index and weight category were measured. The odds and relative risk ratio were calculated for diabetic patients in obese people. Results: It was found that among the obese population, the odds of having diabetes were 3.85 times greater than that of non-obese adults whereas relative risk was also found to 2.17 times higher than that of non-obese population with the p-value <0.05. Conclusions: The prevalence of obesity is higher in diabetic population as compared to non-diabetic individuals. This increases the chances of developing diabetes in obese population as compared to the individuals with normal weight.

Functional and Technological Properties of Mozzarella Cheese Prepared from Cow and Buffalo Milk

Pakistan is amongst the top five milk producing countries of the world but yet the introduction of value added dairy products is lacking. A three year research project (2006‐09) was planned and initiated in Dairy Technology Laboratory of National Institute of Food Science and Technology (NIFSAT), University of Agriculture, Faisalabad‐Pakistan to assess the effect of milk sources (cow and buffalo), starter cultures (indigenous and commercial) and milk fat levels (1.5% and 2.5%) and ripening period on different physico‐chemical characteristics of Mozzarella cheese. Standardized buffalo milk contained more protein (3.71%), casein (2.85) and lactose (4.88%) content as compared to the mixture of cow and buffalo milk protein (3.53), casein (2.79) and lactose (4.79%). The pH and acidity of all milk samples varied from 6.62 to 6.64 and 0.13 to 0.14%, respectively. The calcium content of buffalo milk was higher than that of mixture milk. Cheese prepared from these milk sources and was analyzed for composition, mineral contents, organic acid, functionality, sensory and proteolysis at prescribed intervals. Buffalo milk cheese contained significantly higher protein, ash, Na, Ca and P content but contained significantly lower moisture content than cheese from mixture milk. There was more firmness in buffalo milk cheese than mixture milk cheese. The milk fat level significantly affected the cheese chemical composition. The moisture, protein, Ca and P content observed higher in low fat milk cheese as compared to high fat milk cheese. Mozzarella cheese prepared from locally isolated starter cultures possessed significantly higher moisture and acidity content, as compared to commercial culture cheese. The protein and pH were lesser in cheese that is primed from indigenous culture as compared to commercial culture. The effect of culture on fat, ash, salt and mineral contents was found to be nonsignificant. All the organic acids were significantly affected by the ripening periods. The fat levels significantly effected the concentration of lactic and citric acid but the formic and pyruvic acid was found to be non‐significant due to milk fat level. The functional properties (free oil, flowability, stretchability and melt time) of Mozzarella cheese were significantly affected by the ripening period and fat level. The free oil formation and flowability increased from 20.35% to 29.99% and 17.63% to 48.10%, respectively during ripening period. The stretchability of cheese first increase up to 40 days of ripening (35.31 to 49.59 cm) and then decreased (43.75 cm) at 60 day. The low fat cheese had lower free oil 15.74% and flowability 29.81% as compared to high fat cheese. The stretchability is more in low fat cheese (47.15cm) in comparison to high fat cheese (40.41cm). The low fat milk cheese took more time to melt (135.8 sec) as compared with high fat milk cheese (119.8 sec). The expressible serum was significantly affected by the ripening period and fat levels. There was a decrease in expressible serum from 22.63g/100g to 3.85g/100g during ripening. The serum was recorded more in high fat cheese as compared to low fat cheese. Similarly low fat cheese was more firm (332.50 N) than high fat cheese (284.85 N) and commercial cultured cheese was relatively more firm (312.36N) as compared to indigenous cultured cheese (304.39N). The assessment of sensory texture of Mozzarella cheese during the ripening exhibited that all the cheese samples became significantly less firm over time as indicated by sensory measurement. All the sensory parameter such as hand firmness first bite firmness, chewdown degree of break down , and chew down smoothness 54 were significantly affected by the fat levels in milk but the other factor such as milk source and the starter culture did not affect these parameters significantly. There was a decrease in extent of blistering with the progressive ripening and increase in flavour, oiling and shred fusion was observed.