نئے ہزارہ کے ربع اول کے عالمی، قومی اور مقامی مابعد جدید تناظر میں نئے عہد کی ناولاتی تخلیقیت کا جشن عالیہ قائم ہے۔ گو بڑے ناول نہ سہی، لیکن اچھے، سچے، اہم اور معنی خیز ناول لکھے جا رہے ہیں۔ بڑے بڑے ناول روز روز وجود میں نہیں آتے۔ اِس ضمن میں فکشن کی شعریات زیادہ تر فکری اور فنی دُشواریاں پیدا کرتی رہی ہے۔ تاہم عالمی ناولاتی تخلیقیت میں بالزاک کے پہلو بہ پہلو مارسل پُروست، جیمس جوائس، ورجینیاولف، الزبیٹھ بوون، کے چشمہئئ شعور کے ناولوں کے علاوہ روب گرئیے، مائیکل بوتر اور مادام ستراط کے ”نو ؤ رو ماں“ میں اور دوسروں کازو اُواِشی گورو (KAZOO ISHIGURO) سیمول بیکٹ، بورہس (بورخیز غلط ہے) گبریل گار شیامار کیز (مارخیز غلط ہے) اِٹالو کالونیو اور امرتوایکو کے یہاں بھی شدت سے محسوس ہوتا ہے کہ ناولاتی فکشن ان دُوگروپوں (مثلاً فاکنر، گریسیا مار کو ئیز، میلان کندیرا، جُو لیو کور تیزار، رینالڈ وار نیاز، اِنجیلا کارٹر اور جنیٹ ونٹرس، ٹونی ماریسن، سلمان رشدی، گنٹر گراس اور میلکم لاوی وغیرہ کے درمیان ایک پیچیدہ لا متناہی مکالمہ قائم و دائم ہے جو دنیا سے ہم رشتگی کے باوجود شدید انفرادی ردّ عمل سے وجود پذیر ہوتا ہے اور مختلف و متنوع ناولاتی رنگ و آہنگ اختیار کرلیتا ہے۔
انتظار ح”ہندوستانی قومی اور مقامی تجربہ“ ”یوروپی تجربہ“ سے مختلف ہے تو ہندوستانی ناول کی بوطیقا یوروپی ناول کی بوطیقا سے مختلف ہوگی۔ وہ ہمارے معاشرتی، تہذیبی، ثقافتی تجربہ، ہماری یاد، ہماری ذہنی کنڈیشنگ، وقت اور ارتقا کی بابت ہمارے فطری ذہنی رویہ اور عمل برتاؤ کے مطابق ہوگی۔ بنیادی سوال یہ ہے کہ ہم اردو ناولوں کی صحیح قدر و قیمت کس بوطیقائی کسوٹی پر متعین کرتے ہیں؟ جب تک ہم اِس فکشنی شعریاتی کسوٹی کے لئے کھری فکریاتی کسوٹی نہیں ڈھونڈتے۔ خود ناول کی...
Constitution is the basic code of every state system. There are laws for state administration, discipline and rulers in constitution. There are some privileges for the rulers in the Pakistani constitution. Among the privileges that Pakistani rulers have, laws of exception, protocol and luxury packages or facilities are included. In Pakistani constitution, the rulers also enjoy these privileges and according to the rules and regulation of parliament and senate. Our Constitution does not provide Parliamentarians any specific immunity against criminal actions as has been granted to the President as well as the Prime Minster. The only specific protection enjoyed by a Minister/Prime Minister is for official actions under powers of their office. The right of lessen or amendment in Sharīʻah penalty of the President of Pakistan is not right according to the Islamic Sharīʻah. But he can utilize honorary rights in criminological penalty. The Governor has the authority to dissolve the Provincial Assembly under certain circumstances during the emergency situation. If the ruler uses the option of freedom of opinion with deception, dishonesty and contempt of court then he should also be answerable. Sometimes rulers misuse their privileges and even exceed their powers. Discretionary options of the rulers must be under public interests. Such privilege rules must be amended which reflect inequality between rulers and masses. It is necessary to put the honorary rights of rulers under logic and there must be a law of behold for the unlawful usage of authority, so that the bad utilization of these laws can be prevented. Such reserved rights must be amended which enhance the concept of un-equity between the rulers and public. For the better administration harmony among the public and administration is necessary. In this research paper we will analyze the concept and importance of privileges mentioned in the Constitution of Pakistan in the light of Islamic teachings.
Background: A wide variety of sedation techniques are employed to facilitate various invasive diagnostic and therapeutic procedures. Increasingly, propofol is emerging as the preferred sedative agent. Traditionally, it has been administered as intermittent boluses to achieve deep sedation to facilitate gastrointestinal endoscopy. Propofol target controlled infusion can be employed to provide suitably conducive conditions for this purpose. Objective: The primary objective sought to compare the proportion of hypoxia between the study group receiving intermittent boluses of propofol at 0.25mg/kg as needed, and the other receiving target-controlled infusion of propofol at 2.5mcg/ml during upper gastrointestinal endoscopy. The secondary objectives were to compare the occurrence of hypotension, bradycardia, and the time to wake up between the two groups. Primary outcome measure: Decrease in oxygen saturation below 90 percent (SpO2 <90%) Secondary outcome measures: Decrease in systolic blood pressure of more than 20% from baseline; decrease in heart rate to less than 50 beats per minute. Study design: prospective, single centre, randomized controlled trial Study setting: The Aga Khan University Hospital, Nairobi. Sample size: One hundred and seventy-six participants were enrolled; 88 belonging to the intermittent bolus arm and 88, to the target-controlled infusion arm. Study population: Included all ASA I and II patients between the ages of 18 and 65 years scheduled to undergo upper gastrointestinal endoscopy (oesophagogastroduodenoscopy) under sedation. Sedation procedure: One hundred and seventy-six participants were allocated randomly into one of two groups corresponding to the mode of propofol used for sedation (a) Premedication with midazolam 0.05mg/kg added to an initial bolus of propofol 1mg/kg, followed by repeat boluses of 0.25mg/kg as needed (B, n = 88) and (b) Premedication with midazolam 0.05mg/kg added to an initial target effect-site concentration of 4mcg/ml, followed by maintenance target effect-site concentration of 2.5mcg/ml, titrated upward or downward by 0.5mcg/ml from baseline infusion rate as needed (T, n = 88). Oxygenation and haemodynamic parameters were evaluated by determining oxygen saturation, blood pressure and heart rate immediately before administering the sedative and at 2.50, 5.00, 7.50 and 10.00 minutes. Standard care was, in addition to the above, provided. Data collection: A data collection tool was used to record data (refer to appendix V). Patients’ baseline vital signs, including blood pressure, heart rate and oxygen saturation were entered. Any occurrence of oxygen desaturation below 90% in both study groups was also recorded. The sedation starting time, stopping time, waking up time and overall duration of time