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الخدمت فاوٴنڈیشن ویمن ونگ کے فلاحی کاموں کا جائزہ

Thesis Info


سدرہ ذبیح


حمیرا اشرف




Lahore College for Women University



Degree Starting Year





معاشرت , اخلاقیات


2023-02-16 17:15:59


2023-02-16 22:08:49





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سیرت النبی محمد مصطفی

سیرت النبی محمد مصطفیٰؐ
نحمدہ ونصلی علی رسولہ الکریم امّا بعد فاعوذ بااللہ من الشیطن الرجیم
بسم اللہ الرحمن الرحیم
معزز اسا تذہ کرام اور میرے ہم مکتب شاہینو! آج مجھے جس موضوع پر لب کشائی کا موقع مل رہا ہے وہ ہے:’’سیرت النبی محمد مصطفیٰؐ‘‘
محترم صدر!
آج سے چودہ سو سال پہلے کا ئنات گھٹا ٹوپ تاریکیوں میں مستورتھی۔ ہر طرف جبر و تشدد کی ژالہ باریاں مصروف تباہی تھیں۔ درندگی وبہیمیت کی فضا میں حق پرستی و پرہیز گاری ناپید ہو چکی تھی۔ صنف نازک کی عصمت کا کوئی محافظ نہ تھا۔ ہر طرف آلام و مصائب کے بگولے محورقص تھے۔ صبح و شام غرباء فقراء کے سروں پر ظلم و تعدی کی تلوارلٹکتی رہتی تھی۔ جہاں تک نظر پڑتی کشت و خون ، درندگی و حیوانیت اور خوف و ہراس کا دور دورہ تھا۔ انسانی عقائدضعف اور اضمحلال کا شکار ہو چکے تھے گویا کفر و ضلالت کا ٹھاٹھیں مارتا ہوا طوفان تھا جس کے تند و تیز تھپیڑوںمیں انسانیت کی شکستہ نائو ہچکولے کھا رہی تھی۔ بلائے عظیم میں گرفتہ کسی نجات دہندہ کے منتظر تھے۔
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سیرت رسول عربی ﷺ(از نور بخش توکلی)کے منہج و اسلوب کا تجزیاتی مطالعہ

The topic of ‘Sacred role (Seerat)’ with the affinity of the Rasool (saw) having significance, status and vast acceptance is undoubtedly beyond expression. If we make analysis of a religious literature, we find most of its part consisting on such topics that are directly affiliated with the silent features of the personality of the Rasool (saw). In storehouse of knowledge and architecture of the world ‘Art of Sacred role’ has attained its prominent supremacy. The beginning of this art was based on the details of Ghazwat in Islam but with the passage of time, it was enlarged in such a way that a great piece of literary work on ‘Sacred role’ has been pin pointed in sub-continent. Many literate of persona put forth their pens on this topic out of whom Noor Bakhsh Tawakli is also the most famous name who wrote a with title of “Seerat Rasool-e-Arabi” on the personality of Rasool. The expression of the affection and following of the Rasool (saw) by Noor Bakhsh Tawakli is expressed by the leaves of this book. He is best known for his popular for this book which has its own status in this field. He wrote the book in the era during which the western civilization had strangled the youth of that time. Materialism was in its climax. A great piece of strife was being made to disintegrate the true bond of affection and following of the Rasool (saw) but the profundity of learning, recognition of knowledge, strict eye on the present condition of that time and the salient factors of love of the Rasool (saw) were quite dominant in this book. The leaves of which were enriched with the florescence of love and affection of Rasool(saw).  

Impact of Higher Education On Gross Domestic Product

Impact of Higher Education On Gross Domestic Product Education is the key to the socio-economic development of an economy. It plays a very important role to enhance the capabilities of individuals and to speed up the economic growth of a country. The positive outcomes of education include eradication of poverty and inequality, improvement in health conditions of individuals, enhancement in social status and overall strengthening of a society. Education also provides essential elements for policy framework. Pakistan is a developing country which needs special attention towards education policies in order to enhance and continue the economic growth. The study aims to investigate impact of higher education on Gross Domestic Product of Pakistan from 1981 to 2013 using econometric approach Johansen Cointegration (1995), Granger causality approach in Vector Autoregressive framework and Unit root test. The main emphasis was on to know the impact of Higher Education Commission since its inception. It examines whether higher education effect GDP in Pakistan. The econometric analysis reveals that there is a long run relationship between higher education and GDP, which provide evidence that these variables are necessary for each other. The empirical results of causality test specify that there exists a unidirectional causality running from economic growth to higher education and no other direction of causality found between these variables.