آس کے جگنوئوں سی سندر ہے
زندگی روشنی کا منظر ہے
مجھ کو تجھ تک کا ہے سفر درپیش
دلبری تیری میری رہبر ہے
ہم بھلا کیسے جیت سکتے ہیں
اُس کی شوخی تو ایک اخگر ہے
عمر گزری ہے رائیگانی میں
اب تو جنت ہے، جو میسر ہے
اے فضاؔ! مسکرا کے دیکھ ہمیں
مجھ بتِ خاک کا تو محور ہے
Despite being the torch bearers of the glorious tradition of Islamic learning and ethical training, the madāris have been the target of Western on slaught in modern times. As immense importance was given to the acquisition of knowledge in Islam, the early centers of Islamic knowledge were imparting education according to the letter and spirit of it, but with the passage of time that tradition could not be upheld. Though Qarawiyīn, Al-Azahar, Niẓāmiyah are a few classical madāris where religious and secular teachings were incorporated into one, the latter madāris separated the religious from the secular (worldly) education. Formation of colonial states made the condition worse. During the Afghan war, the madāris flourished in Pakistan but after 9/11 they were deemed responsible for the attack. The paper aims at producing a discourse on this transition of madrassa education from tradition to modernity and intends to suggest recommendations for the upgradation and revival of the educational system of madāris.
This study investigated perceived psychosocial problems, social support and coping in the wives of emigrants. The mediating role of perceived social support is also investigated in relationship between perceived psychosocial problems as independent variable and coping as dependent variable. Mixed methods research design was used. This study was conducted in two phases. In Phase I, 25 wives were approached through snow ball sampling technique. In- depth interviews were taken, audiotaped and transcribed. Items were collated and validated by experts. Perceived Psychosocial problems in the Wives of Emigrants (PPWE) and Religious, Active and Social-support Coping (RASC) scales were developed and psychometric properties were established. Factor analyses revealed three factors named low- mood, psychosomatic and social insecurity for PPWE scale and three factors named religious, active and social –support coping for RASC scale. In Phase II, snow ball sampling technique was used to investigate the relationship between perceived psychosocial problems, perceived social-support and coping from 377 wives of emigrants. A matched control group of 50 wives living with husbands was also compared with a group of 50 wives of emigrants. Results suggested that there was a significant difference in perceived psychosocial problems in the wives of emigrants than wives living with husband. Findings suggested that there was a significant relationship between perceived psychosocial problems, perceived social support and coping (religious, active and social-support). Multiple hierarchical regression analyses indicated that perceived psychosocial problems and social support were significant predictors of religious and social-support coping. Furthermore, mediation analyses found that perceived social support partially mediated the relationship between perceived psychosocial problems and religious and social-support coping. The two culturally sensitive measures PPWE and RASC provided early and timely identification will help in estimating the need for intervention and establishing the mental health services in community.