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ضلع لیّہ کے صوفیاء کرام: نور محمد تند کے تالیفی کام کا تحقیقی جائزہ

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حسنین مصطفیٰ


رضیہ شبانہ




Bahauddin Zakariya University



Degree Starting Year





پاکستان , پنجاب لیہ , شخصیات , تذکرہ صوفیائے کرام


2023-02-16 17:15:59


2023-02-19 12:20:59





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حضور بابا پیر سید ولی محمد شاہ سائیں

حضور بابا پیر سید ولی محمد شاہ سائیں رحمۃ اللہ علیہ
(آف پیر شاہ والے )
میری بدل دیویں تقدیر ولی شاہ باباؒ جی
توں ایں مولا علی دا وزیر ولی شاہ باباؒ جی
آلِ نبی، اولادِ علی ایں، پائی شان نرالی توں
جو وی آیا در تیرے تے گھلیا نہ کوئی خالی توں
کوہجھیاں نوں گل لا کے سائیاں لگیاں دی لج پالی توں
میری معاف کریں تقصیر ولی شاہ باباؒ جی
میری بدل دیویں تقدیر ولی شاہ باباؒ جی
اہل علاقہ گھر گھر سائیاں تیرے دیوے بلدے
شان انہاں دی پچھنی کی جیہڑے تیری سنگت رلدے
ناں تیرا ہک وار جے لیّے ساڈڑے دکھڑے ٹلدے
شعلہ پیر تیری تصویر ولی شاہ باباؒ جی
میری بدل دیویں تقدیر ولی شاہ باباؒ جی
ولیاں دا سرتاج سداویں تیرے شان نرالے نیں
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میری بدل دیویں تقدیر ولی شاہ باباؒ جی

سیاں نے دربار تیرے تے جھرمٹ ویکھو پایا
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Devasahayam: The First Martyr For Jesus Christ In Travancore

Travancore was the first and foremost among the princely states of India to receive the message of Jesus Christ. According to tradition, St. Thomas the Apostle came to India in 52 A.D. He made many conversions along the west coast of India. It had to the beginning of the Christian Community in India from the early Christian era. He attained martyrdom in 72 A.D. At Calamina in St. Thomas mount, Madras. He was the first to be sacrificed for the sake of Christ in India. During the close of the second century A.D. The Gospel reached the people of southern most part of India, Travancore. Emperor Constantine deputed Theophilus to India in 354 A.D. To preach the Gospel. During this time the persecution of Christians in Persia seemed to have brought many Christian refugees to Malabar coast and after their arrival it strengthened the Christian community there. During the 4th century A.D. Thomas of Cana, a merchant from West Asia came to Malabar and converted many people. During the 6th century A.D. Theodore, a monk, visited India and reported the existence of a church and a few Christian groups at Mylapore and the monastery of St. Thomas in India. Joannes De Maringoly, Papal Legate who visited Malabar in 1348 has given evidence of the existence of a Latin Church at Quilon. Hosten noted many settlements from Karachi to Cape Comorin and from Cape Comorin to Mylapore. The Portuguese were the first European power to establish their power in India. Under the Portuguese, Christians experienced several changes in their general life and religion. Vas-co-da-gama reached Calicut on May 17, 1498. His arrival marked a new epoch in the history of Christianity in India. Many Syrian Catholics were brought into the Roman Catholic fold and made India, the most Catholic country in the East. Between 1535 to 1537 a group of Paravas were converted to Christianity by the Portuguese. In 1544 a group of fishermen were converted to Christian religion. St. Francis Xavier came to India in the year 1542. He is known as the second Apostle of India. He laid the foundation of Latin Christianity in Travancore. He could make many conversions. He is said to have baptized 30,000 people in South India. Roman Congregation of the propagation of Faith formed a Nemom Mission in 1622. The conversion of the Nairs was given much priority. As a result, several Nairs followed Christian faith particularly around Nemom about 8 k.m. South of Trivandrum. Ettuvitu pillaimars, the feudal chiefs began to persecute the Christians of the Nemom Mission. Martyr Devasahayam, belonged to the Nair community and was executed during the reign of Marthandavarma (1729-1758). It is an important chapter in the History of Christianity in South India in general, and of Travancore in particular.

Comparative Analysis of Sentiment Analysis Techniques for Social Media

Nowadays the excessive use of internet produces a huge amount of data due to the social networks such as Twitter, Facebook, Orkut and Tumbler. These are microblogging sites and are used to share the people opinions and suggestions on daily basis relevant to the certain topic. These are beneficial for decision making or extracting conclusions. Analysis of these feeds aims to assess the thinking and comments of people about some personality or topic. Sentiment analysis is a type of text classification and is performed by various techniques such as Machine Learning Techniques and shows that the text is negative, positive or neutral. In this work, we provide a comparison of most recent sentiment analysis techniques such as Na?ve Bayes, Bagging, Random Forest, Decision Tree, Support Vector Machine and Maximum entropy. The purpose of the study is to provide an empirical analysis of existing classification techniques for social media for analyzing the good performance and better information retrieval. A comprehensive comparative framework is designed to compare these techniques. Various benchmark datasets (UCI, KAGGLE) available in different repositories are used for comparison purpose. We presented an empirical analysis of six classifiers. The analysis results that Random Forest performs much better as compared to other. Efforts are made to provide a conclusion about different algorithms based on numerical and graphical metrics to conclude that which algorithm is optimal.