’’انٹی کرپشن‘‘ یعنی انسدادِ بد عنوانی!
نحمدہ ونصلی علی رسولہ الکریم امّا بعد فاعوذ بااللہ من الشیطن الرجیم
بسم اللہ الرحمن الرحیم
معزز اسا تذہ کرام اور میرے ہم مکتب شاہینو!آج مجھے جس موضوع پر اظہار خیال کرنا ہے وہ ہے:’’انٹی کرپشن‘‘ یعنی انسداد بدعنوانی!‘‘
ملاوٹ کرپشن ہے سب کا مزاج
خدا جانے بدلے گا کب یہ سماج
صاحبِ صدر!
انٹی کرپشن یعنی انسداد بدعنوانی کے لفظ سے ہی یہ بات مترشحّ ہورہی ہے کہ بدعنوانی کو :
کوئی معاشرہ ، کوئی قوم، کوئی خاندان کسی لحاظ سے بھی مستحسن قرارنہیں دیتا، جس مضمون کا عنوان ہی غیر مناسب اور ناموزوں ہو اس میں موجود موادکبھی اچھے نتائج برآمد نہیں کرسکتا۔
کرپشن کے لفظ میں سینکڑوں برائیاں ، سینکڑوں نازیبا حرکات پنہاں ہیں ، کرپشن کا اژدہا معاشرے کے حسن کو اپنی بھیانک شکل سے شب بیماراں کرنے کے درپے ہے۔ کرپشن جس مقام پر بھی ہو تو اس کی شائستگی اور شیفتگی کا قلع قمع کر دیتی ہے۔
جنابِ صدر!
مجاہد سرحد پر کھڑ اتساہل اور غفلت کا شکار ہے تو وہ بھی کرپشن کر رہا ہے۔ مسیحااپنے فرائضِ منصبی بطریقِ احسن سرانجام نہیں دے رہا تو وہ بھی بدعنوانی اور کرپشن کا شکار ہے۔ اس کی لا پرواہی سے مریض لقمہ اجل بن رہے ہیں تو اس عظیم پیشہ سے وابستہ شخص گویا انتہائی درجے کابدعنوان اور کرپٹ ہے۔
معزز سامعین!
کر پشن اور بدعنوانی کے حامل شخص سے خلاصی انتہائی ناگزیر ہے۔ بدعنوانی کے خوفناک سالوں سے نکلنے کے لیے دیانتداری اور ایمان داری کی شمع کو منور کرنا ہوگا۔ اسلام کے گلشن سے گلہائے رنگارنگ کا نظارہ کرنا ہوگا، جرأت اور جوانمردی کے اسپ تازی کی شاہسواری کرنی ہوگی۔
صدرِ ذی وقار!
کرپشن اور بدعنوانی ایسی نہیں کہ ناپ تول میں کمی کی جائے ، ہر غیر اخلاقی...
The travel and tours enterprise were badly affected due to pandemics. In the aftermath of high restrictions on human movement, travel-based entrepreneurs were highly impacted due to lockdown. Due to pandemic, highly impacted into earning-saving, lack of supportive working conditions, lower self-capacity, and lack of recovery budget and policies, the travel and tours-based entrepreneurs were highly impacted. The study reflected the impact of pandemics on travel and tours, major constraints, and a possible way forward to sustaining. The research explores what are the major existing practices of sustaining travel and tours entrepreneurs during pandemics, what factors can contribute to building bounce-back capacities of travel and tours entrepreneurs’ sustainability. Above forty-four, snowball-based sampling was done from major travel and tours entrepreneurs, Pokhara-Nepal. A structure-based open-ended questionnaire, key informant interviews, and in-person-based discussion were applied in the method of study. Used the content analysis along with a recap of the research question, undertake bracketing to identify biases, operationalize variables with develop a coding, and code the data with undertaking analysis while qualitative analysis, and multiple regression facilitated on quantitative analysis to finalize the discussion. The study reflects that self-saving, social support, state and financial institutions recovery support, social behavior and change communication, full vaccination practices, and self-accountable tourist behavior are highly expectable conditions to the sustainability of travel and torus entrepreneurship in the learning area. The study concludes that self-saving capacity can contribute to bounce-back capacity for every entrepreneur. Social support and socioeconomic recovery packages were also contributing to sustaining travel and tours in the study area. Self-saving condition and capacity is higher bounce back capacity compared to non-saved entrepreneurs in the study area. Social support, socioeconomic recovery practices, and recovery packages from state and financial institutions were not at the higher level as expected.
This has always been the dream of development thinkers, academicians, researchers and policy makers to contribute in materializing the goal of sustainable development with maximum possible equity. A series of development programs have been launched in different regions of the country to materialize this dream. Now it has become a challenging question whether such initiatives are really contributing in the welfare of masses and if so, what sort of policy messages can be taken from such success stories? In this connection, the fundamental objective of this study was to empirically investigate the impact of Azad Jammu and Kashmir Community Development Program (AJKCDP) in multidimensional perspectives. This program was established to directly address the key issues for rural poverty reduction through empowering the community organization to assume the responsibility and ownership for decentralized planning and implementation of development activities. Both secondary and primary data was collected for analysis, for the objectives and thus for extracting meaningful results. The entire AJK was the universe of the study and a sample of 560 respondents was snapped by employing multistage stratified purposive random sampling technique. Four districts were selected from where both male and female respondents who were registered (70 percent) and non-registered (30 percent) were surveyed from selected villages in each of the districts. Data was gathered from the field through personal interviews by using a properly constructed interview schedule. Empirical analysis was operated by using different analytical techniques. There has been xxiii substantial difference in the trend of education profile of registered and nonregistered members from the base year (2003-04) to current year (2013-14). FGT measure of poverty was applied for estimating incidence, depth and severity of poverty in absolute and relative framework. There has been decrease in incidence poverty by 6 percent among the registered members but there was slight increase in depth of poverty. Similarly, the increase in relative incidence of poverty among members was 3 percent less than non-members. Relative depth of poverty has been decreased substantially showing the positive impact of developmental interventions as during the base year around 13 percent boost in income was required to come out of poverty. Now only 7 percent coverage is required. Inequality among the poor has also been reduced more among registered members than non-registered. There are varying reflections of incidence, depth and severity of poverty in different districts of AJK. Beside unidimensional poverty, multidimensional deprivation was also quantified for all registered and nonregistered members of AJKCDP under different arbitrary weight arrangements. Most of such empirics clearly demonstrate the fact that multidimensional poverty was reduced in a higher proportion among the members as compared to nonmembers except in Muzaffarabad. Health dimension has been emerged as the leading contributor in multidimensional poverty as health poverty increased almost in all districts of AJK. Had there been health related initiatives, the fall in multidimensional poverty would have been higher. Probability expressions were modeled with the aid of Logit to check correlates of poverty in the area. Education, cultivated area, assets, employment status, jobs of females, household size and the livestock are going to increase the probability of decrease in poverty. It is xxiv recommended that the success stories of this program should be replicated with great care as area specific interventions are more workable than initiatives in one stroke across the whole valley. One key policy message states that no intervention can be sustainably workable and highly successful in improving the welfare of the masses until health related issues are addressed in conjunction with other initiatives. It has been proved empirically that women‟s participation in economic activities plays a pivotal role in reducing poverty. Gender friendly policies are highly beneficial particularly in the remote regions. Health and education related infrastructure should be improved by involving the local community and by inviting private sector through the foundation of corporate social responsibility.