کت چرخہ داج بنا کڑیے
خوشیاں نال سوہرے جا کڑیے
تیرے چرخے دی گھوگ پیاری نی
توں کت کت چرخہ ہاری نی
دکھ ہٹسن ، دور بیماری نی
کر رب دی حمد ، ثناء کڑیے
کت چرخہ داج بنا کڑیے
تیرے چرخے دی ماہل پرانی نی
اُٹھ راتیں رڑک مدھانی نی
فر مکھن آیا جانی نی
توں رب دا ذکر اُلاء کڑیے
کت چرخہ داج بنا کڑیے
تیرا چرخہ بہت پیارا نی
ایہہ دنیا کوڑ پسارا نی
کیہ کلّی ، کیہ چوبارا نی
گئے رب دی من رضا کڑیے
کت چرخہ داج بنا کڑیے
توں چرخہ منگ لیائی نی
توں چرخے تند نہ پائی نی
کیوں کیتی بے پروائی نی
نہ ویہلیاں وقت گنوا کڑیے
کت چرخہ داج بنا کڑیے
تیرے چرخے دی ہتھی بھوندی نی
تینوں نیندر بڑا ستوندی نی
راتیں اُٹھ نہ چھلیاں پوندی نی
کیہ دسیں گی اُوتھے جا کڑیے
کت چرخہ داج بنا کڑیے
تیرے چرخے دی ہتھی بھاری نی
تینوں حُسن دی چڑھی خماری نی
تیری مت گئی کیوں ماری نی
اُٹھ غافل! رب دھیا کڑیے
کت چرخہ داج بنا کڑیے
تیرے چرخے دے مُنے لمبے نی
تینوں ہر دم پین اچنبھے نی
دل تیرا تھر تھر کمبے نی
جد لیا کہاراں چا کڑیے
کت چرخہ داج بنا کڑیے
تینوں چرخہ کس پھڑایا نی
دس توں کی داج بنایا نی
ویہلے بہہ بہہ وقت گنوایا نی
سس پچھسی جھڑکاں پا کڑیے
کت چرخہ داج بنا کڑئیے
تیرا چرخہ رنگ رنگیلا نی
کر اگانہہ دا کوئی حیلہ نی
تیرا مرشد پاک وسیلہ نی
دینا سائیں پار لنگھا کڑیے
کت چرخہ داج بنا کڑیے
This paper intends to discuss Qur’ānic concept of Divine Mercy in the light of couples of Divine Attributes mentioned at the end of verses in order to study what standards have been given for the best human conduct and how we may extract guideline and principles for communal amelioration acquiring well-balanced social rhythm. Conversely, what are the conditions and prerequisites that are responsible to make a person deserving and worthy of Divine Mercy as advised by Qur’ānic verses from within the domain of selected pairs. This paper desires to estimate the hypothesis that Divine Mercy gives rise to the better understanding leading towards broad spectrum of the subject theme where social betterment is greatly concerned. Employing analytical method, we may be able to know multiple dimensions regarding human life and its rectification. This study concludes that from the universal message of Divine Mercy each pair demonstrates its unique communication, which may cause to find the details for social amelioration as well as practical evidences concerning the better social milieu, instead of just concentrating upon theories and revolving around the ideas in relation to the concept of mercy. This communication finds that how these pairs mutually addressed the humanity to educate them commendable conduct along with preventive measures, for praiseworthy living. It is recommended that this discourse will provide a data from Islamic weltanschauung concerning Divine Mercy projecting an exclusive comparative stance towards different thoughts and religions.
This research investigates the social and domestic problems faced by the married nurses in the fulfillment of
their professional responsibilities. Study addresses the critical issue of work family conflict in Pakistani
perspective. The Research was conducted in two hospitals of Islamabad (Pakistan Institute of Medical Sciences
and Poly Clinic Hospital). Different aspects of the issue were endeavored to be explored. The main domain of
this research was to see the prevalence of work-family conflict among nurses. One of the more frequent pursuits
in the research is the quest to identify which segment of shift schedule (morning, evening and night) represents
higher level of work family conflict for married nurses. Sample of the study consisted of two hundred married
nurses working in different shifts in hospitals out of which 161 responded back. The Response rate was 80%.
The Study further explored Length of shift, work schedule flexibility, family support that affects Work – family
conflicts. The results of the study reveal that presently most of the nurses working in hospitals are assigned
12-hour Shift. Work schedule flexibility and family support are negatively associated with work- family conflicts
while work schedule flexibility is positively associated with family supports. Evening and night shift nurses
were found to have greater level of work family conflict than that of morning shift nurses. Nurses with
cooperative environment at home suffer less from social and domestic problems while lengthy duration of
working shifts affects the married life of the nurses.