مولانا حاجی محمد عمر
کرنول علاقہ مدراس کیا ایک عالم دین کی وفات
احا طہ مدراس کا وہ خطہ جس کو اب اندھرا کہنے لگے ہیں، اور جو مدراس اور حیدرآباد دکن کے بیچ میں واقع ہے وہ بھی کبھی اسلام کی قوت کا مرکز تھا، اس میں کرنول نام مشہور مقام ہے، جہاں پہلے ایک نوابی قائم تھی، وہ مٹ چکی ہے، اور اس کا یادگار خاندان حیدرآباد دکن منتقل ہوگیا ہے، وہاں کی اسلامی طاقت کے زوال سے وہاں کے مسلمانوں کی علمی و دینی کیفیت بھی زوال کے قریب پہنچ چکی تھی، کہ اﷲ تعالیٰ نے اپنے دین کی حفاظت کے لیے اپنے ایک بندہ کو مامور فرمایا، ان کا نام مولانا حاجی محمد عمر صاحب تھا، ان کے علم و فضل اور نیکی و تقوی کے سبب سے حاکم و محکوم دونوں طبقوں میں ان کو ہردل عزیزی حاصل تھی، حکومت نے شمس العلماء کے لقب سے ملقب کیا تھا، اور عام مسلمانوں نے بھی ان کی دینی قیادت اور رہبری کو قبول کیا، موصوف نے اسی ۸۰ برس کی عمر پائی، اور یہ پوری عمر علوم دینی کی تعلیم و تدریس میں بسر کرکے گذشتہ ۲۰؍ جولائی ۱۹۴۶ء کو وفات پائی، ان کی وفات سے اس علاقہ میں علوم قدیمہ کا خاتمہ ہوگیا، مرحوم مولانا احمد حسن صاحب کان پوریؒ کے ارشد تلامذہ میں تھے، اور جس جلسہ میں نددہ کی ابتداکی تحریک کی گئی اسی میں ان کی دستار بندی ہوئی تھی، ۱۳۱۱ھ میں کان پور سے فارغ ہوکر واپسی کے بعد کرنول میں قیام کیا، اور آخر تک وہیں قیام پذیر رہے، وہاں ایک چھوٹے سے مدرسہ کا انتظام جس کی ماہوار آمد نی پندرہ بیس روپیہ سے زیادہ نہ تھی، ا پنے ہاتھ میں لیا، اﷲ تعالیٰ نے ان کے کام میں برکت دی مرحوم کے مساعی کی بدولت...
Ontemporary modern interest-bearing financial system, “economicsystem”, has become an integral part and the prevalent system reflects that in the modern progressive era of growth where other arts have seen progress than in the old days the modern interest bearing system has become a part of the financial development. Interest in the present era has being understood as a direction for financial growth and development of economy hence in some way or the other been tried to be enforced in to the Islamic world such that it becomes a need and no country can live without. And the objectives of this interest bearing system can meet their targets. In Muslim countries minds that do not have deep commitment with Islamic teaching have been convinced in a way that in the ancient days this level of interest was not needed as in the present era. So, on the interest of present day “riba” can’t be applied whose prohibition is proved by Islamic law. The impression that interest is the need of modern times in ancient times to modern times thislevel of interest is not required, nor was there any specifically organized circle like today concept the financial system may be of interest not only if favor of contemporary practice in the present, but also an extremely ancient system was out there and have some evidence of old banking practices. This article, with the vividness of ancient religions, has proved that “interest” in antiquity is as same as of today. The form of interest and its impacts aren’t get changed by the change in ancient or current business practices. Interest is interest, whether it is found in ancient religions or at theadvent of Islam or even after that in the modern day. It embodies the same “riba” whose prohibition is proved in the Islamic sharia.
Background: There is an increase in the burden of HIV infected adolescents, both those perinatally infected as well as those acquiring HIV during adolescence. Female adolescents continue to be at the highest risk for acquiring HIV; in many Southern African countries, they have a three fold risk of acquiring HIV compared to their male counterparts. Adherence to treatment among adolescents has been shown to range between 30-70%, which is unacceptably low for antiretroviral therapy (ART). Psychosocial wellbeing and social support have been shown to be possible contributing factors to adherence to ART. This relationship has not been previously evaluated among Kenyan adolescents. Objectives: The overall objective of this study was to determine prevalence of non-adherence to medication among HIV infected adolescents aged 13-18 years attending selected outpatient HIV clinics in Kisumu, Kenya. The secondary objectives included determining the effect of psychosocial well being on adherence, and determining factors, including peer group support and their effect on adherence to medication. Methods We conducted a multi-center retrospective cohort study at seven outpatient HIV clinics in Kisumu, Kenya; enrolling 285 adolescents aged 13-18 years. Adherence data was obtained from pharmacy refill data and for each subject and a percentage adherence computed as the proportion of completed scheduled pharmacy visits. The main v predictor variable, psychosocial well being data was collected using a validated tool and a psychosocial score calculated using the corresponding score sheet and categorized as good (score was >22), moderate (15-22) and poor (<15). The maximum possible score was 30. Demographic data on potential determinants of adherence were collected in a face-to-face interview using a structured questionnaire. Characteristics of study participants were summarized using means and standard deviations for continuous variables; counts and proportions for categorical variables. The associations between adherence, psychosocial well-being and other factors were assessed using univariate and multivariate logistic regression. Results: The mean age of the participants was 15 years (mode 13, median15), 59% of whom were female. The majority (67%) had been enrolled into care when less than 12 years old and therefore considered to have been infected perinatally; 52% were on ART. The overall average adherence was 86%. Adolescents were categorized as adherent (adherence >95%) or non-adherent (adherence <95%) and 65% of them were adherent. Poor psychosocial well being was associated with increased likelihood of poor adherence (OR 3.37 CI 1.17 to 9.69; p=.017). Mental health showed a tendency to affect adherence negatively (p=.09). Other