When we go through the history of Sub-continent it becomes clear that Islam entered in this area during the period of rightly guided Caliphs. In 92 A.H when Muhammad bin Qasim conquered Sindh and some other parts of the present Pakistan, many Tab‘een and some companions came in the Sub-continent. It is famous that Shāh Walī Allāh (d:1176 A.H) is the first person in Sub-continent who translated Holy Qur’an in Persian and urged to ponder over its meanings. But it is not true. Makhdūm Nūḥ Hālāe’ (d:998 A.H/1589A.D) translated the Qur’ān in the Persian language and he must be regarded as the pioneer of the translation works. Shāh Walī Allāh had to face opposition on translating the Holy Book. Later on, his sons followed him produced translations in Urdu. Many scholars have written tafasir (commentaries) of the Quran. When we analyze these commentaries, it seems that influence of different schools of thought is visible on them. Although Hanfi School of Thought is in the majority but there is a division in Hanfis as well. Salfi approach has also influence in Sub-continent. In some tafsir, Sufi approach can also be seen. Moudidi is the first person who presented a theory of political Islam and his tafsir Tafhīm al- Qur’ān advocates this aspect. Hameed-ud-Deen Farahi is the first person in the Sub-continent who highlighted Nazm-e-Qur’an and his student Maulānā Amīn Aḥsan Iṣlāḥī advocated his approach in Tadabbur-e-Qur’ān.
To sum up it can be said that in Sub-continent there is variety of approaches for understanding Qur’an. This is blessing of Allah Almighty that Holy Qur’an is being understood in different ways and every scholar is getting pearls of guidance as per his ability and approach.
Background: Determination of age depends upon physical examination, dental assessment, and skeletal evaluation. The radiological examination of bone for appearance and fusion of ossification centers helps in the assessment of skeletal maturity as the process occurs in a particular sequence which is almost constant for that particular bone. Objectives: The objective of this study was to determine the age of fusion of iliac crest by radiological examination of subjects of age bracket 17-25 years coming to Shalamar Hospital Lahore Methods: In this cross-sectional study, radiological examinations (Digital X-Rays) were performed to evaluate the fusion of Iliac Crest in 200 subjects of both genders of 17 – 25 years. Data analysis was done using SPSS Version 23. Conclusions were drawn and compared with available results of previous work done in this field. Results: Out of 200 subjects, there were 132 males (66 %) and 68 females (34%). The mean ± SD age of both genders was 20.41± 2.55. There were 93 cases (70.45%) of complete fusion among males, showing 100 % union in the age groups of 21-25 years, while 40 cases (58.83%) of complete union among females were observed during 20-25 year of age groups. The mean ± SD age of complete union for males was 20.67± 2.61 years and for females 19.90 ± 2.38 years, with a significant p value of <0.05. Similarly, a statistically significant difference was observed among people of different socio-economic statuses. No difference was observed among different ethnic groups. Conclusions: The fusion of the iliac crest is not affected by ethnicity. Factors like diet and nutrition directly affect bone growth and hence bone age. More studies should be conducted across the country to formulate a standard in setting up a uniform criterion for assessing the age of adolescents
Fruit flies (Diptera: Tephritidae) having economic importance because of pest attacking throughout the world on various fruits and vegetables. The genus of fruit flies; Bactrocera are serious pests of fruits and vegetables, hence the studies were carried out to find out the level of fruit fly infestation, comparison of fruit fly attractants and molecular identification of fruit fly species in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KP). The trials were laid out in randomized complete block design, replicated three times on various fruits and vegetables in KP during 2010 and 2011. The experimental studies were carried out on Guava at Kohat, Peach at Swat and Bitter gourd at Charsada. The data of infestation were recorded on counting healthy and infested fruits and vegetable randomly. Findings of the study showed that fruit fly infestation gradually gained from mid April and reached to its peaks in mid August and then dropped till mid November in Guava orchards. In case of Peach orchards, fruit fly infestation varied during the study periods in both the years (2010 & 2011). The infestation increased from mid April and gained its peaks in August and thereafter started declined till October. In similar way, fruit flies infestation in Bitter gourd at Charsada reached to highest percentage in months of August, drastically decreased and the lowest records were in the month of November. It was concluded that the presence of fruit fly was recorded in all the three orchards throughout their crop seasons and this window is considered a critical one in the management of fruit fly. The findings of three different attractants i.e, Methyl eugenol (M.E), Cue lure (C.L) and PPr-Product (locally made protein/yeast autolysate based) showed that significant variation for the captured of fruit flies among attractants and observational dates in Guava, Peach and Bitter gourd orchards. M.E trapped more fruit flies as compared PPr-Product and C.L traps in Guava and Peach orchards whereas higher number of fruit flies was captured by PPr-Product as compared to both C.L and M.E traps in Bitter gourd orchards. Higher capture of Bactrocera zonata and Bactrocera dorsalis in Guava and Peach orchards was recorded by M. E whereas C.L attracted more Bactrocera. cucuribitae as compared to M.E traps for Peach, Guava and Bitter gourd orchards. More number B. zonata and B. dorsalis captured by PPr-Product in Bitter gourd. The PPr-Product traps were found more effective against all three types of female adults flies whereas M.E traps captured more B. zonata and B. dorsalis while C.L captured more male adults of B. cucurbitae in xiPeach, Bitter gourd and Guava orchards. For molecular analysis of five major Tephritids fruit fly species (B. zonata, B. dorsalis, B. cucurbitae, Bactrocera tau and Myiopardalis pardalin) the mitochondrial cytochrome C oxidase (COI) gene was amplified using primers previously described for the conserved region and the amplified products were subjected to RFLP analysis and sequencing. Analysis of the PCR-RFLP profile of COI gene using primers LCOI and HCOI and restriction enzymes (PstI, HincII, HaeIII, BamHI and SspI) revealed that the five different restriction enzymes could efficiently differentiate among the Five (05) major fruit fly species analyzed in this study. Furthermore, sequencing and phylogenetic analysis of fruit fly species based upon the COI gene revealed species-specific distinct evolutionary trends.