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منتخب اردو کتبِ سیرت النبیؐ کا تقابلی مطالعہ

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جمیلہ خانم


فضل احمد




Jinnah University For Women



Degree Starting Year





سیرت نگاری


2023-02-16 17:15:59


2023-02-16 17:33:40





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نواب رحمت اﷲ خاں شروانی

نواب رحمت اﷲ خاں شروانی مرحوم
۱۰؍ جنوری کی صبح علی گڑھ سے برادرم ڈاکٹر جمشید ندوی نے خبردی کہ نواب رحمت اﷲ خاں شروانی نے آخر شب قریب ساڑھے چار بجے داعی اجل کو لبیک کہا، اناﷲ وانا الیہ راجعون۔
خودنمائیوں کی جستجو میں مصروف اس دنیا کو کیسے بتایا جائے کہ جانے والا کون تھا؟ کبھی ہمارے صاحب دل شاعر نے بزم دہلی کا نوحہ کرتے ہوئے کہا تھا کہ:
؂ یادگار بزم دہلی ایک حالی رہ گیا
افسوس اب علی گڑھ کی بزم دوشیں کی یہ یادگار بھی اٹھ گئی جس نے علم نوازی اور علم پروری کی ان روایات کو مدۃالعمر زندہ و تابندہ رکھا جن کا ذکر اب شاید ماضی کی داستانوں میں ملتا ہے۔
نواب صاحب نے قریب بیاسی سال کی عمر پائی، ۱۶؍ فروری ۲۹ء میں پیدا ہوئے، بھیکم پور کی ریاست گومملکت نہ تھی تاہم ۳۶۵ قریوں اور قصبات کی ملکیت، نوابی کے تمام معروف مظاہر کے لیے کم بھی نہیں، لیکن شروانی خاندان نے حکومت و سطوت کی ظاہر علامتوں سے بیزاری پر اپنی قدروں کی استواری کو ترجیح دی، عمل داری رہی تو علم و حلم اور جود و سخاوت کی، رحمت اﷲ شروانی مرحوم کی تربیت اسی ماحول میں ہوئی، تعلیم کے لیے وہ مشہور دون اسکول ضرور گئے لیکن صحت کی ناسازی کی وجہ سے یہ تعلیم تکمیل کے مراحل تک نہ پہنچ سکی، البتہ علم پرور ماحول نے ان کو علم شناسی کی ایسی دولت دی جس سے وہ ہمیشہ پرثروت رہے اور دوسروں کو بھی تونگر بناتے رہے، مال و زر کی جگہ بہترین کتابوں سے ان کا خزانہ بیش قیمت ہوتا رہا اور یہ دوسروں پر بھی نچھاور ہوتا گیا۔ ان کے والد کے متعلق کہا جاتا ہے کہ وہ سرسید کی گود میں کھیل کر جواں ہوئے تھے، قدرتاً...

قرآن کریم میں مذکورہ انبیا ء کرام کے واقعات سراغ رسانی

Intelligence system is considered to be one of the important tools used by military and civil secret agencies to defend and strengthen a nation. Intelligence system is thought to be one of the oldest studies of known history. Intelligence system consists of correct and accurate information, gathered after great struggle and facing difficulties. This department is related to both peace and war. Intelligence is a basis of formulating all military strategies and plans. The importance of Intelligence system both in day to day life and as a nation cannot be overemphasized. This article narrates the history of espionage, which is as old as the history of mankind itself. Five thousand years ago, the Egyptians has a well-organized secret service. In the ancient western country, it was called as; hakim’, in Spain (Undles) as ‘Sahib al Madina’, in Tunis as ‘Ray’ and in Iran the as “Areef”. Nowadays it is known as ‘Muqadama-Tul-Haaraat’, Salaf-Us-Saliheen calls its “Shurtaa” and some calls it as ‘Sahib al-us-us’ as they use to move throughout the night to look for anti-state elements. The first ever victim of intelligence warfare was Hazrat Adam (A) where Satan revolt against him. Similarly, the incident of Hazrat Yousaf (A) is the indication of old age practice of espionage. Due to jealousy, his brothers sold him as slave and told their father that he has been eaten alive by a wolf. Hazrat Musa (A) had his network of espionage. Even birds had been used for spying, like in the case of Hazrat Suleman (A) where he was informed by the hopp bird about the Queen of Saba. The study of the Bible reveals that instead of Hazrat Eessa (A), Yehuda Skruti was crucified but still nobody knows for sure that whether he was a true follower of the Jesus or was an implanted agent of the Romans Intelligence Agency. Anyhow, Bible declared him as a Roman spy. The ongoing tribal wars in ancient Arabs further emphasized this activity. The rest of the world had already well developed intelligence system. But in Arab, it was in its development phase and it was the Holy Prophet (PBUH) who got it from his ancestors and developed it. In addition to the intelligence systems of the early prophets, the relevant events in the realm of Nijashi of Habsha and Alexander the Great, have been narrated in this article.

Prevalence and Characterization of Fungal Pathogens Associated With Loquat Eriobotrya Japonica in Punjab Pakistan

In Pakistan, loquat (Eriobotrya japonica) is becoming a major fruit crop for local and export markets but its yield is continuously declining. The aims of the current study were to determine the geographical distribution, incidence and morpho-molecular identification of major fungal pathogens associated with loquat in Punjab, Pakistan. For this purpose, a total number of 34 loquat orchards were surveyed during summer and winter 2014 and summer and winter 2015 in loquat growing areas of Punjab. A total number of 2720 samples (fruit, leaves and twigs) were collected from Taxila, Wah Cantt, Khanpur, Tret, Chatar, Murree, Kalar Kahar and Choa Saiden Shah. Alternaria leaf spots and fruit rot, twig dieback, anthracnose, Curvularia leaf spot and fruit rot and Fusarium fruit rot were recorded in all locations. Fungal diseases were found in all orchards and average incidence was recorded as 25.55 percent and 27.6 percent of tree in two consecutive years. The environmental conditions for the development of fungal diseases were more favorable in summer as compared to winter and due to this, the disease incidences recorded higher in summer. During the second year, increases in fungal diseases incidence were recorded in Taxila (6 percent), Wah Cantt (5.5 percent), Khanpur (1.7 percent), Tret (1.65 percent), Choa Saiden Shah (1 percent), Chatar (0.85 percent) and Murree (0.65 percent), due to dispersal of infected loquat debris in loquat orchards. A reduction in disease incidence was observed in Kalar Kahar (1 percent) due to the proper sanitation measures. Alternaria alternata, A. mali, Curvularia lunata, C. geniculata, Colletotrichum gloeosporioides, C. capsici, Fusarium solani and F. equiseti were isolated from the infected loquat fruit and leaves while only Lasiodiplodia theobromae was observed to cause twig dieback of xvii loquat. A total number of 843 isolates were confirmed through morphological characterizations. Alternaria sp. was exhibiting the maximum (168) isolates followed by L. theobromae (146), Colletotrichum capsici (140), Fusarium sp. (136), C. gloeosporioides (131) and Curvularia sp. (122) and Alternaria leaf spot and fruit rot was prominent in Tret (26.54 percent), Khanpur (26.19 percent), Taxila (25.76 percent) and Wah Cantt (19.23 percent) while maximum incidence of Curvularia leaf spot and fruit rot, Fusarium fruit rot, twig dieback and anthracnose (C. capsici) was recorded in Chatar (20.59 percent), Murree (20.58 percent), Choa Saiden Shah (20 percent) and Kalar Kahar (17.86 percent) respectively. The pathogenic abilities of each isolate were checked on healthy loquat plants, detached leaves and fruit. The internal transcribed spacer regions (ITS1, 5.8S and ITS2) of 44 highly virulent fungal isolates was amplified through PCR assay and sequencing analysis of ITS regions exhibited 99 to 100 percent genetic homology with previously reported isolates. Five multi-genes sequence analysis viz ITS, translocation elongation factor 1-α (EF), beta-tubulin (BT), actin (ACT) and glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate dehydrogenase (GAPDH) confirmed these pathogens at species level. The morphological characterization and multigene sequence analysis confirmed Lasiodiplodia theobromae, Curvularia lunata, C. geniculata, Colletotrichum gloeosporioides, C. capsici, Alternaria mali, A. Alternata, Fusarium solani and F. equiseti. The geographical distributions, incidences and morpho-molecular identification of major fungal pathogens is providing the guidelines for new researcher working on disastrous pathogens of loquat in Punjab Pakistan and this information will act as a remedy for development strategies of proper management of these destructive fungal pathogens.