پروانے جل اٹھے
5جولائی 1977ء یوم سیاہ
جب چئیر مین ذوالفقار علی بھٹو کے پروانے جل اٹھے تھے۔ ہے کوئی جو اپنے لیڈر کے لیے خود پر تیل چھڑک کر آ گ لگا لے ۔تقریباََ سات کارکنوں نے اپنی جانیں ذوالفقار علی بھٹو شہید پر قربان کیں چئیر مینذوالفقار علی بھٹو نے سپریم کورٹ میں کھڑے ہو کر کہ کوئی کسی کے لیے اپنی انگلی کو نہیں جلا سکتا میرے جان نثاروں نے اپنی جانیں قربان کر دیں ۔
جب پروانے جل اٹھے تھے۔ یہ قبریں پنجاب اور ایک تصویر آزاد کشمیر کے ان پروانوں کی ہیں جو اپنے قائد کو پھا نسی چڑھتا ہوا نہیں دیکھ سکتے تھے اور خود پر تیل چھڑک کر خود سوزی کر کے اپنے قائد چئیر مین ذوالفقار علی بھٹو شہید پر قربان ہو گئے ۔پہلی قبر گوجرانوالہ کے وحید قریشی کی دوسری تیسری فیصل آ باد کے رشید عاجز اور یعقوب پرویز کھوکھر ،چوتھی تصویر آزاد کشمیر کے خود سوزی کر نے والے عزیز ملک کی ہے ۔
A child born with a soul of being, but has lack of personality. Actually personality comes with the effect of good education, guidance, squatter and environment in which a child lives. But literally due to the teachings of Hinduism or Buddhism or Christianity a human existence proves oneself with a personality. Even western civilization has an ideal concept of personality, but human personality has its very strong roots in Islamic teachings as Holy Qur’ān gives us a first-hand description about an “Ideal Personality”. According to the “Sunnah” of Prophet Muhammad (r) man has some qualities of “moderation” which can be the dominant in excess of his existence. So, man should establish equilibrium regards his personality. But there is need to create stability in education, society and politics on the basis of “moderation”. Islam lays a great emphasis on character building. Balanced personality is based on all the best qualities of head and heart. Our Holly Prophet’s (r) personality is an excellent example of balanced personality. In Islamic perspective just to accept the characteristics and Sunnah of Muhammad (r) can be equal to the modern word of personality. But have we absorbed the ultimate concept of personality? Which personality can we call an ideal personality? These two questions are very significant to wonder about on the concept of ideal personality. Every religion and civilization has its own true meaning of ideal personality, but besides all this according to Quran the ideal personality is concealed in a word “Sunnah”. The article highlights on basic characteristics of ideal personality in the light of teachings of Holly Prophet (r). Balanced and Moderate personality is the basic principle of Prophets Teachings
Copper(I) halide complexes with N,Nʹ-disubstituted thioureas and triphenylphosphine have been synthesized by the reaction of halotris(triphenylphosphine)copper(I) and respective thioureas (121) at 60 °C. The newly synthesized complexes were fully characterized by various instrumental techniques like FT-IR, multinuclear (1H, 13C, 19F, 31P) NMR spectroscopy while elemental analyses were carried out using a CHNS analyzer and atomic absorption spectroscopy. Some of the copper(I)-N,Nʹ-disubstituted thiourea complexes (A3, A7, A9, A16, B1, B3, B4, B6, B13, B14, B18, B19, C1, C3, C8, C9, C10, C12, C14, and C15) were analyzed via single crystal XRD for structural elucidation. From single crystal XRD it has been identified that copper(I) adopted distorted tetrahedral geometry in coordination with sulphur (substituted thiourea), two phosphorus (triphenylphosphine) and halogen. Most of the complexes were stabilized by intramolecular hydrogen bonding. The synthesized complexes were screened for cytotoxicity (Brine shrimp), antibacterial, antifungal, antileishmanial, antioxidant and DNA binding studies. In Brine shrimp lethality assay complexes B17 and B11 were the most active with LC50 of 19.6 µg mL–1 and 20.1 µg mL–1, respectively. In case of antibacterial activities, in the chlorinated series (A), the most active complex against E. Aerogens was A15, against B. Bronchiseptaca it was A12 and against S. Typhimurium were A9 and A3 with ZOI value comparable to that of the reference commercial drug. Similarly, in the iodinated series (C), the most active complex against B. Bronchiseptaca was C13 and against S. Typhimurium it was C9 with ZOI values of 20±1.46 and 19±1.27 mm, respectively. Against A. fumagatus(Fungi) the most active complex was B14 with a ZOI value of 19.5±1.46 mm which was comparable to that of the reference value. In Leishmanicidal activity all the test samples were active against L. tropica with LC50 values in the range of 20 to 50 µg mL–1. In the assay of DPPH Free-Radical Scavenging, all the test samples were significantly active toward DPPH and the antioxidant activity of the complexes was found within the range of 54.96-62.67%. From UV-vis spectroscopy and molecular docking studies it has also been observed that copper(I) tetrahedral complexes interact strongly with the DNA via a groove binding mode. From molecular docking the highest value of Kb was found to be 1.08×105 for A12 which is attributed to the intra-strand cross linking of benzo[d]thiazol-2-yl of thiourea in the complex with DA17 and DT6 base pairs of DNA in addition to groove binding interactions.