سی حرفی ۔۷
(نین نامہ، رسال پور۱۹۹۵)
اکھیں دی یار بہار تازہ، اکھیں والیاں کرن وفا اکھیں
اکھیں والیاں جگ جہان وِسدا، اکھیں دیندیاں آپ وکھا اکھیں
اکھیں دل دیاں کھول،تیں نظر آوے، کرن آپ بصیرتاں وا اکھیں
عرشوں پار حنیف پہنچ جاندیاں نیں، اللہ والڑے دین وکھا اکھیں
بات حقیقت دی دس دیواں، جلوے یار دے وچ جہان اکھیں
قطرے ذرے دے وچ آفتاب چھپیا، کرن اپنی آپ پچھان اکھیں
لاٹاں ماردا یار تیں نظر آوے، اِذن دید دے آپ فرمان اکھیں
قدر اکھیں دے پُچھ حنیف تائیں، جنہوں کردیاں آپ مستان اکھیں
تیز نگاہواں دے کُٹھیاں نوں ہور لوڑ ناہیں ما سوا اکھیں
دھیری اکھیں دے وچ دلدار بیٹھا، ڈیرے اکھیاں دے وچ پا اکھیں
درشن باہجھ سواد کی زندگی دا، بوہے یار دے سٹیا چا اکھیں
قدر پچھ حنیف توں اکھیاں دی، جیوندے وسدے نوں گئیاں کھا اکھیں
ثابتی، سکھ سواد سارے، اکھیں نال جہان سواد اکھیں
رونق سب جہان تے اکھیاں دی، پیار نگر نوں کرن آباد اکھیں
ویکھن قدرتاں روپ نظاریاں نوں، کرن رب دیاں نعمتاں یاد اکھیں
پھیرا گھت حنیف پردیسیاں تے، کُوکاں مار کے کرن فریاد اکھیں
جان حاضر یار پیش تیرے، ہِک وار تاں دے دیدار اکھیں
چشماں شوخ نگاہ نشیلیاں نیں، جاون لنگھ جگر توں پار اکھیں
نین نرگسی مرگ ممولڑے دے، کیتا جیو جامہ بے قرار اکھیں
اپنے آپ حنیف نہیں نیوں لائے، ہوئیاں دل تے آپ سوار اکھیں
حوصلہ ہمت ہار بھانویں، اکھیں تھکدیاں نہیں، انکار اکھیں
اکھیں ویکھ کے ہٹ دیاں نہیں پِچھے، وجن کالجے وانگ تلوار اکھیں
نگاہ تیز محبوباں دی جھال اوکھی، جھل سکدیاں نہیں خمار اکھیں
اکھیں نال حنیف دے لا کے تے، کیتا جگ جہان نثار اکھیں
This study aims to (1) examine the learning outcomes of students' reading comprehension in class III SD Inpres Parang Makassar using power point media; (2) assessing the learning outcomes of students' reading comprehension in grade III SD Inpres Parang Makassar without using power point media; (3) examining the effectiveness of power point media to improve learning outcomes for reading comprehension of third grade students of SD Inpres Parang Makassar. This study used an experimental research design with a posttest only control design. The population of this research is the third grade students of SD Inpres Parang Makassar. The data that had been collected were analyzed using descriptive statistical techniques and parametric inferential statistics type T Test that were processed using the SPSS version 20 windows computer program. The results of hypothesis testing show that (1) the value of t-count shows the number -9.708 with sig. (2 tailed) = 0.000. At the 95% significance level with 46 degrees of freedom. Because the significance value or p-value <0.005, then the null hypothesis (H0) is rejected or in other words the alternative hypothesis (H1) is accepted. Thus, it can be concluded that there is a significant difference between the pretest and posttest scores in the experimental class in the learning outcomes of students in class IIIB SD Inpres Parang Makassar. The use of power point media to improve students' reading comprehension learning outcomes of SD Inpres Parang Makassar is more effective using power point media. This can be seen from the t-test calculation of -9.708 with db = 46 at the 5% significance level. These results indicate that the price p = 0.000. The p value is less than 0.05.
Storage of food stuff and cereals has been a global issue from years due to fungal infection and development of mycotoxins; the most dangerous are aflatoxins, which not only deteriorate the food quality but have carcinogenic potential for mammals. In view of nutritive value and potential of plants as safer and viable source of antifungal agents, the present research work has been designed to evaluate the antifungal activities of various agricultural wastes and some medicinal plants against the aflatoxigenic strains of Aspergilus flavus and Aspergillus parasiticus, so as to reduce the aflatoxin production in cereal grains durin storage. The antifungal components of plants were extracted using solvents like methanol, ethanol, chloroform and acetone. Antifungal activity determined by Disc Diffusion method and Minimum Inhibitory Concentration (MIC) showed that ethanolic extract of pomegranate peels exhibited highest antifungal effect against both tested fungi with maximum zone of inhibition 38 mm for A. paracitus and 37 mm for A. flavus, however, the least effect was observed by ethanolic extract of sugarcane baggasse with minimum DIZ value of 10 mm against both fungi. Crude extracts having good antifungal activity were analyzed for antifungal constituents (phenolic acids) by GC-MS. Total of 8 phenolic acids like gallic acid, cinamic acid, benzoic acid, vanillic acid, protocacheuic acid, ferulic acid, caffeic acid, and para-coumaric acid were identified on the basis of availability of standard chemicals and spectral data. Significant variation (P<0.05) was found among concentration of phenolic acids detected in different tested plant extracts. The cereal grains (wheat, maize and rice) inoculated with A. flavus and A. parasiticus were stabilized with 5 plant materials at three different concentrations (5, 10, and 20%) and stored at two different conditions of temperature and moisture (25 o C temperature and 18% moisture and 30 o C temperature and 21% moisture) for a period up to 9 months. After regular interval of time, qualitative analysis by TLC and quantitative estimation by HPLC was performed. Among the investigated plants pomegranate peels and neem leaves (20 %) were found to be most effective and they fully inhibit aflatoxin B 1 synthesis (100%) by both tested fungi at all cereals (maize and rice and wheat) and B 2, G 1 and G 2 synthesis at 25 o C temperature and 18% moisture level. Whereas, at high temperature and moisture level (30 o C and 21%) neem leaves and pomegranate peels fully inhibited aflatoxin B 1 synthesis by both tested fungi in wheat and maize but did not show complete inhibition of aflatoxin B 1 synthesis in rice. Generally the order of inhibitory potential of investigated plants at 20 %concentration against aflatoxins synthesis by both tested fungi was as neem leaves > pomegranate peels > citrus leaves > citrus peels > kikar leaves. Finally statistical analysis was applied on triplicate optimized samples using mean, standard error, and analysis of variance ANOVA. Significant differences of mean were calculated using Least Square Difference (LSD) test. Overall results of the current study showed that neem leaves and pomegranate peels can be used directly or to develop agents to control the production of aflatoxin in cereals effectively in controlled moisture and temperature conditions.