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شرفِ انسانیت، قرآن و سنت کی روشنی میں

Thesis Info


ثمینہ بشیر


محمد ارشدحافظ




University of the Punjab



Degree Starting Year





انسانی حقوق


2023-02-16 17:15:59


2023-02-16 17:33:40





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دنیا دی حقیقت

دنیا دی حقیقت
حسن جوانی دا اے روپ نہیوں رہنا
ہک دن آسی، توں ہے دکھاں وچ پینا

کرسی وفا تیرے نال نہ جوانی
ٹر جاوے ہک واری پھر ناں ایہہ آنی
ایہہ تیری مغروری ساری ٹٹ جانی
پانی والی لہر وانگوں زندگی نے وہنا
حسن جوانی دا اے روپ نہیوں رہنا

ماں تیری ہر گل کردی ہے پوری
ہتھاں نال ٹورے تینوں اوہدی مجبوری
ہک دن چھڈنا جہان اے ضروری
نیکیاں دا پا لَے توں گل وچ گہنا
حسن جوانی دا اے روپ نہیوں رہنا

نخرے نیں چار دن فیر پچھتانا
حسن گیا تے گیا سب یارانا
عشق حقیقی نے ای ساتھ نبھانا
قادریؔ سائیں دا توں من لَے کہنا
حسن جوانی دا اے روپ نہیوں رہنا

چڑھدی جوانی بڑا شور ہے مچایا
چوڑیاں تے جھانجھراں نے دل بہلایا
حسن دے پچاریاں نوں بڑا توں ستایا
روپ والے بت تیرے ہک دن ڈھہنا
حسن جوانی دا اے روپ نہیوں رہنا

قادریؔ ایہہ محفلاں نہ ایہہ ویلے آنے
نویں ایتھے آ گئے ، پرانے ٹر جانے
اگے والی سوچ، گل کہندے نیں سیانے
سدا نہیوں جوبنے تے ایہہ رنگ رہنا
حسن جوانی دا اے روپ نہیوں رہنا

سماحت اور رہبانیت: شاہ ولی اللہ کا موقف

The hall mark of Shah Waliullah has been advocate moderation and the communal spirit of Isla shuns worldly attitude and abhors rejection of the wor and offers a middle path. There is no extremism in Isla and Shah Wali Ullah has preached the same. The juris the Sufis and the Muhaddisseen have taken up a differe line of thinking regarding "Tassawwuf" --- yet th essential spirit of Islam is the path of moderation. T spiritualism and physical world has to be kept in balance— with moderation and balance. It is this aspect of Sha Waliullah's writings that has been highlighted in th article.

A Histological Study of Human Olfactory Mucosa: Regional Distribution and Age Related Changes

The present study on the morphology of human olfactory mucosa was carried out with emphasis on its regional distribution, and changes related with age and gender. Eighty tissue samples (forty for either sex) were collected from cadavers ranging from 30 to 82 years of age, available in the mortuary of King Edward Medical College, Lahore. Individual age groups of males and females included 10 specimens from each sex. The histological study of the mucosa included morphology, regional distribution, quantitative analysis of all four major types of epithelial cells, height of epithelium and thickness of lamina propria in the roof, medial and lateral walls of both nasal cavities. A detailed study of the epithelium revealed the presence of classically known three cells: olfactory cells, sustentacular cells and basal cells and a fourth type, microvillar cells. In the age group 30-39 years (male and female) the mucosa was seen in the roof lying next to cribriform plate of the ethmoid bone and extending on both sides of the nasal septum and on the lateral walls of both nasal cavities. At places the respiratory epithelium was seen in the area of the olfactory epithelium which was much thicker. In the age group of 40-49 years, early age related changes were observed in the shape of occasional short epithelial invaginations, and disturbance of the zonal distribution of olfactory and supporting cells. In the age group 50-59 years, major morphological changes were observed like substantial reduction in the number of nuclei resulting in decreased height of the epithelium, disturbance of zonal distribution and presence of epithelial invaginations. The age group of 60 years onwards showed gradual thinning of the epithelium, epithelial invaginations, and in few cases atrophied olfactory epithelium devoid of olfactory cells. ANOVA showed significant age related decrease in the number of olfactory and sustentacular cells and in the height of the olfactory epithelium among the male and female groups. There was no significant age related decrease in the number of basal cells and thickness of the lamina propria. The number of microvillar cells was markedly less when compared to other cells of the epithelium. These results suggest that loss of olfactory and sustentacular cells becomes pronounced in individuals of both sexes of 50+ years of age. The results of the present study suggest that the reduction in the number of olfactory receptors and in the height of neuroepithelium with advancing age is associated iiwith impairment of olfactory sensibility. There was no evidence of significant sex related differences in the olfactory mucosa. These results are in the accordance with the previous observations in humans and other mammals showing a decline in the olfactory capacity with aging, mostly attributable to a decline in the number of olfactory cells. Contrary to earlier observations, the present study did not reveal any conclusive evidence that females had an increased sense of smell based on histological observations alone.