پنڈت تربھون ناتھ زارؔزتشی
اُردو زبان کے علمی اورادبی حلقوں میں اس خبرکو بڑی حسرت اورافسوس کے ساتھ سناگیا کہ پچھلے دنوں پنڈت تربھون ناتھ زارؔ زتشی نے ۹۲ بر س کی عمرمیں دلّی میں انتقال کیا۔ پنڈت جی کشمیری پنڈت تھے،ان کا خاندان اورنگ زیب عالمگیر کے عہدِ حکومت میں دلّی میں منتقل ہوگیاتھا۔اس بناء پریہ خاندان کشمیر اور دلّی دونوں کی خاص تہذیب اور کلچر، شرافت،علمی وادبی ذوق، حسن وجمال اور وسعتِ مشرب ایسے اوصاف وخصوصیات کاحامل ہے، پنڈت جی ان خصوصیات کا ایک اعلیٰ نمونہ ہونے کے باعث ان سب میں ممتاز تھے۔ سنسکرت کے علاوہ فارسی اوراُردو کے بھی نامور فاضل اورمحقق تھے۔شعروشاعری میں مرزا داغؔ سے تلمذِ خصوصی رکھتے تھے۔بلکہ غالباً وہ استادکی آخری یادگار تھے،دلّی زبان اوراُس کی کہاوتوں اورمحاورات پرانہیں جوعبور تھااُس میں وہ اپنی مثال آپ تھے۔اس سلسلہ میں یہ واقعہ دل چسپی سے سنا جائے گا کہ ۱۹۳۹ء میں جب پہلے پہل میرا تقرر سینٹ اسٹیفنس کالج دلی میں بحیثیت استاد کے ہوا اوردوسری کلاسوں کے ساتھ بی۔اے (فائنل) کی اُردو کلاس بھی مجھے پڑھانے کے لیے دی گئی توایک دن مولوی نذیر احمدصاحب دہلوی کی مشہور کتاب ’توبۃ النصوح‘ کلاس میں پڑھا رہا تھا کہ اچانک ’’سفوپہ نادری چڑھی‘‘ کا فقرہ سامنے آگیا۔اورچوں کہ مجھے اس کامطلب معلوم نہیں تھا اس لیے میں نے کلاس ختم کردی اور میں سیدھا اپنے استاد شمس العلماء مولوی عبدالرحمن صاحب کے مکان پر پہنچا اور ان سے اس فقرہ کامطلب دریافت کیا۔مولوی صاحب نے بہت کوشش کی، دماغ پربہت زورڈالا مگر بات نہ بنی ۔اتنے میں مولوی صاحب کے جگری دوست خواجہ عبدالمجید دہلوی جو دلّی کی ٹکسالی زبان اورمحاورات کے بڑے اور مسلّم ماہرتھے ادھرآنکلے، مولوی صاحب نے ان سے پوچھا لیکن حافظہ اوردماغ پربہت کچھ زورڈالنے کے باوجود انہیں بھی کامیابی نہیں ہوئی۔ آخر خواجہ صاحب نے پنڈت...
This research is conducted, in order to analyze the students’ academic performance at secondary school level in Pakistan. This is a case study conducted in Hyderabad Division of Sindh Province in Pakistan. The study was focused to the students who have passed matriculation class (Class-X), equivalent to secondary level in Pakistan(10 years of education). Sample size of 1097 higher Secondary level students were randomly selected from various colleges and schools in a way that around 150 students should take part in the survey from each institute. The sample selection was further divided on gender (Male = 448, Female = 648) and locale (Urban=455, Rural=641) basis. A data collection questionnaire was developed by the researchers and implemented for data collection. After collection of the data from desired population, the statistical analysis based on Pearson’s Chi-square and Correlation models were carried out in SPSS. The conclusion inferred from the data analysis of the study, strongly revealed that the students’ academic achievement at high school secondary level was highly associated to their parent’s educational level and socio-economic background. Therefore, it is strongly recommended financial condition of the population must be enhanced by taking appropriate measures. In order to coup tough financial conditions at their homes, deprived students should be provided adequate scholarships. Free stationary and books should also be provided at schools.
In this thesis, “a text-independent speaker verification system for Pashto speakers using accent and dialect recognition approach” has been designed. The purpose of the designed system is to recognize the region of origin of Pashto native speakers on the basis of their distinct dialects and to verify them using a speaker verification system. Due to the unavailability of the Pashto voice data in the form of different accents and dialects, a Pashto speakers’ database using different dialects of Pashto was developed. In order to develop the data initially, different dialectical variations of Pashto language were studied in detail and then the speech data was collected only from those different regions of Pakistan and Afghanistan where the Pashto is spoken with different dialects. After the database development, it is processed through front end and feature extraction processes where Mel Frequency Cepstral Coefficient (MFCC) features have been extracted from the collected data. After the MFCC feature vectors have been obtained, a Multilayer Perceptron (MLP) based classifier was designed to classify the speakers. Two separate classification experiments were performed (1) Speaker identification followed by dialect identification (2) Text-independent speaker verification followed by dialect identification. Speaker identification followed by dialect identification achieved 96.0 % identification accuracy, whereas, speaker verification followed by dialect identification achieved 100 % verification accuracy. Furthermore, the proposed Gaussian Mixture Model (GMM) based dialect identification system achieved 93.8 % identification accuracy in identifying Pashto native dialects. In order to inspect the noise robustness of the proposed system, the system’s performance was checked with the different degrees of noise level and Signal to Noise Ratio (SNR) was computed for each degree of noise. The performance of the system showed slightly degradation with the increase in the noise level, hence, showed its robustness against noise. A simple Pashto digits recognition (1 to 10 digits of Pashto) was also included in the study using MLP, HMM & SVM classifiers. Comparative analysis showed that the SVM based Pashto digit recognizer with 98.5 % recognition accuracy outperformed both the MLP and HMM based Pashto digit recognizers by showing 1.3 % and 3.3 % improvement in recognition accuracy. In order to benchmark the proposed research, the system’s performance was further tested on classifying some foreign accent of Pashto (Urdu accent of Pashto). In case of classifying the Urdu accent of Pashto, the system achieved 74.4 % recognition accuracy. Finally, the results achieved in the conducted experiments were compared with the recently proposed state of the art dialect identification, speaker verification and Pashto digit recognition systems. Comparative study showed that the proposed system outperformed some recently proposed dialect identification as well as speaker verification systems and showed relative improvement in recognition accuracies.