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توبہ کی حقیقت و فضیلت

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غلام مصطفیٰ،حافظ


محمد الیاس اعظمی




Minhaj University Lahore



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توبہ اور گناہ


2023-02-16 17:15:59


2023-02-16 17:33:40





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ڈاکٹر ابو محمد سحر

ڈاکٹر ابومحمد سحر
ڈاکٹر ابو سحر ۲۹؍ اپریل ۲۰۰۲؁ء کو شب میں بھوپال میں انتقال کرگئے، دوسرے دن صبح سیفیہ کالج بھوپال سے ملحقہ قبرستان میں تدفین ہوئی، وہ اردو کے مشہور ادیب و شاعر تھے، انہوں نے الٰہ آباد یونیوورسٹی سے اردو میں ایم۔اے کیا اور آگرہ یونیورسٹی سے امیر مینائی پر تحقیقی مقالہ لکھ کر پی۔ایچ۔ڈی کی ڈگری حاصل کی۔ بعد میں یہی مقالہ ترمیم و اضافے کے بعد ’’مطالعۂ امیر‘‘ کے نام سے کتابی صورت میں شائع ہوا۔
مرحوم سحر صاحب کو اردو شاعری کی صنف قصیدہ نگاری سے بڑی دلچسپی تھی ان کی سب سے پہلی کتاب اسی موضوع پر اردو میں قصیدہ نگاری کے نام سے ۱۹۵۸؁ء میں چھپی، یہ مختصر ہونے کے باوجود موضوع کے تمام پہلوؤں کو محیط ہے، اس میں قصیدہ سے متعلق بڑی محنت و تحقیق سے مفید و مستند معلومات جمع کئے گئے ہیں۔ ڈاکٹر صاحب کی دلچسپی کا ایک موضوع غالبیات بھی تھا، زبان و لغت و املا اور اس کی اصلاح کے متعلق بھی تحریری نقوش چھوڑے ہیں، اردو میں قصیدہ نگاری اور مطالعہ امیر کے علاوہ ان کی یہ یادگاریں بھی ہیں، تنقید و تجزیہ، انتخاب قصائد اردو مع مقدمہ و حواشی، غالبیاتؔ کے چند مباحث اردو املا اور اس کی اصلاح، زبان اور لغت۔
شاعری کی جانب جناب سحر کاطبعی میلان تھا۔ اسی راہ سے وہ ادب کے میدان میں داخل ہوئے تھے، ان کی شاعری کا آغاز نظم نگاری سے ہوا، پھر غزلیں، قطعات اور رباعیاں بھی کہیں، ابتدائی کلام محفوظ نہیں، رکھا آخر میں شعر کہنے کی رفتار سست ہوگئی تھی تاہم شعر کہنے کا سلسلہ ہمیشہ جاری رہا اور ـ’’برگِ غزل‘‘ کے نام سے شعری مجموعہ بھی چھپا۔
ابو محمد سحر کم آمیز، کم سخن سنجیدہ اور باوقار شخص تھے، شورش وہنگامے سے دور رہتے تھے گوشہ نشینی...

The Study of Possible Shariah Non Compliance Risks of Ijarah Along With Their Risk Management Mechanism

The main objective of this research paper is the study of possible Sharīʻaĥ non-compliance risks (SNCRs) of Ijāraĥ along with their risk management mechanism. As the activity of Sharīʻaĥ non-compliance is negligence or failure to comply with the Sharīʻaĥ rules and regulations as well as for some extent, the breach of the law of the land. Hence, Identification, Monitoring, Control and Mitigation of SNCRs need to be undertaken sensitively otherwise the spirit and objective of Islamic banks (IBIs) will be no more than different from Conventional banking system i.e. Interest based banking. Consequently, this new practice of Islamic banking will also be considered Sharīʻaĥ non-compliant. Because, failure in control and mitigation of Sharīʻaĥ non-compliance risks (SNCRs) may render the transaction into Null and Void (Bāṭil) or Voidable (Fāsid) as well as the return/rental would be considered impermissible (Ḥarām). Additionally, it may expose the status of IBIs at high risk regarding their reputation, profitability and confidence of their stakeholders which may lead the system towards collapse and downfall. Keeping in mind the need of the identification of SNCR along with estimated risk management/mitigation tools, this paper is developed to help the industry to develop their own Sharīʻaĥ non-compliance risk management system and to achieve the targeted outcomes i.e. Sound reputation of Islamic banking on the basis of Sharīʻaĥ principles, permissible proceeds/profits through genuine Sharīʻaĥ compliant activities and comprehensive knowledgeable material to understand distinctive and accurate Islamic banking system from Conventional. Targeting the abovementioned goals and aims, the answers of following questions are explored: What is SNCR? Is there any approved and authentic mechanism or SNCR management system in market to manage and mitigate them? Is the SNCR destructive for the profit and goodwill of IBIs? Principally, this research paper is an effort to uncover the SNCRs of Ijāraĥ Product along with the risk management mechanism keeping in sight the modern practices of Ijāraĥ Product.

Bioefficacy of Entomopathogenic Fungi and Their Combinations With Selective Insecticides Against Spodoptera Litura F. Lepidoptera: Noctuidae on Cotton

The susceptibility of different biological stages of Spodoptera litura to various strains of entomopathogenic fungi was tested under laboratory conditions at Department of Agri. Entomology University of Agriculture, Faisalabad using the insect immersion method. All biological stages were susceptible to the fungal isolates in a dose dependent manner. All biological stages were not equally susceptible. Eggs and larvae were comparatively more susceptible to infections by entomopathogenic fungi, while pupae were less susceptible. The susceptibility of the insect to entomopathogenic fungi decreased with the advancement in age of larvae of target host. The LC50 values for eggs were 1.13×106, 4.82×106 and 2.45×107conidia ml-1 in M. anisopliae L6, P. fumosoroseus 32 and B. bassiana 25, respectively. The median lethal concentration (LC50) for 3rd instars larvae was1.11×107conidia ml-1 in B. bassiana 25 and 2.17×107conidia ml-1 in P. fumosoroseus 32. Mortality of the larvae increased with increase in conidial concentrations and time elapsed after treatment. Virulence of entomopathogenic fungi also varied from species to species and strain to strain against S. litura. Variations were observed in the susceptibility the insect to particular entomopathogenic fungus under laboratory and green house conditions. The use of fungi as alternative to insecticides and their combined application with selective insecticides is very useful strategy in integrated pest management program. It requires detailed compatibility studies. Therefore, investigations were carried out to evaluate in vitro influence of insect growth regulators and some other selective insecticides on vegetative growth and conidial germination of fungal pathogens, M. anisopliae, P. fumosoroseus and B. bassiana. All tested insecticides displayed significant potential to inhibit growth (6.84- 74.80%) and germination (19.35-85.43%) of the fungal pathogens. Lorsban was the most toxic insecticide to mycelial growth and conidial germination followed by Lannate, Larvin and Pirate. Cascade, Match, Steward and Proclaim were comparatively less toxic to mycelial growth (36.78-48.67% inhibition) and conidial germination (40.32-49.97% inhibition) of the fungal pathogens. Conversely, Runner, Capture, abamectin and Curacron were compatible with significantly lesser inhibition in growth (25.19-36.47%) and conidial germination (27.78-43.66%) of the fungi. Tracer was found safe to conidial germination and growth of the fungi. Effect of combined treatments of entomopathogenic fungi and insecticides against S. litura larvae was investigated under green house conditions at Entomological Research Institute, AARI, Faisalabad. Different insecticides exhibited additive to synergistic effects on toxicity against S. litura larvae, when they were mixed with B. bassiana and P. fumosoroseus under green house conditions. The combined treatment of the fungi and insecticide exhibited synergistic effects except Lannate and Lorsban that displayed additive effects. However, no antagonistic effects were found in any treatment combination. Joint application of the entomopathogenic fungi and Insect growth regulators: Runner Cascade, Abamectin, Capture and other insecticides like Tracer, Proclaim Curacron and Steward seems to be feasible for control of this polyphagus pest. However, it needs further investigations under field conditions