مولوی محمد شفیع
افسوس ہے کہ گذشتہ مہینہ پاکستان کے نامور فاضل مولوی محمد شفیع صاحب سابق پرنسپل اورینٹل کالج لاہور نے انتقال کیا، ان کی وفات علمی دنیا کا بڑا حادثہ ہے، وہ ہندو پاک کے نامور فضلاء و محققین میں تھے، انگریزی کے ساتھ عربی و فارسی کے بھی ماہر تھے، ان کا علمی پایہ بہت بلند تھا، ان کے علمی و تحقیقی کارنامے بڑے متنوع ہیں، بہت سے فاضلانہ علمی مقالات کے علاوہ انھوں نے عربی و فارسی کی متعدد اہم اور نادر کتابوں کو تصحیح و تحشیہ کے ساتھ مرتب کرکے شائع کیا، اپنی پرنسپلی کے زمانہ میں علمی حیثیت سے اورینٹل کالج میگزین کا معیار بہت بلند اور اپنے تلامذہ میں سنجیدہ علمی تلاش و تحقیق کا ایک عام ذوق پیدا کردیا تھا، چنانچہ لاہور کے موجودہ فضلاء اور محققین میں بیشتر انہی کے تربیت یافتہ ہیں، ادھر چند سال سے لاہور یونیورسٹی اردو انسائیکلوپیڈیا کی تالیف و اشاعت کا کام ان کی نگرانی میں شروع ہوا تھا، اور اس کے بعض اجزا شائع بھی ہوئے لیکن ابھی یہ کام ابتدائی منزل میں ہے، اس قحط الرجال کے زمانہ میں علمی ذوق و طلب میں ان کی ذات علمائے سلف کا نمونہ تھی اﷲ تعالیٰ اس شیدائے علم کو رحمت و مغفرت سے سرفراز فرمائے۔ (شاہ معین الدین ندوی، اپریل ۱۹۶۳ء)
The hall mark of Shah Waliullah has been advocate moderation and the communal spirit of Isla shuns worldly attitude and abhors rejection of the wor and offers a middle path. There is no extremism in Isla and Shah Wali Ullah has preached the same. The juris the Sufis and the Muhaddisseen have taken up a differe line of thinking regarding "Tassawwuf" --- yet th essential spirit of Islam is the path of moderation. T spiritualism and physical world has to be kept in balance— with moderation and balance. It is this aspect of Sha Waliullah's writings that has been highlighted in th article.
Pakistan is an agricultural country. Agriculture is the mainstay of the country’s economy. Wheat as a staple food crop of Pakistan is grown on about 8 million hectares every year. It is a Rabi (winter) crop and follows by rice and cotton in rice-wheat and cotton-wheat systems, respectively. Pakistan’s population is increasing at an alarming pace and it has reached to about 170 million already. It is, therefore, imperative to enhance wheat yield by encouraging farmers, predominantly small farmers, to grow more wheat with efficient and judicious use of land and water resources. Land and water resources especially for agricultural purposes are getting scarce day by day due to mismanagement. This water deficient scenario is also posing serious threats to food security for coming generations. A shift in the irrigation techniques intervening flooded irrigation methods for efficient utilization of resources are being recommended and same has been actively adopted in many areas of the Pakistan. The irrigation water saving technologies mainly include Watercourse Improvement, Improved farm layout, Laser land leveling and bed planting of wheat. The techniques adopted in the Punjab have shown encouraging results. To see the adoption of latest technologies at small farms, district Faisalabad was selected as study area, which consists of five Tehsils; Faisalabad, Jaranwala, Sammandri, Chak Jhumra and Tandlianwala. To see implications of the water saving irrigation interventions a tehsile wise list of improved watercourses was collected from the office of the District Officer, Water Management Faisalabad. A list of 25 watercourses was separately prepared duly authenticated by water management officer, where maximum water saving interventions were applied. Ten improved watercourses where maximum (5 or 6 out of 10 water saving irrigation interventions)were found applied, were selected by using Randomizer.com pathway from each Tehsil, thus total 30 improved watercourses were taken where maximum water saving irrigation interventions were applied. From these 30 watercourses 9 small farmers (having landholding<12.5 acres) were selected randomly from each watercouse, 3 from Head, Middle and Tail, respectively. Quantitative data were analysed using the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences. Descriptive statistics, including frequencies, percentages, means, standard deviations and rank orders were used to summarize different variables. Chi-square, Contingency Coefficient test was also used to find out the association and degree of association between dependent and independent variables. The adoption level of farmers regarding water saving irrigation was 90%and increase in wheat yield was significantly affected. Overall the results of the data show that adoption of the water saving interventions affected the income of the respondents. Furthermore the adoption of water saving interventions as well as wheat sowing recommendations also affected upon the socio economic conditions of the respondents. There also existed significant association among different independent and dependent attributes.