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Home > معرفتِ الٰہی اور صفائے قلب و باطن: داتا گنج بخش علی ہجویری ، فرید الدین گنج شکرو سلطان باہو کے افکار کا تقابلی و تجزیاتی مطالعہ۔

معرفتِ الٰہی اور صفائے قلب و باطن: داتا گنج بخش علی ہجویری ، فرید الدین گنج شکرو سلطان باہو کے افکار کا تقابلی و تجزیاتی مطالعہ۔

Thesis Info


طارق محمود سلیم


محمد سجادحافظ




Allama Iqbal Open University


اسلام آباد

Degree Starting Year







2023-02-16 17:15:59


2023-02-19 12:33:56





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(ڈاکٹر شمس بدایونی)
۲۶؍ فروری بروز اتوارصبح کے سات بجے تھے، میں سفر کے لیے تیار ہوکر پور ٹیکو کے قریب پہنچ چکاتھا، معاًفون کی گھنٹی بجی، میں واپس ہوا، ریسیور اٹھایا اُدھر سے آواز آئی ’’میں حنیف نقوی۔ رشید حسن خاں صاحب کا رات انتقال ہوگیا آپ ان کی تدفین میں شریک ہوسکتے ہیں‘‘۔ میں کسی اہم وجہ سے اپنے سفر کو ملتوی نہیں کرسکا اور تدفین میں شریک ہونے سے معذور رہا، مگراس دن ایک اضمحلال کی کیفیت طاری رہی، ان سے ملاقاتیں اور فون پر کی گئی باتیں یاد آتی رہیں، ان کی اعتماد ویقین سے بھرپور آواز، کاٹ دار جملے، بے تکلف لہجہ، کچھ خاص تکیہ کلام، ہاں بھائی، ارے بھئی، دیکھئے، یہ جو ہیں نا، ہاں بس ان کے لہجے اور بیان کا طنطنہ سماعت پر بار بار دستک دیتا رہا، میں کبھی محظوظ ہوتا رہا اور کبھی ملول، اب یہ آواز سننے کو کہا ملے گی؟ کون اس طرح دو ٹوک انداز میں پکارے گا؟۔
۱۔ ’’ہیلو۔ ارے بھئی! آپ کہاں ہیں؟ ایک ماہ ہوگیا آپ کا کوئی فون نہیں آیا دیکھئے شمس صاحب! کم از کم مہینے میں ایک بار ضرور فون کیجیے۔ یا پھر تعلق منقطع کرلیجیے‘‘۔
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Satanism Introduction and Critical Examination of its Beliefs under the Light of Islamic Teachings

Modern Satanism was founded by Anton Lavey. He described the methodology of Satanic religious rituals, wrote various books on Satanism, and also founded the Church of Satan. Levey's book "The Satanic Bible" is considered as the Holy book by all Satanists. Nine Satanic statements mentioned in the Satanic Bible are given importance as the basic beliefs or principles of this religion. Satanists represent self-centeredness. They believe in retaliating more forcefully than in forgiveness or equality in matters and consider the forgiver as weak. Islam tells that if one takes revenge, take the amount s/he were wronged, and if one are patient, it is better. Satanists do not distinguish between humans and animals and sometimes consider human as God. They favor all sins because they provide physical, mental or emotional satisfaction. Satanists present Satan as the Messiah for mankind. While Allah Ta'ala said in the Holy Qur'an, which means don't follow the path of Satan, he commands you to do evil and obscenity, he also wants to include us among the inmates of Hellfire. Satan is an arch enemy, so one should also consider him as enemy. If people follow the ideas of Satanism, then the law and order will be lost in the society. Everyone will do what he wants, sins will be common. Therefore, it is natural to have riots wherever people with this ideology are found.

Challenges of Implementing Convergence in Kenyan Newsrooms: A Case of the Standard Group Plc

This study sought to find out the challenges of implementing convergence in Kenyan newsrooms: A case of the Standard Group PLC. This study was guided by three objectives: (1) Factors driving the need for newsroom convergence, (2) Key actors driving the convergence process at Standard Group PLC and (3) Challenges of implementing convergence at SG. The study was guided by two theories – Media Convergence Theory and Disruptive Innovation Theory. This study used a Qualitative Research Approach, the researcher conducted in-depth interviews with 13 participants from the institution and one Focus Group Discussion with 9 participants from all editorial departments to collect data. The participants for this study were journalists and editors who have worked at the Standard Group PLC for more than 5 years as well as key actors in the convergence implementation process. All participants were purposively selected. This study identified cost management, competition, technological advances and audience behavior as factors driving the need for newsroom convergence at the group. It also identified that top management, journalists, editors and managing editors as the key actors driving the convergence process. The study also identified five challenges of implementing convergence, they include cost, inadequate communication, organization and newsroom culture, lack of a clear digital/convergence strategy and resistance by some journalists and managers. This study recommends that Standard Group PLC establishes a communication channel that is inclusive of all key actors in the implementation of convergence process. It also recommends training of managers on change management to curb resistance in the newsroom. Standard Group PLC is however at the fore front in coming up with innovative ideas and strategies that will not only change the newsroom operations but the business model as well. Presently, there are ongoing efforts and investments in integrating the content teams and the commercial teams to create viable media products in new a move termed as a business transformation. This is an innovation in response to the digital disruption experienced in the media industry locally and globally.