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Home > تفسیر الکشف والبیان عن تفسیر القرآن ترجمہ وتخریج: سورة الزمر،مومن،حم سجدہ

تفسیر الکشف والبیان عن تفسیر القرآن ترجمہ وتخریج: سورة الزمر،مومن،حم سجدہ

Thesis Info


غلام فرید


محمد شریف شاکرحافظ




Riphah International University, Faisalabad


فیصل آباد

Degree Starting Year





تعارف تفاسیر , الکشف و البیان


2023-02-16 17:15:59


2023-02-16 22:08:49





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اَرش کا معنی و مفہوم

اَرش کا معنی و مفہوم
ماہرین لغت کے نزدیک زخموں کی دیت کو اَرش کہتے ہیں،جیسا کہ الزبیدی لکھتے ہیں
"الأَرْشُ:الدَّيَةُ،أَي دِيَةُ الجِرَاحَاتِ،سُمِّيَ أَرْشاً لأَنَّه من أسْبَابِ النِّزَاعِ۔"169
"ارش دیت ہے یعنی زخموں کی دیت ۔اس کا نام ارش اس لیے رکھا گیا ہے کیونکہ یہ جھگڑے کے اسباب میں سے ہے "
تاوان یا جرمانہ جو شریعت نے زخموں پر مقرر کیا ہے۔کسی کو زخمی کرنے پر بھی دیت مقرر کی گئی ہے ، جیسا کہ ابن منظور نے بیان کیا
"والأَرْش من الجراحات ما ليس له قدر معلوم وقيل هو دِيَةُ الجراحات وقد تكرر في الحديث ذكر الأَرْشِ المشروع في الحُكومات وهو الذي يأْخذه المشتري من البائع إِذا اطَّلَع على عيب في المَبيع۔"170
"ارش وہ تاوان ہے جو شریعت نے زخموں پر مقرر کیا ہے اور اس طرح وہ تاوان بھی جو مبیع کے اندر عیب کے مطلع ہونے پر مشتری بائع سے وصول کرتاہے۔ "

مولانا شبلی نعمانی کے چند تفردات اور ضعف استدلال سیرۃ النبی کی روشنی میں ایک ناقدانہ جائزہ

Maulānā Shiblī Nu‘mānī (1914) was a great Muslim scholar of sub-continent. Shiblī was a versatile scholar in Arabic, Persian, Turkish and Urdu. He collected much material on the life of Prophet of Islam, Muhammad (ﷺ) but could write only first two volumes of the planned work the Sirat-un-Nabi(ﷺ). His disciple Syed Sulaymān Nadvī, made use of this material and added to it and also wrote remaining five volumes of the work, the Sīrat Al-Nabī(ﷺ) after the death of his mentor. Shiblī was greatly inspired by the progress of science and education in the West. He wanted to inspire the Muslims to make similar progress by having recourse to their lost heritage and culture, and warned them against getting lost in the Western culture. The writer of this article has written a preface followed by an introduction of life and work of Maulānā Nu‘mānī. The next part consists of explaining distinctive features of Shiblī’s book. Maulānā Nu‘mānī dedicated his entire life for the sake of Islam. He had a high quality awareness of the Quran and Sunnah. In his book “Sīrat Al-Nabī", he proved his uniqueness (tafarrudat) regarding various Islamic teachings. In this article I have endeavored to collect some of his uniqueness (tafarrudat) on various issues. Maulānā Nu‘mānī's uniqueness and exclusive ideas were unacceptable for many of contemporary scholars and traditional religious leadership. This article contains some of the selected religious issues in which Shiblī has differed, on the basis of arguments from Quran and Hadith, from traditional scholars. In this article I have analysed Allama's such ideas from his original writings.

Development and Validation of Emotional Intelligence Model and Scale: A Case of Hypermarkets of Pakistan

Emotional Intelligence (EQ) is considered to be an important attribute to succeed at top level of management and is a distinguishing factor among top performing employees at workplace. However, the discrepancy in the elements of EQ models entails to develop an indigenous EQ measure that exists especially in the context of Pakistan’s workplace. Gap also points towards a holistic, multilevel and sequential model with a carefully validated scale. To address aforesaid shortcomings an indigenous model for EQ was proposed. A comprehensive theoretical analysis for EQ dimensions helped to identify the domain of new content. All crucial elements of existing EQ models were regrouped into three constructs of EA, EL and EM to present a logical underpinning. A scale (EQFS©1) was developed based on the hypothesized relationship of proposed model’s factor structures and linear relationships of the constructs of model. Operational definitions were generated and used to phrase scale items (candidate items). Subject matter experts’ opinion helped refine item thereby establishing Face and Content Validity. The raw measurement scale was pre-tested in a pilot study (Razzaq & Aftab, 2015) and based on the results the final scale was refined and floated to the managers of 4 hypermarkets generating 339 valid responses. Cronbach alpha was used for internal consistency of EQFS and was validated through Exploratory Factor Analysis and Confirmatory Factor Analysis all the hypothesized relations at first, second and third order factor analysis were accepted. A comprehensive strategy was adopted for Validity analysis for establishing content, criterion and construct validity. Model was tested through Structural Equational Modelling for EQFS© the mediating effect of EL with EA and EM was established. Except for the convergent validity with BarOn EQi scale the statistical significance of validities were established. The proposed Model disambiguate EI as exhaustibly as possible in a hierarchical and sequential manner to allow reasoning about their structure working towards an integrated framework of all the elements of influential EI models as suggested by practitioners. The proposed model and EQFS© will be a valuable tool for managers and academia and an important theoretical contribution to EQ literature.