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Home > تفسیر معارف القرآن از مفتی شفیع اور تفسیر ضیاء القرآن از پیرکرم شاہ، میں بیان کردہ معاشی مسائل کا تقابلی مطالعہ۔

تفسیر معارف القرآن از مفتی شفیع اور تفسیر ضیاء القرآن از پیرکرم شاہ، میں بیان کردہ معاشی مسائل کا تقابلی مطالعہ۔

Thesis Info


عائشہ مقصود


محمد شریف شاکرحافظ




Riphah International University, Faisalabad


فیصل آباد

Degree Starting Year





تعارف تفاسیر , ضیاء القرآن , تعارف تفاسیر , معارف القرآن , معاشی متفرق مسائل


2023-02-16 17:15:59


2023-02-16 22:08:49





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نہیں کوئی مثال اس کی‘‘ پر ایک طائرانہ نظر

جب فیصل آباد میں شعر و سخن کا تذکرہ کیا جائے گا۔تو اس میں ایک نیا نام اے۔آر نازش کا ذکر بھی آئے گا۔کیونکہ اس ابھرتے ہوئے شاعر نے اپنی شعری تخلیقات سے اہل علم ودانش میں خود کو بڑی جلدی متعارف کروایا اور اپنی الگ پہچان بنائی ہے۔جہاں تک انکی شاعری کے مو ضوعات کا تعلق ہے تو انہوں نے انسانی جذبات و احساسات کا اظہار منظوم پرانے انداز میں کیا ہے۔معاشرتی برائیوں کا بیان عشق و جدائی کی بات سراپا نگاری،آج کے معاشرے کے مسائل کا بیان اورازلی و ابدی سچائیوں کا ذکر ان کے ہاں عام ملتا ہے۔اس کام کیلئے انہوں نے کوخوبصورت اور سادہ الفاظ کا چناؤ کیا اور ان کو اشعار کے قالب میں اس طرح ڈھال لیا ہے کہ اشعار کے مفہوم میں گہرائی پیدا ہونے کے ساتھ ساتھ دلکشی پیدا ہوئی ہے جس کی وجہ سے قاری توجہ سے آپ کے اشعار پڑھنے پر مجبور ہے۔آپ نے اپنے خیالات کو اپنے مجموعہ کلام ’’نہیں کوئی مثال اس کی‘‘ میں بیان کیا ہے۔اس مجموعہ کلام کا مختصر جائزہ کچھ اس طرح ہے۔

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The jurisprudence is the essence of Islamic teachings. It is the summary of Qurʼān and the soul of Messenger’s (on whom be peace and greetings) sunnah. In general, it represents the sharīaʻh and the path to follow for Islamic lifestyle. Therefore, the significance of its importance is clear in Islamic Studies. The scholars have been kept solving ummah problems through religious principles and will keep solving the problems till the day of judgement. Whenever there arises a new problem, the scholars provide the solution in the lights of Qurʼān and Hadith and set the rules till the day of judgement. Allama ʻAbdul Razzāq Bhutrālwī also presented the solutions to different problem using the same principle i.e. He interprets a Quranic verse in such a way that provide the implied solution for paying ransom to poor against fasting for traveler and patient. Allama ʻAbdul Razzāq Bhutrālwī discussed about the permission for women to visit graveyard by following the orders of Prophet (on whom be peace and greetings), when it was prohibited for everyone to go to graveyards but later on the permission was granted for the same act. In the same way Allama ʻAbdul Razzāq Bhutrālwī presented his argument about the burning or sinking into the water or burying the shabby pages the Holy Qurʼān based on an order of Hazrat Uthman Ghani to burn all the copies of the Holy Qurʼān except Qurat-e-Quraish to bring uniformity

Modeling Techniques of Submicron Gaas Mesfets and Hemts

This thesis discusses the electrical response of submicron GaAs MESFETs and HEMTs to develop a physical model. Nine different FET models have been presented and their ability to simulate submicron GaAs MESFET characteristics are checked. To demonstrate the validity of a model, I-V characteristics of short channel MESFETs are simulated and compared with experimental data. The accuracy of a model is reported by evaluating its RMS error values. A comprehensive new model is developed to simulate I-V characteristics of short channel GaAa FETs. It has been demonstrated that the proposed model is a comprehensive one, capable of simulating DC characteristics of GaAs MESFETs including those having significant non-ideal Schottky barrier response. The model has also been applied successfully to I-V characteristics of GaAs HEMTs. The Schottky barrier interfacial layer dependent performance of submicron GaAs MESFETs has been discussed by using their output and transfer characteristics. The mobility of carriers, scattering from the channel into the Schottky barrier gate, increases significantly for the devices which have a relatively thicker interfacial layer. The negative effects of increased carriers’ mobility from MESFET Schottky barrier gate are discussed and a plausible explanation is given for reduced barrier lowering in the presence of interfacial layer. Based on the proposed explanation the definition of threshold voltage has been redefined involving the concept of interfacial layer thickness. A technique is developed to estimate intrinsic small signal parameters of GaAs MESFETs and HEMTs. In the proposed technique DC characteristics are first evaluated. Once a good DC match is attained then small signal parameters are evaluated. To check the validity of the proposed technique submicron GaAs MESFETs and HEMTs of varying gate length have been simulated. It has been shown that the proposed method is accurate as well as efficient in estimating AC parameters of GaAs FETs by using their DC characteristics, and could be employed as a useful tool in device simulation software.