استاذ محمد احمد دہمان
استاذ محمد احمد دہمان کا شمار دمشق کے ان علماء میں ہوتا ہے، جنہوں نے عربی زبان و ادب کی نشاء ثانیہ کے لیے اپنے کو وقف کردیا تھا، وہ ۱۸۹۹ء میں دمشق میں پیدا ہوئے، ان کے والد شیخ احمد دہمان بھی ایک مشہور قاری و عالم تھے، محمد احمد دہمان کی تعلیم و تربیت دمشق میں ہوئی، ان کے اساتذہ میں شیخ ابوالخیر میدانی متوفی ۱۹۶۱ء اور شیخ محمد قطب متوفی ۱۹۲۷ء بھی ذی علم اور صاحب فضل و کمال تھے لیکن وہ سب سے زیادہ متاثر شیخ عبدالقادر بدر ان کی شخصیت سے ہوئے جو ایک وسیع النظر عالم اور مصلح قوم تھے، انہوں نے ابن عساکر کی شہرہ آفاق تاریخ دمشق کی ترتیب و تدوین کے علاوہ منادمۃ الاطلال و سامرۃ الخیال کے نام سے ایک اہم کتاب بھی تالیف کی تھی، شیخ محمد قطب مظلوم طبقہ کے حامی تھے اور ان کے لئے عدل و انصاف کی آواز بھی بلند کرتے تھے جس کی وجہ سے انہیں مصائب و آلام سے دو چار ہونا پڑا۔ علم و عمل کی اس جامع شخصیت نے استاذ دہمان کو بہت متاثر کیا۔ چنانچہ ان کے عہد شباب میں جب مدارس کے مقاطعہ اور تعلیم کو ترک کرنے کی ایک تحریک چلی تو انہوں نے اس کی سخت مزاحمت کرنے کے لیے ایک رسالہ ’’المصباح‘‘ جاری کیا، بعد میں ان کے بلند پایہ مضامین مجلہ التمدن الاسلامی اور مجلہ مجمع العلمی العربی میں برابر چھپتے رہے، انہوں نے مدرسہ عادلیہ میں اسلامی علوم کا شعبہ قائم کیا، جہاں دوسرے اہل فکر و نظر کے علاوہ وہ خود بھی عربی ادب اور اسلامی تہذیب و تمدن کے موضوع پر مقالے پیش کرتے رہے، مقصد یہ تھا کہ نوجوان نسل فرانسیسی اور یورپی علم و تہذیب سے مرعوب نہ ہونے پائے۔ علوم اسلامی خصوصاً...
Quran is the word of Allah Almighty, therefore, in order to understand it in the true sense, a person has to sharpen his or her intellectual ability as well as increase the knowledge. When one is at a particular intellectual level, only then can he or she start understanding the true message, which Allah Almighty conveyed through words of Quran. Pertaining to the explanation of Quran for the understanding of general audience, different people have tried to write the Tafseer of Quran. Although Muslims recite Quran and try reading it with translation, however, the reading of Tafseer has its own importance. “Tafseer Dawat-Ul-Quran” is written by Abu Nauman Saifullah Khalid and published from Dar-Ul_Undalus Lahore in 2010. This Tafseer has been written in the light of the Quran, Hadith, and the sayings of the companions of Prophet. In this Tafseer correct tradit-ions has been included and unauthentic traditions has been avoided. In theological interpretations, the words of Qur'an are explained in the context of the Qur'an itself or the sayings of The Holy Prophet(ﷺ). This type of interpretation is called “Tafseer Bilmasur”.“Tafseer Dawat-Ul-Quran”is representative of Tafseer Bilmasur. In this research article, the Salient features of “Tafseer Dawat-Ul-Quran” are discussed.
In the current literature, the role of the head teacher in teachers' professional development has became a foremost concern as compared to the past where head teachers were considered as Fullan says, ;gatekeepers' and administrators of policy. Mostly, professional development was hijacked by external agencies such as educational institutions, donors and other initiators without acknowledging head teachers' role in the initiation. The current literature says that the head teacher plays a key role in teachers' professional development in the school but the question still remains in my mind: is it so in reality? Keeping the question in view, this study was carried out to explore the nature of head teachers' involvement in teachers' professional development. The study was conducted in a government and private system of education in Karachi Pakistan. A qualitative paradigm was followed with a sample of thirteen ADISM (Advance Diploma in School Management) graduate head teachers from the government and the private systems. In this study a small-scale survey for baseline information and follow-up interviews were conducted to collect adequate data. The findings of the study show that almost all the research participants were involved in teachers' professional development in some way. However, there is a difference in their nature of involvement in professional development activities. In the private school the head teachers are providing professional support to the teachers through scheduled [formal] and unscheduled [informal] activities, whereas, in the government system the head teachers are providing professional support to the teachers through informal activities. Further, the study found out some similar issues in both systems The findings show that the head teachers in government system do not have autonomy to go beyond what is stipulated in the policy. They cannot institutionalize any professional development activity without the permission of a higher authority in the system Thus I have recommended for there to be a change in the government policy to empower head teachers to take initiatives to address the needs of the school.