آہ! حکیم الامت
اِنَّکَ مَیِّت’‘ وَّاِنَّھُمْ مَیِّتُوْنْ
یوں تو موت اس عالمِ آب وگل کی ہراس چیزکے لیے ہی مقدر ہے جو زندگی کاعاریتی لباس پہن کر بساطِ ہستی پرنمودار ہوئی ہے۔لیکن جس طرح زندگی زندگی میں فرق ہوتا ہے۔اسی طرح ہرایک کی موت بھی یکساں نہیں ہوتی۔ کبھی کبھی ایسی اموات بھی واقع ہوتی ہیں جوصرف افراد واشخاص کی اموات نہیں ہوتیں بلکہ ان ہزاروں لاکھوں انسانوں کی عمارتِ حیات بھی اس سے متزلزل ہو جاتی ہے جومرنے والے کے دامانِ عقیدت وارادت سے وابستہ ہوتے ہیں۔ پھراس کی موت کاماتم آنکھوں کے چند قطرہ ہائے اشک سے نہیں ہوتا۔بلکہ ہزاروں دلوں کی پرسکون آبادیاں ایک مستقل غم کدۂ آمال دامانی بن کر رہ جاتی ہیں۔ امیدوں اور ولولوں کے چراغ بجھ جاتے ہیں ۔نشاط وکامرانی ٔحیات کے آتش کدے سرد ہوجاتے ہیں اورایسا محسوس ہوتاہے کہ اس حادثہِ جان کاہ نے کائناتِ عالم کی ہرہر چیز کواداس اورغمگین بنادیا ہے۔اسی قسم کی ایک موت پرعربی شاعر نے کہاتھا۔
وماکان قیس’‘ ھلکہٗ ھلک واحد
ولکنَّہ بنیانُ قومٍ تَھَدَّمَا
قیس کامرنا صرف ایک شخص کامرنا نہیں ہے
بلکہ وہ ایک قوم کی بنیاد تھا جومنہدم ہوگئی
گذشتہ ماہِ جولائی کی تاریخ ۱۹؍ ۲۰؍کی درمیانی شب کو تقریباً دس بجے حکیم الامت حضرت مولانا اشرف علی صاحب تھانوی کاجو سانحۂ ارتحال پیش آیاوہ اسی قسم کاسانحہ تھا۔حضرت مولانا جس طرح شریعت کے عالم متبحر تھے طریقت اور سلوک میں بھی مقامِ رفیع کے مالک تھے۔ان کی ذات علومِ ظاہری وباطنی کا مخزن تھی۔علمِ سفینہ سے زیادہ علم سینہ ان کااصلی جوہر اور زیور تھا۔تحریریں علم و فضل کامعدن ہوتی تھیں اور تقریر بھی بلاکی اثر انگیز تھی، وہ جس بات کوحق سمجھتے تھے اسے برملا کہتے اور کرتے تھے اوراس میں انھیں کسی لومۃ لائم کی پروا نہیں ہوتی تھی۔خودایک درویش گوشہ نشین تھے۔مگران کاآستانہ بڑے بڑے...
The Prophet Muhammad (SAW) was the most effective orator of all the times. He knew how to address the hearts, and thus he became the beloved one of the hearts. He first made himself loved, and then sought the ways to educate people. He used a style in his speeches that affected people and made them think, so he achieved permanent behavior change in people by means of the best educational methods. It is fact that in the present times those nations who give priorities to knowledge are ruling over the world in one way or the other way i.e militarily or economically. A very important questions strikes the minds that what is the importance of Duniavi(world) knowledge in Islam. Objectives of this study were to investigate the importance of duniavi(world) knowledge in the light of Quran and hadith and provide a guide line to our young generation for getting knowledge. There are many hadiths that encourage education and criticizes ignorance. Being a member of the Muslim nation it is our responsibility to train and guide our young generation for better future.
The main objectives of this work were to investigate physico-chemical and heavy metal contaminations in water and sediments as well as their accumulation, histopathology and genotoxicity in Freshwater mussels of River Kabul. For this purpose water sample A (reference site 1), water sample B (polluted site 2), water sample C (polluted site 3) and water sample D (polluted site 4) upstream and downstream of River Kabul were collected during winter and summer periods and analyzed for eight physico-chemical parameters (pH, TSS, TDS, TA, Cl, K, EC, Na) and nine heavy metals (Cd, Cr, Cu, Fe, Hg, Mn, Ni, Pb, Zn) and compared with water sample A and NEQS recommended limits. All the studied physico-chemical and heavy metal parameters in water samples A, B, C and D except TSS andHg were below the NEQS proposed limits, where the values of TSS and Hg were above the NEQS recommended limits in all the water samples A, B, C and D. Thus the overall sequence of different water samples was D > C > B > A. This highlights that water sample D had higher and sample A had lower physico-chemical and heavy metal contaminations. Water samples A and B had highest TDS and lowest K for low flow and had highest TSS and lowest K for high flow seasons. Similarly water samples C and D showed highest TDS and lowest pH for low flow and showed higher TSS and lower K for high flow periods. Among heavy metals water sample A had highest Zn and lowest Cr for both summer and winter seasons. Water sample B showed higher Zn and lower Cu for summer and greater Zn and smaller Hg for winter seasons. Similarly water samples C had greater Zn and smaller Cu for both summer and winter seasons. Similarly water samples D had higher level of Zn for summer and greater Zn and lower Hg for winter seasons. Similarly among the studied heavy metals in sediments sample A had highest Fe and lowest Hg for both summer and winter seasons. Sediments sample B, had highest concentration of Fe and lowest concentration of Hg for both summer and winter seasons. Similarly sediments sample C had highest Fe and lowest Hg for both summer and winter seasons. Similarly sediments sample D had highest concentration ofFe and lowest concentration of Hg for both summer and winter seasons. This investigation was further aimed to determine bioaccumulation of heavy metals including Cd, Cr, Cu, Fe, Hg, Mn, Ni, Pb, and Zn in soft tissues of freshwater mussels.Overall order of metals concentration in different tissues showed that Fe was the highly and Hg was the lowest accumulated metals. This study was further meant to investigate histopathological impacts of heavy metals in soft tissues were degeneration of epithelium, lipofusin pigments, atrophy, inflammation, necrosis and granulocytoma in digestive gland. In gonads necrosis, inflammation, atresia, lipofusin pigments and granulocytoma were found. While in gills the degeneration of cilia, fusion of gills lamellae, haemocytic infiltration and gills swelling was recorded. Similarly in intestine degeneration of epithelium and its cillia were found. The highest intensity of histopathological lesions was recorded in site 4 and lowest in site1. Furthermore the present investigation was conducted to assess genotoxical impacts of heavy metals in hemolymph of selected freshwater mussels. Therefore degree of DNA damage like TCS and comet class 0, class 1, class 2, class 3 and class 4 were determined. The order of sites according to DNA damage was 4 > 3 > 2 > 1, i.e. the highest DNA damage was noticed in site 4 while lowest in site 1.