ساعت نایاب میں!
معانیوں کے شباب میں۔۔۔سبز بارشوں کے سحاب میں!
جذبات کی خوشبو۔۔۔چشم عہد وفا میں!
روایتوں کے تلازمے میں۔۔۔آپؐ کے نام سے زندگی ہے
آپؐ محبوب رب العالمین ۔۔۔آپؐ رحمت اللعالمین ہیں
آپؐ کے نسب نامے کا ورد کرتے ہوئے!
وجد انگیز قوسوں کا ذکر کرتے ہوئے!
زعفرانی لحن کو۔۔۔گلاب کے بانکپن کو!
رشتۂ لکنت سے منسلک!
آگ کا تاثیر توریت میں ڈوبا ناول پڑھتا ہوں!
مکہ سے مدینہ کا سفر نامہ پڑھتے ہوئے !
غارِ ثور میں گونجتی نثری نظمیں سناتا ہوں
میں تو بس صبح و شام !
آپؐ کی بارگاہ میں درود و سلام پیش کرتا رہتا ہوں
آپؐ کا نام میری بندگی ۔۔۔زندگی ہے
آپؐ محبو ب رب العالمین ۔۔۔آپؐ رحمت اللعالمین ہیں
آپؐ شافعِ محشر۔۔۔آپؐ حبیبِ خدا!
صلِ علیٰ۔۔۔صلِ علیٰ۔۔۔صلِ علیٰ
بہلول کافی دنوں سے حالتِ سفر میں تھا۔ میں بھی اُس کے ساتھ قدم سے قدم ملا کر چلنے کی کوشش میں گرمی کے تشدد اور صحرائی ہوائوں کے رقص سے بے حال تھا۔ جب سے بہلول کو پتہ چلا تھا ۔۔۔ کہ مجھے نثری نظم سے عشق ہے وہ تب سے مجھے گھنجلک باتیں نثری نظم کے انداز میں بڑی روانی اور آسانی سے سمجھانے لگا تھا۔ ایک دن جب ہم شام کے صحن میں لیٹے ہوئے ۔۔۔ صحرائی گرم ہوائوں میں آرام کرنے(رات بسر) کا سوچ رہے تھے۔ کہ نہ جانے کیسے ۔۔۔ اُس کی سوچوں میں نثری نظم اُتر آئی۔ وہ بولا۔۔۔نثری نظم خوب صورت اور دل آویز قدیم صنف ہے۔
یہ عہد الست سے موجودہ دور کے نشیب و فراز تک ، مزاجِ شفق کی دلیلوں کو فکری اساس کی وادیوں میں پروان چڑھانے میں لگی رہی ۔ یہ کٹھور اور سنگدل لمحوں کی طرف سے دی جانے والی اذیت سے نڈھال ضرور رہی، لیکن مری نہیں۔ اس کی وسعت...
Religion and marriage are two vital components of an individual’s life. Major world religions have guided human beings not only in theology but also in the matter related to marriage. Islam recognizes the need of its adherents for having matrimonial relationship with the women of the people of scripture in a pluralistic society. It has permitted its males followers for getting married with Christian females and vice versa is not permitted. In history, Muslims have been practicing such interfaith marriages and some of Muslim rulers also availed this relaxation. This paper discusses the marriages of Muslim rulers with Christian ladies enumerating various married couples. Among such rulers are included Umayyads caliphs, Spainish amirs, Ottoman sultans, Mughal emperor and some contemporary rulers. The effects of these interfaith marriages have also been analyzed.
A variety of web based applications, mobile apps and other Over the Top (OTT) data services with affordable 3G/4G enabled smart devices are major factors for an enormous increase in heterogeneous data traffic at enterprise and mobile networks. This creates challenges regarding traffic management and requires traffic-aware intelligent network management to deliver sustained quality of experience (QoE) for subscribers. Deep Packet Inspection and Analysis (DPIA) provides a base platform for development of traffic-aware intelligent network management and security systems like IDS, IPS, traffic management, Copyright Enforcement, Lawful Interception, Layer 7 Firewalls, application aware load-balancers, Leakage prevention systems and QoE/QoS measurement systems. However, computationally complex DPIA-related packet processing for high speed data traffic makes these systems expensive. Furthermore, conventionally these traffic-aware network management and security systems are deployed in enterprise networks with independent and dedicated DPIA-related processing resources and require multiple copies of passively provisioned high speed data from the network, while performing similar DPIA operations over the same data again and again. This duplicate deployment of expensive software and hardware resources for DPIA processing eventually results in higher capital expenditures (CAPEX) as well as operational expenditures (OPEX) for network operators. Based on the observations mentioned above, a shared DPIA-based network measurement, analysis and monitoring framework with heterogeneous services is required that could be configured as per feature requirements and should be deployed iv in a shared service mode to cut CAPEX/OPEX and make network operations tasks simpler. This thesis contributes in this active research area and proposes a novel service-oriented framework for heterogeneous Deep Packet Inspection and Analysis that simultaneously provides diversified DPIA services to multiple client applications for network management and security operations in high speed networks. The proposed framework is based on a service oriented approach with incorporation of state of the art implementations of multiple DPIA components and providing an abstraction for all DPIA related details. This novel framework provides a flexible and comprehensive API-based service interface for client applications to register any required DPIA services. The framework implementation is based on commodity hardware and it deploys a shared set of DPIA related packet processing components, requiring only a single copy of passive data provisioned from network. Experimental evaluations show that the novel framework requires a considerably reduced amount of software and hardware resources to fulfill heterogeneous DPIA packet processing requirements for multiple client applications in comparison to conventional network management and security applications with dedicated DPIA components that results in lower cost impacts for network operators with more network manageability.