شری مشرو والا
افسوس ہے کہ گزشتہ مہینہ گاندھی جی کے مشہور چیلے شری مشرو والا نے انتقال کیا، وہ ہریجن کے اڈیٹر اور گاندھی جی کے مشن کے سچے حامل و مبلغ تھے اور اس زمانہ میں جب کہ کانگریس اپنے اصولوں سے عملاً بالکل ہٹ گئی ہے اور کانگریسیوں کی اکثریت اقتدار کی ہوس، ذاتی اغراض اور فرقہ پرستی میں مبتلا ہے اور فرقہ پرستوں اور خود غرضوں کی قوت اتنی بڑھ گئی ہے کہ سچے کانگریسی بھی مشکل سے ان کے مقابلہ میں زبان کھولنے کی جرأت کرسکتے ہیں، مشرووالاجی اپنے اصولوں پر قائم تھے اور آخر دم تک نہایت دلیری کے ساتھ گانگریس کی غلط روی پر تنقید اور گاندھی جی کے اصولوں کی تبلیغ و اشاعت کا فرض انجام دیتے رہے انھوں نے ان کی تعلیمات پر متعدد کتابیں لکھی ہیں، اس خود غرضی اور فرقہ پرستی کے دور میں ایسے مخلص اور سچے کانگریسی کا اٹھ جانا ایک ناقابل تلافی نقصان ہے، ان کی موت سے متحدہ قومیت کا ایک بڑا ستون گرگیا، جس کی جگہ مدتوں نہ بھر سکے گی۔ (شاہ معین الدین ندوی، اکتوبر ۱۹۵۲ء)
We live in a global village. The cyber world has brought together people and shurnk the distences, yet multi cultural, multi ethinic and multi national has become the norm of the day. There is virtually no such place, no town, no village, city or state where people from diverse backgrounds speaking diffirent lagnuages and professing diffirent creeds live. This diveristy and variety is the essence of life. This paper analyzes various ways of establishing peace in the light of Islamic teachings. It finds out the causes of quarrels and disputes in different nations so that they may be prevented to make the world peaceful.
This study explored the influence on teachers' beliefs about the nature, learning, and teaching of science during a Secondary Science Visiting Teacher Program (VTP). The multiple case study design involved four Visiting Teachers (VTs) from different geographical sites and from different educational sectors i.e. Government and AKES, as the study participants. The Secondary Science VTP offered by the Aga Khan University Institute for Educational Development (AKU-IED) was an eight-week in-service professional development program for secondary science teachers which exposed the VTs to contemporary methods of teaching and learning in science. During the program, course participants were, in particular, introduced to a highly interactive approach to learning and teaching science. For the data collection, a variety of methods were used consisting of interviews, observations, post-lesson discussions, informal conversations, and document analysis. The research participants' beliefs were elicited before and during the later stage of the program using the earlier mentioned methods. It was found that all four VTs began the program holding a highly positivist view about the nature of science and regarded science largely as a body of knowledge comprised of facts and truths. No apparent or measurable change in their views about the nature of science was found as a consequence of having participated in the program. The study found that, although the VTs entered the program holding traditional beliefs about the learning and teaching of science, there was evidence of a noticeable shift in the respondents' beliefs from a transmission mode to one which was more constructivist in nature. That is, at the end of the program, the study participants viewed learning as a more active process whereby learners construct their own personal knowledge about science. Further, the program incorporated many strategies to facilitate conceptual change and appeared successful in challenging the VTs' incoming beliefs about the learning and the teaching of science. The study is seen to hold considerable implication for teacher education in other subject areas. Several recommendations for further research are presented in light of the study findings.