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Role of Sufism in personality development

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غلام فرید چشتی


محمد طاہر مصطفیٰ




University of Management & Technology



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تزکیہ نفس اور تعمیرِ شخصیت , فقہی مسائل , تصوف


2023-02-16 17:15:59


2023-02-19 12:20:59





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أثر الاستشراق في اللغة العربية وآدابها

Orientalism is related to literature, geography and cultural studies. Orientalists have great impact on Arabic literature in the latter half of past century. In this article, it has been discussed the impact of orientalism on Arabic literature. Along with impact, orientalists and its aesthetics will also be discussed. When the orientalism emerged? What are the reasons behind it? A detail note on the relation of orientalism to Arabic language will also be presented. What are the reasons that orientalists motivate to write in Arabic Literature as this is the main theme of this article. Contribution of orientalist to the Arabic literature, especially in translation and manuscripts is the core objective of this article. The article also shows how the Arabic literature influences by Orientalism.

Analysis of Peace Education in Secondary Schools of the Punjab

Peace education, through its essentially transformative nature, promotes the culture of peace by instilling certain peaceable attitudes and values in the minds of students. Development of a culture of peace is the pivot to a stable, progressing and prosperous society. Present study was designed to examine the existing situation of peace education in secondary schools of the Punjab. The ‗Affective Phase‘ of Castro & Galace Model of Peace Education (CGMPE) was used to carry out the whole process. The ‗Affective Phase‘ of CGMPE was composed of twelve (12) peaceable attitudes/values. Major objectives of the study were to analyse the curriculum of public secondary schools of the Punjab with reference to peace education; to explore the on-going peace education practices; and to assess the peaceable attitudes of students and teachers. Convergent Mixed Methods Design was employed to execute this study. Multistage sampling technique was used for sample selection. The study was conducted in two phases. Phase-1 was a desk study. During this phase textbooks of compulsory subjects (English, Urdu, Islamic Studies and Pakistan Studies) for grade 9 and 10 were analysed to see the existence of content on peaceable values. A self-developed content review format was used for this purpose. Phase-2 of this research endeavour was a mixed-methods field study. In this phase, 40 education managers (32 Headmasters/Headmistresses of the sampled schools; DEOs (SE) and CEOs of the 4 selected districts) were interviewed on a semi-structured interview schedule to explore the peace education practices in secondary schools. Data were also collected from 640 students and 160 secondary school teachers, by administering a questionnaire, to examine the level of their peaceable attitudes. Qualitative data were analysed by employing thematic analysis technique. Percentages and mean values were calculated to gauge the perceived level of peaceable attitudes of the respondents. Independent samples t-test was applied to compare the peaceable attitudes of secondary school teachers and students. Analysis of the data revealed that all the peace values had their representation in the textbooks, however, they had not been given equal consideration. Moreover, four of the peace values i.e. ‗Respect for Life/Nonviolence‘, ‗Gender Equality‘, ‗Cooperation‘ and ‗Openness and Tolerance‘ were least emphasized in the textbooks. It was also found that teachers usually tried to promote sense of ‗Cooperation‘, ‗Self-respect‘, ‗Ecological Concern‘ and ‗Compassion‘ whereas the peace values like ‗Gender Equality‘, ‗Global Concern‘, ‗Social Responsibility‘ and ‗Openness and Tolerance‘ were not focused at during regular teaching learning activities. Most of the teachers were allegedly found interested in preparing their students for getting good marks in the examinations instead of making them peaceful citizens. Moreover, it was revealed that both secondary school teachers and students maintained favourable attitudes towards all the peaceable values. Nonetheless, they had relatively less support for the peaceable values ‗Global Concern‘, ‗Openness and Tolerance‘, ‗Social Responsibility‘ and ‗Positive Vision‘. It was concluded that the four (out of twelve) peaceable values i.e. ‗Global Concern‘, ‗Openness and Tolerance‘, ‗Social Responsibility‘ and ‗Positive Vision‘ were less represented in the curriculum and teaching practices as well as relatively less supported by the students and teachers. It was recommended that sufficient reading material may be included in the curriculum at secondary education level. Present study is expected to pave the path for exploring new horizons for the researchers in the field of peace education in Pakistan.