پنڈت کشن پرشاد کول
پنڈت کشن پرشادکول لکھنؤ کے رہنے والے اور لکھنؤ کی پُرانی تہذیب اور روایات کی بڑی حسین یادگار تھے، اُردو زبان کے نکتہ سنج ونکتہ شناس، بلند پایہ ادیب اور بڑے صحیح الخیال اورنیک دل بزرگ تھے۔اُردو زبان اوراس کے ساتھ وابستہ کلچر اورتہذیب کے ساتھ اُن کوعشق تھا۔ یوپی میں اُردو کو علاقائی زبان بنانے کے لیے دستخطی مہم کی کامیابی زیادہ ترانھیں کی کوششوں کانتیجہ تھی۔اُردو سے متعلق ہرتحریک میں وہ سرگرمی سے حصّہ لیتے تھے۔ چنانچہ وفات سے کچھ دن پہلے ہی انھوں نے بہار میں اردو کانفرنس کی صدارت کی تھی اوراس میں بڑا اچھا خطبہ پڑھا تھا۔ اگرچہ وہ اب خود دنیا میں نہیں ہیں لیکن اپنے کردار وعمل اوراپنے اخلاق کاایک ایسا نقش چھوڑگئے ہیں کہ نئی نسلیں اُن سے بہت کچھ سبق حاصل کرسکتی ہیں۔ [ فروری ۱۹۵۵ء]
Media in its various forms has become a significant part of everyday social life. It influences both how we see ourselves and the world around us to some extent. At different screens of media, images of men and women are presented in different ways and with different characteristics. Studies have been conducted at large regarding representation of gender in movies and television drama serials. This paper was meant to be an addition to this vast canvas of research through analysis of gender representation in the comedy dramas of Pakistan. According to West and Zimmerman’s theory of ‘doing gender’, gender is performed by the people in their everyday actions and interactions. Keeping in view the concept of doing gender this study analyzed roles of males and females and tried to find out how different characters maintain their gender identities in comedy dramas. Results suggested that the characters were, at many places, observed to be acting contrary to the roles associated to their genders by the society. They did or performed gender to maintain their identities.
Simulated alignments are an alternative of benchmark alignments used to comparing the Multiple Sequence Alignments tools. The true evolutionary history of simulated sequence is most important motivation which is very valuable to generate accurate phylogenetic trees and alignments. Simulated alignments are also used to validate and investigate accuracy of multiple sequence alignments methods. The researcher can generate simulated alignments including varying sequence length, indel size, insertion rate, deletion rate and number of sequences. User may have to reconstruct the large number of simulated alignments using simulated tools which is very cumbersome and time consuming job. It is also required professional training and expertise for generation of such a big data. Currently there is no databank available which may help the researcher to download simulated alignments for their study. Major focus of our study is to develop database of simulated alignments (SAliBASE) with varying parameters including varying insertion rate, varying deletion rate, varying sequence length, varying number of sequences and varying number of indel size. For generation of sequence/alignments specifically we generate a collection of trees and use each as a guided tree in the alignments algorithm. For such big data analysis we will use R software that contains various types of packages (ape, base, boot, class, treesim etc.). We use package Treesim for the generating of phylogenetic Tree. Phylogenetic trees are used to describe the relationship among species and genes. Five types of parameters trees we generated using R in Newick format, which is the standard input tree format for simulated tools. We proposed indel-seq-gen simulated tool for generation of simulated alignments and sequences. As a part of this study comparative study of simulated alignments tools will also be conducted.