کس زباں سے ہم بتائیں ہم کو کیا اُنؐ سے ملا
منزلِ عرفانِ حق کا راستا اُنؐ سے ملا
نوریوں پہ نورِ صبحِ کُن فکاںؐ کی بارشیں
پیکرِ خاکی کو حسنِ دلربا اُنؐ سے ملا
لمسِ نعلینِ نبیؐ سے جن کو تابانی ملی
کہکشائوں کا حسیں تر سلسلہ اُن سے ملا
کس قدر خوش بخت ہے حسانؓ بن ثابت کی ذات
نعت کہنے ، پڑھنے ، سننے کا صلہ اُنؐ سے ملا
وادیِ طائف میں صبر و استقامت دیکھ کر
عزم و ہمت کا سبق ہم کو جدا اُنؐ سے ملا
اُنؐ کو خالق نے بنایا ، قاسمِؐ انعامِ کُل
جو ملا ، جب بھی ملا ، جتنا ملا ، اُنؐ سے ملا
جب بھی دی عرفانؔ نے دہلیزِ اقدس پر صدا
صدقۂ آلِ نبیؐ اُس کو سدا اُنؐ سے ملا
Mirza Bedil is a famous and well renowned poet of his era and after his era. His poetry has very poetically and lyrically characteristics, thoughts of his poetry also influenced on Urdu and Persian language. Even big poets of Urdu and Persian Ghalib and Iqbal inspired by Bedil’s poetry style and thoughts. Bedil’s poetry has many ethically manners, mystically thoughts, secrets of life and also thoughts of life’s movement to forward. In this article must present the ethically and good manners aspects of Bedil’s poetry, according to life, mystic, God, earth and other aspects of daily life.
The study was carried out with two scales especially constructed and validated on indigenous samples; namely School Children’s Problem Scale (SCPS) and a Self- Esteem Scale for children (SESC). The main study sample comprising 1571 school children (Boys 49% and Girls 51%) between ages 13-17 years were administered SCPS and SESC along with a demographic questionnaire. Factor analysis of SCPS revealed six factors (Anxiousness, Academic Problems, Aggression, Social Withdrawal, Feeling of Rejection and Psychosomatic Problems), and SESC, three positive factors (Academic Self Esteem, Self confidence, Social Confidence) and a negative factors of (Low Self Esteem). Going by the intensity of total scores on the SCPS 31% fell in the “severe” category (1SD above the mean) of these16% fell in the “very severe” category (2SD above the mean). By the frequency count, 21% of the sample scored above the 90th percentile. Five of the six subscales of SCPS were found to belong to the Internalizing category. The most frequently reported problem was Anxiousness, followed by Rejection which was a significant predictor of poor school performance and low self esteem. Results also showed that in line with the existing literature Emotional Behavioural Problems (EBP) were a strong predictor of poor school performance and low self esteem. Results are discussed in terms of global and local manifestation of EBP in school children in a traditional and collectivistic culture and their relationship with gender and socio demographic factors was explored. Clinical use of the scales and profile analysis is also illustrated.