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تفسیر ماجدی کی روشنی میں یہودیت و نصرانیت کا خصوصی مطالعہ

Thesis Info


محمد سرور


محمد عبداللہ




University of the Punjab



Degree Starting Year





تعارف تفاسیر , ماجدی , یہودیت و عیسائیت


2023-02-16 17:15:59


2023-02-16 22:08:49



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مولانا سیدابوالحسن علی ندوی
داعی الیٰ اﷲ کی وفات
افسوس اور سخت افسوس ہے کہ محفلِ دوشیں کا وہ چراغ سحر جو پچھلے برس ہی سے ضعف و مرض کے جھونکوں سے بجھ بجھ کر سنبھل جاتا تھا بالآخر ہمیشہ کے لیے بجھ گیا۔ یعنی اس دور کے بہت مقبول و مقدس بزرگ، دنیائے اسلام کے محبوب و محترم عالم، عرب و عجم کی سرمایہ افتخار و نازش ذات، شرق و غرب کی موقر و مکرم ہستی، ہر فرقہ و مذہب کے معزز و معتمد شخص، انسانیت کے پیام رساں اور علمبردار، مسلمانوں کے راہبر و رہنما، دین و مذہب کے عاشق و شیدائی، اسلام کے داعی و نقیب، ایمان و یقین کے حامل و مبلغ، عزیمت و جہاد کے پیکر، خانہ کعبہ کے کلید بردار، ہندوستان میں سرمایہ ملت کے نگہبان، ندوۃ العلماء کے ناظم، دارالمصنفین کے روح رواں، مسلم پرسنل لابورڈ اور دینی تعلیمی کونسل کے صدر، رابطہ عالمِ اسلامی اور مدینہ یونیورسٹی کے تاسیسی رکن، رابطہ ادب اسلامی کے بانی و صدر اسلامی سینٹر آکسفورڈ یونیورسٹی کے چیرمین اور ہندو بیرونِ ہند کے مختلف اداروں اور انجمنوں کے سربراہوں اور سرپرست حضرت مولانا سیدابوالحسن علی ندوی نے ۲۲؍ رمضان المبارک ۱۴۲۰؁ھ، ۳۱؍ دسمبر ۱۹۹۹؁ء کو اس سرائے فانی کو الوداع کہا، انا ﷲ وانا الیہ راجعون، اور اپنے لاکھوں عقیدت مندوں، قدردانوں، رفیقوں اور عزیزوں کو غم زدہ اور سوگوار چھوڑ کر زبان حال سے یہ کہتے ہوئے موت کی آغوش میں چلے گئے۔
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رویہ صارف (Consumer Behavior) اور اسلامی اخلاقیات

Consumer Behavior means behavior of consumers about buying goods and services in the market. Consumer behavior entails all activities associated with the purchase, use and disposal of goods and services, including the consumer emotional, mental and behavioral responses that precede or follow these activities. The following article discusses consumer behavior in the light of Islamic ethics, and explains different aspects of consumer behavior according to Islamic moral values and also given suggestions to consumers and marketers to adopt Islamic buying and selling behavior, which is beneficial not only for individual but also to human as a whole. The consumer behavior in the modern capitalist economy plays very important role, not only in consumption but also in the production and services.

Effect of Pq4r Study Strategy on Scholastic Achievement of Secondary School Students in Punjab Pakistan

In teaching learning process, emphasis is laid mostly on teacher centered approach, whereas it is responsibility of learner to learn the material. Teacher’s job is to teach the students learning methods and strategies. Cognitive psychologists emphasize to use the cognitive and metacognitive strategies for learning. There is a variety of study strategies being used in the West, to understand, store, retrieve and use information. PQ4R study strategy is one of them. However, in Pakistan, no evidence could be found in the area of research regarding this study strategy. The present study was an attempt to investigate the effect of PQ4R study strategy on scholastic achievement of secondary school students in the subject of Pakistan Studies. The accessible population of the study was 10th grade girls students studying in Govt. Girls Secondary Schools in District Rawalpindi. The sample school was selected out of 121 schools of District Rawalpindi through random sampling, and a sample of 104 girl students was randomly selected out of 390 girls students studying in the school. It was a pre-test post-test control group design of study which involved two variables. The independent variable was the PQ4R study strategy and the dependent variable was the scholastic achievement of students. The main objectives of the study were to measure the scholastic achievement of students at secondary school level before the experiment, to expose the experimental group to PQ4R method of study, to teach the control group through traditional method without using PQ4R method, to measure the scholastic achievement of experimental group and control group after the treatment, to compare the scholastic achievement of experimental group and control group after the experiment and to compare the scholastic achievement of high achievers and low achievers of experimental group and the control group after the treatment. The high achievers and low achievers were identified by using first and third quartiles. The data collected through pre-test and post-test were summarized through the use of measures of central tendency and variability. Significance difference between both the comparison groups in pre-test and post-test was analyzed by using t-test at 0.05 level of confidence. How the comparison groups were alike and unlike each other was analyzed through overlapping between the two. The Study results indicated that PQ4R was any effective study strategy that improved the scholastic achievement of students. Both the high achievers and low achievers improved in their scholastic achievement, however, high achievers took more advantage than the low achievers. These results are in line with the results of some previously conducted research studies such as Salim (2010); Rahim, et al. (2010); Bagherpour, Abdollahzadeh and Valipour (2009); Rodil (2009); Lee (2004); Ping (2000); Katayama and Robinson (2000); King (1992) and Faryal (2005). Teachers are recommended to teach the students the use of PQ4R learning strategy while teaching the content, students are recommended to use this strategy while studying the material. Curriculum designers are suggested to use this strategy in designing the curriculum, and this is much neglected but rich area for future researchers.