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تاں میں لکھی ایہہ غزل
جیوں کر تیل کڑاہی وچہ
دتا ہجر نے اینویں تل
ہنجواں نال پروئی جو
اگے قلم نہ سکدی چل
ہک واری تاں کول بلا
بیٹھے آن دوارا مل
تھکے کر فریاداں رو
تساڈے واسطے کوئی نہیں گل
تیرے ہتھاں دے وچہ جند
جیون ہے ہک جھٹ کہ پل
جیوندیاں تاں نہیں ملیا توں
ہُن تاں نال جنازے رَل
Abstrak Artikel ini bertujuan untuk mengungkapkan Implementasi Hafalan Al-Qur’an terhadap Hasil Belajar Siswa di Madrasah Aliyah Al-Huda Kota Gorontalo bahwasanya mengikuti program tahfiz peserta didik senantiasa terlatih untuk mempermantap bacaan Al-Qur’an mengetahui penerapan ilmu tajwid yang baik dan benar. Strategi implementasi hafalan Al-Qur’an bagi peserta didik ialah untuk menuntun siswa agar mudah dalam mengahafal Al-Qur’an, peserta didik yang ikut serta dalam program tahfiz rata-rata memiliki kemampuan yang baik dalam membaca Al-Qur’an yang baik dan benar berdasarkan kaidah tajwid, serta memiliki hafalan ayat-ayat Al-Qur’an yang nantinya menjadi bekal dasar untuk memperdalam ilmu pengetahuan agama. Implikasi penelitian ini adalah guru tahfiz di Madrasah Aliyah Al-Huda Kota Gorontalo terus meningkatkan sumber daya dalam strategi hafalan Al-Qur’an untuk menunjang proses kegiatan pembelajaran khususnya mata pelajaran yang membidangi Al-Qur’an seperti Al-Qur’an Hadist, Ilmu Al-Qur’an Tajwid dan Tahfiz. Kepada semua komponen yang ada di Madrasah Aliyah Al-Huda Kota Gorontalo yakni pihak yayasan, komite, orang tua dan kepala sekolah, diharapkan dapat bekerjasama untuk kelancaran program pendidikan terutama pada program tahfiz Al-Qur’an. Kata Kunci: Strategi, Hafalan Al-Qur’an, dan Hasil Belajar.
Much has been said and written about reflective practice, and in particular reflective dialogue but this has largely been limited to the West. Reflective dialogue is still very much an unexplored area in teacher education in Pakistan. This study, therefore, set out to explore what effects, if any, reflective dialogue has on teachers in a private school in Karachi. The study engaged four teachers from both primary and secondary schools in the process of reflective dialogue. It then looked at the teachers' responses to the process of reflective dialogue and its corresponding effect on them. Data on the uptake of reflective dialogue by these teachers and its effect on them was collected through observations, interviews, dialogue journals and oral reflective sessions. Findings from the study indicate that reflective dialogue is an alternative teacher professional development strategy. In addition, the study reveals that certain personal and professional characteristics are prerequisites for teachers to engage in reflection. These are open-mindedness, wholeheartedness, responsibility, a willingness to take risks, and accessibility to alternate ways of teaching. Furthermore, the study shows that teacher improvement is dependent on both the acquisition of pedagogical skills and the ability to reflect. The study illustrates that reflective dialogue does not only improve classroom practice, but also has an impact on the teacher's person. The study also highlights the significance of the role played by those who help teachers to become reflective (reflective coaches). It identifies what kind of functions the reflective coach would be expected to play in a context like the one that was under study. Recommendations for further inquiry in reflective dialogue as well as, by which reflective dialogue can become a reality in our schools, have also been suggested.