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Role of Indvidual and Civil Society towards the elimination of crimes۔

Thesis Info


ہدایت خان


محمد یوسف فاروقی




Allama Iqbal Open University


اسلام آباد

Degree Starting Year





فلسفہ سزا , معاشرت , احکام و مسائل


2023-02-16 17:15:59


2023-02-16 22:08:49





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مفتی انتظام اﷲ شہابی
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In this article meaning of Taradif (synonymity) and identical meanings are treated from diverse aspects. Its implications in Arabic language have been particularly focused one. The article deals with different thoughts of lexicographers in this regard. There are some lexicographers who of the opinion that there does not exist any taraduf and different words are used for different meanings. For instance they do not believe that Saif(ÿ) and Sarim (rju>) have any Taraduf between them. In fact, according to them they are used for two different meanings and hence they do not give identical meanings. There is another group of lexicographers who are supporters of the existence of taraduf in Arabic language. In this regard they present the examples of existence of about 100 words for the meaning of "LION". Such as asad (J-I) Ghazanfar (>~ÿ) and daraghim etc. They also argue that denial of taradufcan lead to many linguistic problems. Such as how one can/would translate the phrase (v V) without need of rephrasing to the phrase of (v eiiV)

Molecular Based Identification and Association of Mycobacterium Tuberculosis, Hbv and Hiv Virus in Patient Samples of Muzaffargarh District

Hepatitis is a major disease spreading more rapidly in all over Pakistan and its detection is increasing day by day. Knowledge of the distribution of Hepatitis B and HIV virus have important clinical implications since the efficacy of current and new therapies. The treatment of chronic Hepatitis B virus (HBV) infection has the potential to change significantly over the next few years as therapeutic regimens are rapidly evolving. However, the burden of chronic infection has not been quantified at the global level using the most recent data. Cohort and cross sectional study 534 blood samples randomly selected patients of pulmonary or extrapulmonary tuberculosis (T.B) was calculate utilizing Quantitative Polymerase chain reaction (qPCR). We examined Hepatitis B and HIV virus by ELISA and confirmation by qPCR. Risk factors estimated and study association among the triple or Co-infection of Hepatitis B virus, HIV virus, and mycobacterium tuberculosis in dissimilar period of life and groups of patients. Distribution of co-infection was diverse in regions. Decision between the 534 positive T.B patients analysis, 498 (93.2%) patients were negative and 36 (6.7%) were positive for HBV and 04 patients were positive for HIV (0.74%) by using the qPCR technique. The transference of HBV was estimated to have take place by and large between ages of 20-40, unmarried, poor and illiterate. Detection rate is high of HBV in males rather than females. There was developed a correlation between co-infection of HBV, HIV and tuberculosis patients due to low immunity and body mass index (BMI). We found that HBV can be effect on TB patients. Active tuberculosis is leading to the cause of death living with HBV and HIV virus. There is need for standard operating protocols (SOP?s) for better management of tuberculosis patients.