اْردو زبان و ادب کے طلبہ اور اساتذہ کے لیے ایک خوب صورت علمی تحفہ
ڈاکٹر عظیم اللہ جندران
میں سوچتا ہوں کہ اس گلستاں میں ہوسکے تو گلاب اْگائیں
وہ جس کا حرف حرف آگہی ہو، ورق ورق وہ کتاب اْگائیں
(پروفیسر اسلم انصاری)
درخت اپنے پھل سے پہچانا جاتا ہے۔اْستاد کی پہچان اس کے شاگرد ہوتے ہیں۔ عزیزم محترم نعمت اللہ ارشد گھمن راقم السطور کے شاگردانِ رشید میں شامل ہیں۔ موصوف کا شمار میرے نہایت مودب،مہذب ، ملنسار اور ممتاز شاگردوں میں ہوتا ہے۔ ماشاء اللہ تعالی! الحمدللہ!
یہ امر باعث مسرت ہے نعمت اللہ ارشد گھمن صاحب اپنے سروس کیریئر میں بفضل تعالیٰ جل جلالہ بطفیل مصطفیٰﷺ بتدریج ارتقائی مراحل کی طرف رواں دواں ہیں۔ شعبہ تعلیم میں معلم اور متعلم کے منصب پر فائز رہتے ہوئے جناب ِ گھمن اب مصنف، مولف، مرتب اور محقق کی پیشہ ورانہ جہات کی طرف قدم اٹھا رہے ہیں۔ بقول فاروق امیر:
نئی راہوں کو ہم نے کھوجنا ہے
نئے منظر، نظارے سوجھتے ہیں!
’’ مباحث:‘‘ محترم گھمن صاحب کی تازہ تصنیف و تالیف ہے۔ اس کتاب کا انتساب دو اساتذہ کرام کے نام ہے۔ کتاب کا اولین انتساب جس شخصیت کے نام ہے وہ مصنف و مولف کی والدہ محترمہ ہیں۔والدہ محترمہ کی گود ہر انسان کے لیے اولین درس گاہ ہے۔ پہلی دانش گاہ ہر ذی شعور کے لیے ماں کی گود ہی ہوتی ہے۔ انتساب میں دوسرا نام محترم'ڈاکتر فرتاش سید مرحوم" کا ہے۔
Teacher is the gaeway to the world of knoldge whatever be the level school, university or college(S.U. Jundran)
انتساب کے لیے یہ انتخاب اور انداز واقعی لائق تحسین اور لاجواب ہے۔ قابلِ تقلید بھی ہے۔
کتاب کا بنیادی موضوع" مباحث" ہے۔ یہ مباحث مندرجہ ذیل ابواب پر مشتمل ہیں:
تحقیق کے مباحث لسانیات کے مباحث تنقید کے مباحث...
Allah has created human being and gave him the power of intellectual understandings. To utilize and make positive use of this Allah sent Holy books for guidance. While, keeping the sequence of these books and the historical evolution of human mind, one can easily recognize the symmetrical progress in both. Human starts living in caves and through his intelligence created homes to live, tools to gain meal, and so on, till todays growth. As far as, evolution of Holy books is considered, Scriptures were revealed in different portions as human at that stage couldn’t write or store on pages or another source. Old Testament was revealed earlier. It is combination of Torah, Psalms and other books. In the context of Islam, Torah was the first book revealed on Hazrat Mosa, in which commandments were given as per the level of Bani Israel. Afterwards, Psalms, containing poetic way inspires Bani Israel after the Torah and the Bible Last Holy book in the generation of Israel, comprises of observational and experiential way, as required in that era. Holy Quran, compiled and final version of all the past version, is summary and elemental book. In which, descriptive, observational, experiential, poetic, logical, argumentative and comprehensive technique are present. These all shows, ultimate intellectual growth of human is being address in Holy Quran. As Human is now intellectually at its peak so the teaching and techniques used are at highest level of literature, showing the step by step evolution and association of Holy books with Human being.
Knowledge Networks are gaining momentum within cyber world. Knowledge leads to innovation and for this reason organizations focus on research and information gathering in order to gain and improve existing knowledge. In this age of information, which is primarily based on internet and world wide web technologies, enable significantly expanded networks of people to communicate and collaborate „virtually‟ across teams of the entire organization, across organizations and the world, anytime and anyplace. Therefore, wonderful innovations in computing and telecommunications have transformed the corporations from structured and manageable type to interwoven network of blurred boundaries such as; ad hoc networks and mobile wireless networks, semantic web technology etc. This study explores the means of knowledge networks in Information Technology and security leaks that are found and measures that are taken to counter this menace are coming up with optimal Secure Clustered Power Centric node network. The study estimates these measures, evaluating and integrating them to come up with a secured network design. This study seeks to establish these threats and attacks and counter security measures in Wireless Sensor Networks, Mobile Ad-hoc Networks and Semantic Web technology and propose architecture for the purpose of establishing secure routing in knowledge networks called Optimized Network Security Solution for Knowledge Networks – ONSS-KN. Design and development of power-aware, scalable and performance efficient routing protocols for Knowledge Networks (KNs) is an active area of research. In this dissertation, we show that insect colonies based intelligence – commonly referred to as Swarm Intelligence (SI) – provides an ideal metaphor for developing routing protocols for KNs because they consist of minimalists, autonomous individuals that through local interactions self-organize to produce system-level behaviors that show lifelong adaptability to changes and perturbations in an external environment. In this context, we propose a clustering and secure data routing protocol for KNs (iRoutCluster) – inspired by the foraging principles of honey bees. Qaisar Javaid (1094-212001) Page vi To conclude this study, we perform simulation studies to analyze and compare the performance of the final iRoutCluster design with existing protocols. The simulation results demonstrate that iRoutCluster outperforms its competitors in all assumed scenarios and metrics. We then implement the iRoutCluster protocol in MATLAB® simulator to further investigate its performance in mobile networks and large-scale static sensor networks. The results clearly show that iRoutCluster not only performs well in large-scale networks, but is equally good in MANETs as well. Therefore, iRoutCluster is a viable protocol for hybrid ad hoc networks.