انصاف کی فراہمی ترقی کازینہ
نحمدہ ونصلی علی رسولہ الکریم امّا بعد فاعوذ بااللہ من الشیطن الرجیم
بسم اللہ الرحمن الرحیم
معزز اسا تذہ کرام اور میرے ہم مکتب شاہینو!
آج مجھے جس موضوع پر لب کشائی کرنی ہے وہ ہے:’’انصاف کی فراہمی ترقی کازینہ‘‘
صدرِذی وقار!
اس دنیاو مافیہا میں انسان جہاں کہیں بھی آباد ہے وہ اس بات کا متمنی ہے کہ اسے اعلیٰ مقام مل جائے ، اس کو مقام ارفع پرمتمکن کر دیا جائے ، اسے زندگی کی جملہ راحتیں میسر آ جائیں ، اس کی زندگی کے اندھیرے اجالے میں بدل جائیں، اس کے گلشن ہستی میں بہار آجائے ، اس کے آنگن میں عروج وترقی کے گلہائے رنگارنگ کھل اٹھیں۔
جنابِ صدر!
اگر کوئی رشوت ستانی کے ذریعے، اقربا پروری کے ذریعے، کساد بازاری کے ذریعے، انارکی کے ذریعے، دھوکہ دہی کے ذریعے ، فریب کاری کے ذریعے، ڈاکہ زنی کے ذریعے، نمودونمائش کے ذریعے ، اور چرب زبانی کے ذریعے ترقی کی منازل طے کرناچاہتا ہے تو یہ اس کی خام خیالی ہے۔
عروج و ترقی کی منازل اگر طے کرنی ہیں تو اقلیم عقل وخرد کی فرمانروائی کو ترک کرنا ہوگا عقل کل کے تصور کی دلدل سے نکلنا ہو گا ، تساہل وغفلت کی عبا کو تار تار کرنا ہوگا، جہد مسلسل اور پیہم کد و کاوش کی خلعتِ فاخرہ کو زیب تن کرنا ہوگا مزید برآں عدل و انصاف کے دروازے پر دستک دینا ہوگی۔
جنابِ صدر!
قرآنِ مجید میں ارشادِ باری تعالیٰ ہے کہ ’’اعدلوھو اقرب للتقوی ‘‘ انصاف کرویہ تقو ی کے زیادہ قریب ہے، اورمتقی انسان دنیامیں مقامات رفیعہ کا وارث ہوتا ہے۔ اور آخرت میں بھی حور قصور کے وعدے اس کے لیے ہوتے ہیں ،متقی انسان کی عظمت کے ڈنکے دنیا اور آخرت میں بجائے جاتے ہیں۔...
The success of federalism in multiethnic societies greatly depends on fiscal decentralization. It empowers the provincial governments along with the local bodies at the grass root level. In this perspective fiscal decentralization needs structural arrangements in order to ensure revenue generation and appropriate expenditures. It helps to strengthen the national grid to avoid inter-provincial or intra-provincial discrepancies. This study illustrates the relationship between fiscal devolution and symmetrical horizontal economic development. It envisages the devolution plan (2001) introduced by former General Pervez Mushraff in Pakistan under which the Provincial Finance Commissions were established. This research would focus on Punjab as a case study to analyze the working of Provincial Finance Commission. This research tends to address the questions like what have been the patterns of fiscal decentralization in Pakistan? Did National Finance Commission and Provincial Finance Commission promote the principles of equitable devolution of resources in the divisible pool on the basis of need assessment? Could PFC be able to mitigate the intra-provincial disparities in Punjab? Did PFC take efficiency advantage in Punjab through the empowerment of local governments? This study would encompass the analysis of the resource allocation formula opted by the successive governments in the past till present and the counter arguments by the academia and the local body members. Qualitative and quantitative both methods would be used while incorporating primary as well secondary sources. This research concludes with the proposition that empowered local bodies and effective finance commission are the sine qua non of fiscal decentralization in democratic state like Pakistan.
Motion planning for mobile robots has several important applications in industry, planetary operations, defence, and medical automation. Planning an optimal path for nonholonomic (such as car-like) mobile robots is a vital aspect of this domain. Rapidlyexploring Random Tree Star (RRT*) has gained immense popularity due to its feasibility for path planning of non-holonomic mobile robots. Moreover, it does not require explicit information of environment obstacles and also supports complex high dimensional problems very well. Though RRT* is widely used method for path planning of mobile robots; slow convergence rate, large memory requirements and sub-optimal jagged paths are its proven problems. Such jagged paths consume more fuel and time during path following process and exert robot’s controller module also. Incorporating smoothness in jagged paths by satisfying differential constraints during planning phase increases the complexity of problem. Another solution is to use post processing smoothness techniques. However, after applying smoothness, resultant smooth path deviates the robot from planned path and introduces collision again. Since, most of the robots are battery operated; therefore planned path is required to be time and energy efficient, i.e., smooth and short. This thesis presents a comprehensive overview of state of the art path planning and path smoothing approaches. Secondly, a planning algorithm RRT*-Adjustable Bounds (RRT*-AB) is proposed to resolve the aforementioned issues in RRT*. The proposed planner has introduced novel strategies for space exploration and path optimization. Robustness and efficiency of proposed algorithm is tested using different environment maps of standard robotic datasets. These environment maps are cluttered with structured and unstructured obstacles, including narrow and complex maze cases. A thorough performance comparison along with numerical and theoretical complexity analysis of the proposed approach with state of the art techniques, i.e., RRT* and RRT*-Smart is also presented. Performance analysis shows that proposed approach has significantly improved path length, execution time and memory requirements even in narrow and dense environment. It has improved convergence rate up to 93 percent. Further, a path smoothing approach is applied to make the planner generated path feasible for non-holonomic mobile robots. The proposed smoothing approach uses clamped B-spline with automatic and economical control point adjustment while maintaining collision-free route. It also improves smooth path by eliminating post smoothness collisions, if any with desired smoothness. Proposed smoothing approach generates collision-free smooth path with reduced path length and execution time. In the end, thesis concludes with future research directions.